MEETING WAS MOVED TO 2ND THURSDAY BECAUSE OF A CONFLICT WITH HOLY THURSDAY. After rosary was offered for Robert v.V’s Brother: Frank Gillis’ Sister-in-Law, Denise; Jerry B’s Brother-in-law, Leonard Bigoner; & Bill G’s Cousin, Patty. Meeting opened at 7:18p.m. followed by Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS was conducted with the Chancellor, Financial Secretary and the 1st year Trustee all excused.

MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING were approved as read.

REPORT OF ADMISSIONS COMMITTEE was Ruben Sanchez received 1st & 2nd degree.

Peter Fregoso received 1st degree and D.D. took Robert Barcenas also to 1st degree.

FAMILY of the MONTH was Dan & Bernadette Burke. Thanks and Congratulations to the Burke family.

KNIGHT of the MONTH went to Edgar Velasco. Congratulations Edgar.

CERTIFICATES were read for David Nunez (1st & 2nd degree), also to Ruben Sanchez & Peter Fregoza.

TREASURER’S REPORT for March was beginning balance in Checking of $2,460.49

With deposits of $1.085.80

Disbursements of $1,104.08

End Balance of $2,442.21

Plus SAVINGS $12,604.38

GRAND TOTAL $15,046.59

READING OF RECEIPTS: Don Gonzalez $400.00 Convention delegate expenses advance

Paul Diaz 400.00 “ “ “ “ “ “

Columbian Charit 500.00 ‘365 club’ parade of G.K’s

F.S Denny 45.00 stamps

Omega Engraving 12.25 badges

F.S. Denny 2.60 poster

“Horseshoe” 75.00 convention hospitality room

“supreme 41.57 supreme supplies

Bill G. 53.61 Pizza for meeting

Manny P. 100.07 burrito breakfast supplies

COMMUNICATIONS: Breast Cancer ‘walk for life’ coming up Saturday 4-28 at “shoppes”

“Knight to remember” motion to donate $100.00 passed

There was also a letter concerning vehicle donation to “Ave Maria”

F.S. REPORT (given by treasurer in absence of F.S.) $1,032.45 in & $744.63 out for March

Dues needed from 13 members (changed by time of meeting)

Saint Margaret Mary Golf Tournament coming up 4-27-12

Quakes baseball tickets for July 3rd contact Joe Bok

‘Grab & Go Burrito Breakfast’ April 15

Officer’s Meeting 4-19

Corporate Communion 4-28 followed by dinner at “Papachino’s”

Next General meeting is 5-3 … officer’s meeting 5-17

State Convention May 18-19 Delegates G.K. Don G. & P.G.K. Paul Diaz

“Cooking Hot Dogs at RCC” on 4-28-12 for “March of Dimes”

Confirmation at St. Paul the Apostle on April 28th need 4th degree callout.

3rd degree at Fontana (Council #3041) on June 9th

PRAYER WAS OFFERED & Meeting ended at 8:10pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Joseph Bok (Recording Secretary)