Knights Kids Flexible Daily Schedule

/ Children arrive, hang up their belongings and participate in free choice activities. Each child is asked about their choice for lunch or if a milk is needed when a lunch is brought from home. Breakfast is ordered at 7:30 am for those that participate in the school food program.
Choice activities
/ Bathroom breaks and time to participate in free choice and table activities. Children that are enrolled in morning preschool depart.
Large Motor
/ Children enjoy outside play when feels like temperature is between 0 – 100 degrees, weather permitting. When we can’t go outside the options in the classroom include Cosmic Kids yoga, GoNoodle, S.M.A.R.T. Pre-K activities, games and musical movement.
Morning Snack / Children wash hands and eat.
Snack is provided by the Knights Kids program.

Morning Meeting
/ Children gather on the carpet to sing songs, talk about the calendar, weather, daily helpers, and discuss the theme/topic books and activities for the day. Children work in small groups on skill building activities at stations.
Choice activities
/ Bathroom breaks and time to participate in free choice and table activities. Children that are at morning preschool return.
Lunch in cafeteria / We leave classroom at 10:35 am in Kenyon and 10:55 am in Wanamingo to eat lunch.

Large Motor & Table Top
/ Activities in the gym or outside, weather permitting. Other options are Cosmic Kids and GoNoodle. When we are back in the classroom, children have bathroom break time and participate in manipulative activities at the tables.
Rest & Nap Time
/ Time to relax and rest our bodies while listening to classical music. For the children that don’t fall asleep, there is quiet table activities.Children that are enrolled in afternoon preschool leave at 12:30 pm.
Choice activities
/ Children have bathroom break when they get up from their nap. Time to participate in free choice and table activities.
Afternoon Snack / Children wash hands and eat.
Snack is provided by the Knights Kids program.

/ Read stories and look at books that are based on our topics and themes for the week. Children that are at afternoon preschool, return.
/ The remainder of the day includes project activities based on the weekly topic, table activities using manipulatives, Kid Desk computer and free choice activities throughout the classroom. Children prepare for departure by gathering their belongings.