05/27/2015 KCFD#18 Board Meeting Minutes
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Kitsap County Fire District #18
Board of Commissioners Meeting Minutes
May 27, 2015, 2015
Poulsbo Fire Department
Poulsbo, WA
Martin Sullivan Commissioner Darryl Milton Commissioner
David Ellingson Commissioner Conrad Green Commissioner
Jim Ingalls Commissioner Jeff Griffin Fire Chief
Bruce Peterson Staff Susan Gibbs Staff
Kevin Vay Staff Trevor Holmberg Staff
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Chair Sullivan at 4:00pm.
Approval of Agenda:
Commissioner Milton moved to approve the May 27, 2015 agenda with the correction of the June 23rd Kitsap County Fire Commissioners’ Meeting location to be at Bremerton Fire. Commissioner Ingalls seconded. Motion was called with a unanimous vote to approve the agenda.
Public Comment: None.
Executive Session: None.
Action Items:
1. Consent Agenda
Commissioner Ellingson moved to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Milton seconded. Motion was called with a unanimous vote to approve the 5/27/2015 consent agenda with the correction of the June 23rd Kitsap County Fire Commissioners’ Meeting location.
2. Commissioner Payroll (May)
Commissioner Ellingson moved to approve Commissioner Payroll in the amount of $1,938.00. Commissioner Milton seconded. Motion was called with a unanimous vote to approve Commissioner Payroll in the amount of $1,938.00 for May.
Discussion Items:
1. Search Dog Program We had our insurer review all the documents pertaining to a search dog program as directed by the board. There is only one remaining document between Jake and the department, which is now being drafted. We will bring it to the board as a packet for review.
Informational Items:
1. Overtime Report We have 6 people out on duty and non-duty injuries and illnesses, so we are experiencing an up-tic in overtime. We are expecting 3 - 4 of the 6 will be returning to duty next week.
2. Operations Report We discovered that Emergency Reporting, for a small fee, can create an operations report for us. The reports presented today are compiled from existing reports in Emergency Reporting that we have modified for this meeting. Chief briefly discussed staffing priorities with the board.
3. Month-to-Date Financial Report Chief Griffin explained that $36,138.42 has been recovered from the billing issue from a previous employee, and Systems Design has done a fantastic job recovering these funds. The tax revenue is reflected in this month’s report. Also, during the chief’s conference they had a chance to meet the core group in charge of policies for GEMT, which address what can be recovered. We should be able to recover a significant amount of dispatch and EMS Council costs. The only budget overspent is the uniform budget, due to the outfitting of our 3 new paramedics.
4. Bond Expenditure Report Chief Griffin discussed the bond expenditure report as presented. The first medic unit leaves on the 14th of June for re-chassis. Volunteers Joe & Tim will be driving the unit to Iowa. The apparatus committee meets next week for finalization of the engine specs before meeting with Spartan to go over them line by line.
Commissioner and Staff Comments:
Commissioner Milton was impressed with the recent tri-north meeting, and asked if this board should have a discussion on the reorganization of the EMS office? Chief Griffin says they are still having discussions, and will bring a recommendation to them at a later date.
Deputy Chief Peterson Brett got the Pierce Engine back together, and it is functioning quite well. As mentioned before, the first medic unit goes to Iowa for re-chassis in June. The part for the generator arrived, and we will be working around power outages during final installation steps.
Commissioner Ellingson stated that he received a briefing from CenCom regarding the different dispatch protocols in our county. He asked that CenCom provide him all of the different protocols in the county, in hopes they can review them and come up with a standardized protocol. At the County Fire Commissioners meeting: they received a call from the County Fire Marshal stating now is the time to investigate an ordinance for driveways, bridges, and culverts on private property. They will be meeting with County Fire Chiefs and the County Fire Marshal, then moving forward with a presentation to the County Fire Commissioners with an ordinance for approval.
Chief Griffin thanked the board for the opportunity to attend the Chief’s Conference; it was a very busy and productive week. He was re-elected to the board, so he will be serving another 2 years. Chief was able to drive out and observe the active fire this week, and our crew did a fantastic job along with Naval Base Kitsap, NKFR, and CKFR. Damage was minimal, and there were no injuries.
Public Comment: None.
Good of the Order:
· Next Regular Meeting, Wednesday, June 10, 2015 at 16:00
· Kitsap County Fire Commissioners’ Meeting Tuesday, June 23, 2015 Bremerton Fire, 911 Park Avenue
· WFCA Saturday Seminar, June 6th Campbell’s Chelan
· WFCA Annual Conference October 21-24, 2015, Tulalip Resort, Marysville
The meeting was adjourned by common consent at 5:20pm.
Susan Gibbs
KCFD #18 Acting Secretary to the Board