Shilparamam invites sealed tenders for Setting up Shilparamam at Kalingapatnam, Srikakulam district (1st Phase)
Tender notice no:1/235/Tenders/SACCS/SE/2015-16,
T.N. No: 1/235/Tenders/SACCS/SE/15-16, dt. 18.05.2015
Sealed tenders are invited in two cover system from the eligible class – I, Civil contractors, registered with Government as per G.O. Ms. No: 94, dt. 01.07.2003, who are experienced in similar nature of works for the following work.
Name of the work / Estimated contract value in Rs.Setting up Shilparamam at Kalingapatnam, Srikakulam district / 76,17,908.00
Interested contractors / Firms are requested to take the tender schedules form O/o Special Officer, Shilparamam, A.P., Madhapur, Hyderabad on payment of demand draft for Rs. 5,000.00 drawn in favour of Special Officer, Shilparamam, Hyderabad from dt.21.05.2015 to 15.06.2015 upto 1:00 PM. Filled & completed schedules be submitted at 3:00 PM on dt. 15.06.2015 in separate sealed covers i.e. cover ‘A’ for technical bid and cover ‘B’ for price bid in the O/o Executive Engineer, Shilparamam, A.P., Hyderabad. The technical bids will be opened on the same day at 4:00 PM and the financial bids will be opened for the qualified bidders only. The undersigned reserves the right to accept or reject the tenders in part or in full without assigning any reasons and he shall have sole discretion. For further details may view and contact mobile number: 8886652038
Sd/Smt. Chandana Khan, IAS (Retd)
Special Officer
(to accompany the tender schedule)
1. / Name of the work / Setting up Shilparamam at Kalingapatnam, Srikakulam district2. / Estimated Contract Value of work / Rs. 76,17,908.00
3. / EMD @ 1% on ECV
Rs. 77,000.00
Demand draft drawn in favour of Special Officer, Shilparamam, Hyderabad / DD. No:
4. / Copy of Contractor registration
5. / Copy of Experience Certificates
6. / Copy of PAN card and latest filing returns
7. / Copies of Income tax filing for last three years
8. / Copy of VAT registration and latest returns
9. / Type of contract system / LS
- Details of work and tenders
1 / Name of the work / Setting up Shilparamam at Kalingapatnam, Srikakulam District (1st phase)
2 / Estimate value / Rs.1,00,00,000.00
Estimated Contract Value / Rs. 76,17,908.00
3 / Price of the tender schedule to enclosed with application –
DD drawn in favour of Special Officer, Shilparamam, Hyderabad / Rs. 5,000.00 (non refundable)
4 / EMD @ 1% on ECV to be paid along with application at the time of purchasing tender schedule / Rs. 77,000.00
DD drawn in favour of Special Officer, Shilparamam, Hyderabad
5 / Date & time for receipt & closing of applications for issue Tender schedules / From Dt. 21.05.2015 from 10.30 AM
to 15.06.2015 upto 1:00 PM
6 / Date & time for receipt of Tender schedules / Dt.15.06.2015
3.00 PM
7 / Date & time for opening of Tender schedule / Dt. 15.06.2015
4.00 PM
8 / Period of completion of work / 5months
- Eligible Criteria:
1. / The bidder should be registered as Class – I contractor with Government as per G.O. MS. No: 94, dt. 01.07.2003 only and attested copy of the registration certificate should be submitted
2. / Tenderer must satisfy themselves in person, visit to the site of the proposed work and satisfaction of the plans and specifications
3. / Copies of latest income tax returns, VAT, experience etc., to be attested by gazetted officer should be enclosed.
(The all quantities mentioned as eligibility shall be met in any one financial year for last five years ) /
- Earth work for foundation
- Filling with useful available excavated earth
- Anti treatment (pre constructional chemical treatment)
- PCC 1:4:8 /1:5:10
- CRS /R.R. masonry
- Brick masonry (second class bricks)
- 110 mm brick masonry for partition walls
- VRCC M 20 nominal mix for footings, pedestals, columns, beams, lintels, slab and sunshades
- Plastering & impervious coats
- Flooring & skirting - Thandur blue / Shahabad (Kadapa slabs) / ceramic / decorated vitrified and skirting / dadooing with ceramic / vitrified and glazed tiles
- HYSD steel for RCC works
- Structural steel of MS angles, channels and trusses including Fabrication & errection
- Painting with water proof cement / emulsion / synthetic enamel /OBD
- Wooden doors & windows with grill / Ventilators /UPVC / MS windows & ventilators
a). The Tenderer who meet the required qualification criteria as above will be qualified only if their available bid capacity is more than the estimated contract values, which should becalculated based on ( 2 x A x N – B)
A= Maximum value of civil engineering works executed in any one year during the last five years
N=No. of years prescribed for completion of the work (9/12)
B=Value of existing works on hand duly certified by the competent authority
7. / Liquid assets / credit facilities shall not be less then Rs. 1.00 crore solvency certificate shall be enclosed
8. / Availability of critical equipment:
a). Concrete mixes- 1 No.
b). Steel centring-500.00 sq. m.
c). Pin vibrators- 2 nos.
d). Pan vibratos- 2 nos.
Contractor shall give undertaking on Rs. 100.00 non judicial stamp paper or any purchased invoice duly attested by the competent authority.
9. / Availability of key personnel: One Graduate Engineer & One Diploma Engineer. The relevant certificate shall be enclosed.
- General Conditions
1.Procedure for submission of tenders:
Shilparamam invites sealed tenders in two cover system,
- Should be enclosed in a sealedcover – Afor technical bid {it includes attested copies of Eligibility criteria, Experience, certificates of VAT, IT etc. + EMD DD for Rs.77,000/- (seventy seven thousand only) drawn in favour of Special Officer, Shilparamam, Hyderabad and all relevant certificate shown in eligibility criteria in tender
- Cover – B Price bid should be enclosed in a sealed cover for lowest price quoted
- Both (A & B) covers should be enclosed in a cover – C and sealed clearly super scribed as Tender for “ SETTING UP OF SHILPARAMAM AT KALINGAPATNAM, SRIKAKULAM DISTRICT” and dropped in tender box of Shilparamam Office
2.Opening of tenders:
- Technical bids will be opened on dt. 15.06.2015 at 4:00 PM in the presence of tenderers
- Based on the evaluation of the technical bids & eligibility financial bids (cover – B) will be opened in the presence of contactors, who qualified in technical bids on the date of specified and informs to the eligible tenderer in one day advance.
3.Shilparamam reserves the right to restrict the list of tenderers to any number it deems fit, if more number of applications are received satisfying the above criteria.
4.Shilparamam reserves the right to accept or reject any one or all the applications without assigning any reason.
5.The tenderers are requested to submit tenders along with necessary documents in support of eligibility criteria on or before15.06.2015 at 3:00 PM to the Special Officer, Shilparamam AP, Madhapur, Hyderabad – 500 081.
6.Tenders shall be submitted only in prescribed tender forms supplied by the Shilparamam
7.Tender documents not transferable
8.Change of description or specifications etc., in any form of the tender schedule by the firm / contractor is not allowed and will not be considered. If any noticed, the tenders will be rejected.
9.Conditional tenders are not accepted. Submission of tender would be construed as acceptance to all the terms and conditions of the tender which include conditions of contract specifications.
10.The authority nominated to decide the tenders’ reserves the right to postpone or cancel the opening of tenders, the right to change the venue of opening of tenders and also right to reject any tender without assigning any reasons.
11.The successful agency should execute the agreement within (7) days from the date of issue of work order along with all Original documents as specified in Tender schedule
12.The tenderers have to pay the balance Earnest Money Deposit @ 1 ½ % at the time of concluding agreement.
13.7.5% of the contract value will be deduced from the running bill of the work done by the contractor as a Further Security Deposit in addition to 2 ½ % of EMD and will be kept in Shilparamam and 5% will be released at the time of final bill
14.After completion of defect liability period as per the G.O., the balance security deposit will be released, if no defects are noticed in the work executed by the tenderer.
15.The contractor have to make his own arrangements to secure their materials at site and water & electricity are the obligation of the contractor
16.No advance payments released on work / material cost. The work executed will be measured and after evaluation of the deductions, the part bills will be recommended for payments
17.The submitted EMD @ 1% at the time of tender, will be returned to un- successful bidders after concluding the agreement by the successful bidder only
Accepted all conditions
Name of Work given in the Estimate: / Setting up of shilparamam at kalingapatnam, Srikakulam districta). Give brief description and location of work: Setting up of Shilparamam at Kalingapatnam, Srikakulam district District
b). ECV put to tender: Rs. 76,17,908.00
c). Period of completion: 5 months (five months only).
d). SSR adopted: Common SSR of 2014-2015
1.1The Demand Drafts in respect of EMD i.e. 1% i.e. Rs. 77,000/- on ECV shall be enclosed along with bid document should be submitted by the Tenderer to the Special Officer, Shilparamam, Hyderabad,
1.2The successful Tenderer is expected to complete the work within the time period specified in the Tender Notice.
1.4 The successful (L1) Tenderer shall furnish the hard copies of the all thedocuments/Certificates/statements by him at the time of concluding agreement for verification.
- Firms Eligible for Tender:
- The Firms who
i)Possess the valid registration in the class and category is satisfying all the conditions therein.
ii)are not blacklisted or debarred or suspended by the Government for whatever the reason, prohibiting them not to continue in the contracting business
iii)Have complied with the eligibility criteria specified are the eligible tenderers.
iv)Shall submit a copy of PAN card and last three years Income Tax returns
v)Shall submit a copy of VAT registration and filing certificates
vi)Shall submit copies of experience certificates in similar nature of works if any
2.2Firms ineligible to Tender:
i)A retired officer of the Govt. of AP or Govt. of India executing works is disqualified from tendering for a period of two years from the date of retirement without the prior permission of the Government.
ii)The Tenderer who has employed any retired officer as mentioned above shall be considered as an ineligible Tenderer.
iii)The contractor himself or any of his employees is found to be Gazetted Officer who retired from Government Service and had not obtained permission from the Government for accepting the contractor’s employment within a period of 2 years from the date of his retirement.
iv)The Contractor or any of his employees is found at any time after award of contract, to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the Contractor’s service.
v)Contractor shall not be eligible to tender for works in the division / circle where any of his near relatives are employed in the rank of Assistant Engineer or Assistant Executive Engineers and above on the Engineering side and Divisional Accounts Officer and above on the administrative side. The Contractor shall intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed. He shall also furnish a list of Gazetted /Non-Gazetted, State Government Employees related to him. Failure to furnish such information Tenderer is liable to be removed from the list of approved contractors and his contract is liable for cancellation.
Note: Near relatives include
- Sons, step sons, daughters, and stepdaughters.
- Son-in-law, and daughter-in-law.
- Brother-in-law, and sister-in-law.
- Brothers and Sisters.
- Father and Mother.
- Wife / Husband.
- Father-in-law and Mother-in-law
- Nephews, nieces, uncle and aunts
- Cousins and
- Any person residing with or dependent on the contractor.
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