Kirkliston Community Council
25 - 06 - 13
- Attendance
S. Lee, D. Buchanan, B. Brooks, J. Henderson, P. MacLeod, M. Elder, J. Paterson, P.C. Palin, Cllrs. L. Paterson, A. Shields, N. Work and 11 members of the public
B. Barrs – Inverdunning Ltd.
M. Towers – M.M.H. Architects
- Apologies
S. Boyack M.S.P., N. Davidson, M. Brechin
Dave Sinclair – CEC Environment Manager
- Minutes of Previous Meeting
Proposed by D. Buchanan and seconded by B. Brooks
- Matters Arising
- Noticeboard – order acknowledged; further issue with the CC emblem not being of the required resolution but that is hopefully now resolved
- Elections are being publicised on the website and Facebook Page; discussion last month about producing a leaflet, but after speaking with J. Conner, it appears we will be getting numerous leaflets provided by E. Hewitt
- Recycling – collections will now be 5 days per week at the Leisure Centre; Gateside, however, needs more uplifts
- Kirklands Bar – still no news
- Allotments – some progress is being made but there has been no word about who has been allocated the plots
- Defibrillator – J. Paterson still pursuing Scotmid, who may be able to provide one free
- Police Report
- There have been approx. 20 crimes in this area
- Parking issues are still a problem at the primary school
- Traffic wardens are required at the Buie roundabout and/or before the 30mph speed limit on the Stirling Road; M. Elder will contact P.C. Palin re the problems
- Cars are driving up on the pavements at the traffic lights in order to get passed cars waiting to turn – railings were suggested as an answer to this problem
- 20mph sign would be helpful at the Nursery
Period: / 1st to 21st June 2013
Rank/Name of Officer Attending / APS 4764 Philippa Campbell
During the month of June 2013 there were 29 crimes recorded as having been committed in the Kirkliston / Newbridge areas. Of these crimes 8 have been solved with the culprits being reported to the Procurator Fiscal or Children’s Reporter.The recorded crimes can be broken down as follows:
1 Road Traffic Offence
1 Communications Act
4 Breach of Peace
4 Vandalism
5 Theft
3 Theft motor vehicles
2 Theft Housebreaking
2 Theft Housebreaking (non dwelling)
4 Assault
1 Housebreaking with intent
1 Bail offence
1 Fireraising
WA03 – Kirkliston / Newbridge / Ratho Station
Crimes of note throughout this period
Date / Crime Type / Description6th – 7th June
20th June / Theft Housebreaking
Theft Housebreaking / Between stated dates entry was forced to a home at Buie Brae. The culprit made off having stolen various items from within and stealing the car. Enquiries are ongoing into this matter.
During the evening a house in Maitland Road was broken into and ransacked. Enquiries are ongoing.
Road Traffic Matters
There was 1 Vehicular Accidents reported to Police as having taken place during this period in the Kirkliston / Newbridge areas.These can be broken down as follows:
3rd June – Minor VA at the Gogar Roundabout
Edinburgh West Statistics
March 2013
Beat Area / Number of Calls / Area221 / Kirkliston/ Newbridge/ Ratho Station
WA04 / 175 / Queensferry & Dalmeny
WA05 / 151 / Barnton/Cramond/ Silverknowes
WE14 / 178 / Clermiston
WE15 / 125 / Craigmount/ East Craigs
WE16 / 146 / South Gyle
WM17 / 162 / Carrick Knowe
WM18 / 109 / Corstorphine
WM19 / 82 / Murrayfield
- Ambassador Homes
Planning – the material variations applications have been registered; planning consent should be granted; representations from K.C.C. have been made to H. Martin who will respond
Pike’s Pool – Nothing has been heard from C.E.C. regarding the transfer of land and there is a question over which department of C.E.C. should be responsible. Cllr. N. Work will take the lead for the three Councillors and chase this up. It was thought it would be the responsibility of the Estates Dept. and a brief is still to be drawn up.
Public Right of Way – there is a problem regarding this between Hopetoun Estate and Inverdunning. Inverdunning has tried to work alongside H.E. on this matter, but has had to stop as H.E. is not co-operating as they do not view it as a public right of way, but rather as their private land to do with as they wish. Indeed, H.E. has already dug it up. It is up to the villagers to prove it is a right of way, which looking at historical evidence appears to be the case. There is a questionnaire re the Right of Way Investigation and between 100 and 200 responses are required to make it stand. S. Lee will put it on Facebook and the website, M. Elder will distribute electronically and D. Buchanan will run off hard copies for distribution. Completed forms should be returned to the Library.
In the meantime the Ambassador Homes’ temporary path appears to have been reopened by unknown individuals; Inverdunning would be willing to leave that in place for a set period of time agreeable to C.E.C. to allow the Council to sort out the problem. The caveat would be that no vandalism takes place and that neighbours to the path are left in peace.
Inverdunning might be willing to contemplate a temporary path on the west side of the development as a compromise until the problem is resolved.
Inverdunning and Ambassador Homes were thanked for the time they have spent on consulting with K.C.C.
M. Elder will approach the Director of Planning and the Planning Convenor as it was felt that K.C.C. should not back down on the issue with Hopetoun Estates. It was stated that Scotways has not got the route registered as a Public Right of Way and that C.E.C. needs to get in touch with them as well as H.E. S. Lee will contact the Roads Dept. D. Buchanan will write to A. Bogle about the Section 75 agreement, in particular regarding the impact on local roads. Objections will be entered re the Planning Application to emphasise the local community’s need to preserve the right of way.
- Environmental Issues
Although D. Sinclair could not be present for family reasons, the following were mentioned in his absence –
- Bowling Green Path –there will be a Feasibility Study taking place in August. The path will have street lights and be made up to an acceptable standard but will not be adopted. Thanks were expressed to Cllr. L. Paterson for the work she has done in taking the issue forward.
- Grass Cutting – there is an improvement but more needs to be done. It was mentioned that the hedge between Manse and Stirling Roads is too high and the Crossing Patrol cannot see little children as a result. D. Buchanan will raise the issue at the Partnership meeting.S. Lee to bring to D. Sinclair’s attention that a number of planted areas were left too long to be cut, but also to recognise the good work done to bring the village up to scratch for the Gala Day.
- Gala Bunting – the village will be provided with more next year. D. Buchanan to raise at the Partnership meeting.S. Lee to raise with D. Sinclair the issue of criss-crossing the bunting
- Gala Storage – It is hoped by the Gala Committee would get the use of the KSQFC Pavilion for storage if KSQFC get the new containers it would like.
- Playparks – it would be better to have two or three bigger parks rather than various small ones in the new developments. S. Lee to raise issue with D. Sinclair
- Pump Park – this might be worth pursuing at the back of the Leisure Centre. This would cost in the region of £10000, but would be worth it as it would help in giving future teenagers somewhere to go. J. Paterson will investigate this.
- Leisure Centre – M. Elder to speak with KSQFC re charging money for the use of the artificial pitches. Any monies should be going to Edinburgh Leisure
- Missing Railings – path leading into Newmains Farm Lane; S. Lee to contact D. Sinclair about this and copy to N. Hoy. D. Buchanan to raise at Partnership meeting.
- Speed Limits – traffic calming; would be helpful to have the 30mph sign at Lochend Road moved further back; cameras on the traffic lights would be useful.
It was felt we need a review of our infrastructure and speed limits; perhaps we should put ourselves forward as a 20mph village. S. Lee to raise above issues with Roads Dept. and N. Hoy and give an invitation to the August meeting.
- Dog Fouling – wardens have been out
- Bin Locations – nothing has been heard; S. Lee to chase D. Sinclair for plan of local bins
- Norman Arch
- C. Cumming of ELGT has provided B. Douglas with some information. It would appear that CEC should be responsible for the Arch, but it may not have been adopted. S. Lee to pursue D. Cruikshank on this.
- Correspondence
- Connected Capital Programme - Newbridge Exchange will not be upgraded for high speed Broadband purposes. This will go on the Agenda for August
Correspondence List - For May 2013 KCC / Printed / Fwd
Item / Date / Source / Subject / Email? / Copy? / To CC?
1 / 27-May-13 / Ewen McCormick, Partnership & Info Mgr / Edinburgh's People Survey / Y / N / Y
2 / 27-May-13 / Andrew Burns, Leader, CEC / Council Leader's Report / Y / N / Y
3 / 29-May-13 / Eileen Hewitt, CC Liaison Officer, SfC, CEC / Town and Country Planning Info / Y / N / Y
4 / 31-May-13 / Gary McLelland, ESS / ESS Newsletter / Y / N / Y
5 / 31-May-13 / Eileen Hewitt, CC Liaison Officer, SfC, CEC / Community Council Elections / Y / N / Y
6 / 04-Jun-13 / Steve Lee, KCC Chair / Inverdunning Planning Applications / Y / N / Y
7 / 05-Jun-13 / Rachael Haworth, Planning Officer, CEC / Forth Bridge World Heritage Consult / Y / N / Y
8 / 10-Jun-13 / Ewen McCormick, Partnership & Info Mgr / Referral report to Neighbourhood Part / Y / N / Y
9 / 12-Jun-13 / Dave Sinclair, Environment Mgr, CEC / Public Right of Way Statement / Y / N / Y
10 / 05-Jun-12 / Norman Tinlin, EACC Secretary / EACC Agenda and Minutes / Y / N / Y
11 / 06-Jun-13 /
Connected Capital Programme
/ Programme Update / Y / N / Y
12 / 06-Jun-13 / Saty Kaur, Partnership/Comms, CEC / CEC Invest in Roads / Y / N / Y
13 / 06-Jun-13 / Scott Dobie / Community Centre Licence Application / Y / N / Y
14 / 07-Jun-13 / Audrey Primrose, Partnership Officer, SfC, CEC / NP Meeting 01/06/2013 / Y / N / Y
15 / 10-Jun-13 / Campbell Clark, Engagement Mgr, SfC, CEC / Recycling at KLC / Y / N / Y
16 / 13-Jun-13 / Audrey Primrose, Partnership Officer, SfC, CEC / Adoption/Maintain Bowling Club Path / Y / N / Y
17 / 13-Jun-13 / Audrey Primrose, Partnership Officer, SfC, CEC / Operation West Cipher 2 / Y / N / Y
18 / 20-Jun-13 / Jim Conner, Partnership Development Officer, SfC, CEC / Community Council Activity / Y / N / Y
19 / 20-Jun-13 / Gillian Johnston - Customer Relations Team, SfC, CEC / Almond Community Safety Forum / Y / N / Y
20 / 20-Jun-13 / Eileen Hewitt, CC Liaison Officer, SfC, CEC / Recycling survey / Y / N / Y
21 / 21-Jun-13 / Andrew Burns, Leader, CEC / Council Leader's Report / Y / N / Y
22 / 22-Jun-13 / Ben Barrs, on behalf of Inverdunning / Malting Site pictures / Y / N / Y
23 / 24-Jun-13 / Mark Elder, Secretary, KCC / Minutes of meeting with Hopetoun Estates / Y / N / Y
24 / 24-Jun-13 / PC Tony Palin / Crime Figures, June / Y / N / Y
- Planning - S. Lee will write in support of KSQFC
Planning Applications / Decisions – June 2013
Part One: Applications List
Alter and extend anexisting semidetached,
single storey
house, form a new
driveway access and
erect a double garage
within the rear garden.
19 Queensferry Road
EH29 9AG
13/01943/FUL / NGP Architects, Ed.
Fao Ken Drew
22 Walker Street
EH3 8EG / Mr. & Mrs Gemma &
John Easton,
19 Queensferry
EH29 9AG / delegated
decision / Registered
Due by
20.06.2013 / Francis Newton
0131 529 6435
Council: Kirkliston
Listed Category: CS
Kirkliston Conservation Area / Original consent (01/01855/ful) has been altered to provide 4 townhouses on this site with access from Manse Road.
Land Adjacent To
Newliston Road
13/02058/FUL / McLaren Murdoch + Hamilton, Ed.
FAO: Pamela Syme
2 West Coates
EH12 5JQ / Inverdunning Ltd.,
East Gogar
FK9 5QB / delegated decision /
Registered on:
Advertised on:
Site Notice posted on:14/06/2013
Comments Due by
05.07.2013 / Suzanne Walker
0131 529 3903
Community Council: Kirkliston
Housing - Local
Listed Category: CS
Kirkliston Conservation Area / Work commenced on site as whole in accordance with application 01/01855/FUL. These include mainly ground works and demolition of the existing Maltings buildings on safety grounds.
Land Adjacent To
Newliston Road
13/02066/FUL / McLaren Murdoch + Hamilton, Ed.
2 West Coates
EH12 5JQ / Inverdunning Ltd.,
East Gogar
FK9 5QB / delegated decision /
Registered on:
Advertised on:
Site Notice posted on:14/06/2013
Comments Due by
05.07.2013 / Suzanne Walker
0131 529 3903
Community Council: Kirkliston
Housing - Local
Erection of three pre-fabricated metal containers at Allison Park.
Carmel Road
13/02254/FUL / Michael Wright.
86 George Street
EH2 3BU / Kirkliston And South Queensferry F.C.,
35 Buie Brae
EH29 9FB / delegated decision /
Registered on:
Comments Due by
/ Suzanne Walker0131 529 3903
Community Council: Kirkliston
Other Developments - Local
Part Two: Decision List
Permission) / Renewal of consent for
application number
07/03703/FUL for the erection
of a house and associated
18 Bowling Green Road
EH29 9BG / Mrs Erskine,
72 Main Street
EH29 9AB / local delegated / GRANTED / 27 May 2013
(Advert Consent) / Erect twin-panel directional sign (as amended to reduce size and height)
Land Adjacent To
Newliston Road
Kirkliston / Ambassador Homes.,
Ambassador Group Head Office
231 St Vincent Street
G2 5QY / Delegated Decision / Granted / 4 June 2013
(Planning Permission) / Form driveway in front garden with dropped kerb and renewal of garden fence.
21 Almondside
EH29 9BD / Mr Alex Barnes.,
21 Almondside
EH29 9BD / local fastrack delegated / Granted / 3 June 2013
(Certificate of Lawfulness (proposed)) / Re-roof existing conservatory with supalite tiled roof.
7 Glendinning Drive
EH29 9HF / Mr Colin Hardie.,
Window And Door Factory
9 Kelvin Square
Houston Industrial Estate
EH54 5PF / fastrack delegated / Granted / 14 June 2013
- Treasurer’s Report
- Renewal notice from Scotways - £20.00
- Cash in Bank - £1414.91
- Santa’s Sleigh – August Agenda
- Funding Application
- Kirkliston Village Show is requesting £1000 to advertise the Show and to buy a display board for children’s work. The funding was approved with one abstention
- Chairman’s Report
- Increase in use of Facebook page
- Problem with the start/finish times of the development near Stewart Place; having spoken with Environmental Health, S. Lee discovered that work is permitted between 7.00a.m. and 7.00p.m. D. Buchanan will speak with the site agent
- Dalmeny Chord – is now delayed for 5 years
- S. Lee attended the F.R.C. Forum
- Recycling Survey to be completed
- Councillors’ Report – nothing which has not already been covered this evening
- A.O.C.B.
- Although the No. 38 bus advertises having free wi-fi, not all buses do seem to
- No late No. 38 for Festival goers – it was suggested that the No. 43 could be used
- Safer Routes to School discussion re the Nursery and what can be done to improve the situation. S. Lee to contact the Roads Dept. regarding local speed limits (try to get the whole village reduced to 20mph), the condition of the pavement just north of the Nursery (too narrow, poor condition, cars parked on it preventing access for buggies), the position of the 30mph limit signs and the proposed crossing on Queensferry Road funded by Section 75 monies from the former Scotmalt site.
- Public Realms – no manager has been appointed
- Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 27th August; 7.00pm Kirkliston Library