Date Last Reviewed 21.10.13

Kirklees st@y scheme

13 Cartwright Court

Bradley Business Park

Dyson Wood Way



01484 411860

Selection and Allocation Policy


Kirklees st@y is part of Horton Housing Association, which is a not for profit organisation that aims to provide accommodation for people in need of housing support who find it difficult to access mainstream services. This policy complements Horton Housing Association’s Selection and Allocation Policy, and can be read in conjunction with the Kirklees st@y Service Description and other relevant policies, particularly the Equality and Diversity Policy. All can be found on the web site:

Brief Description of Kirklees st@y

There are two elements to the service delivered by the Kirklees st@y scheme:

i) St@y in Kirklees-A generic floating support service for people who are at risk of homelessness, or need assistance with the maintenance of their tenancy.

ii) Bisc@y-A floating support service aimed at people who are threatened with, or displaced by eviction as a result of their anti-social behaviour.

Both are short term services, which mean support is expected to last no longer than two years.

Aims & Objectives

Our aims are:

  • To provide a high quality housing related support service to vulnerable people, which is responsive to their needs, circumstances and aspirations, in order to prevent them becoming homeless; and
  • To support and encourage clients to develop existing skills and gain confidence in their ability to manage their own homes.

Our objectives are to:

  • To work with people referred to the service to assess their support needs and draw up agreed plans of housing related support tailored to their individual needs and circumstances;
  • To work with our clients to enable them to gain confidence and develop the skills required to manage their home as independently as possible;
  • To engage positively with clients who are socially excluded and have difficulty in accessing services;
  • To identify and liaise with any additional source of support which may be required and make referrals or assist the client with accessing other relevant agencies for support, for example, Care Programme Approach Key Workers, Housing Officers, G.Ps, Benefits Agency;
  • To contact other agencies where there is concern for the client's well being;
  • To assist clients to resolve: -

i) Problems related to anti-social behaviour;

ii) Instances of harassment or abuse from others;

iii) Instances where their behaviour is creating a nuisance to other people;

  • To monitor and evaluate service provision;

Services Provided

The range of services provided can include the following:

  • Assistance in setting up and maintaining a home or tenancy.
  • Assistance with maximising welfare benefits income.
  • Assistance with establishing personal safety and security.
  • Advocacy and liaison with utility services or other relevant agencies.
  • Assistance with moving accommodation.
  • Emotional support during stressful times to try and prevent loss of accommodation through inability to cope.
  • Motivation to develop confidence around budgeting and domestic skills.
  • Encouragement to become more widely involved in community activities and to establish and maintain support networks where appropriate.
  • Advice with issues around home maintenance and self care.

Please note that the scheme is only able to provide housing related support. We are unable to provide assistance with personal care (e.g. cooking, cleaning, Home Care).

Eligibility Criteria for Kirklees st@y

To be eligible to receive services from the scheme, the applicant must meet the following essential criteria:

  • The applicant must be at risk of losing a home, or not accessing or sustaining a home, because of their support needs. (st@y Scheme)
  • Vulnerable and in need of housing related support in order to move towards independence or continue living independently. (st@y scheme)


  • They must be threatened with, or displaced by, eviction as a result of their anti-social behaviour. (bisc@y Scheme)


  • Applicants may be vulnerable as a result of age, mental illness, substance misuse, family breakdown or other factor that is affecting their ability to maintain their accommodation.
  • They must be willing to agree to and comply with a package of support. All clients will be asked to sign a Client Agreement form before the commencement of support services.
  • There must be a reasonable prospect of them being able to live independently (or at least more independently) within the approximately 2 years of the commencement of support.

Ineligibility for Kirklees st@y

Clients will only be denied a service for the following reasons:

i. In the opinion of the staff team, the risks involved in delivering the service are too great.

ii. It is felt that the needs of the client are beyond the scope of the scheme, or that there is little prospect of the client being able to move towards independent living.

iii. No specific support needs were identified during the assessment.

In all cases, clients who are denied a service have a right to appeal in accordance with the Association's Appeals Procedure. In the first instance, unsuccessful applicants should contact the scheme manager at the address given above.

Referral Procedure

Applicants may apply directly for the service, or a referral can be made on their behalf by a representative, for example a Social Worker, landlord (including Local Authority Housing Officers & RSL’s), CPN, Advice agency or any other party involved in supporting the applicant.

Referrals can be made in any of the following ways:

Telephone: 01484 411860

Fax: 01484 514807


In writing or in person:

st@y in Kirklees

13 Cartwright Court

Bradley Business Park

Dyson Wood Way




Assessment Procedure

Once we have the referral details, we will offer an initial assessment date, which will be within one week. This will be confirmed in writing. It will take place in the applicant's own home or at a mutually agreed venue.

All applicants will be assessed against the above criteria using an up-to-date version of the organisations Assessment Tool. This will include an interview with the applicant and a Risk Assessment. Whilst some of the information requested may be seen as intrusive, it will only be sought insofar as it is needed to enable an accurate analysis of the scheme’s ability to deliver a package of support. This is also an opportunity for the applicant to find out more about the service and decide whether they would like to take it up.

The assessment will be carried out by at least two members of staff, but may also include third parties invited by either the staff team or the applicant. Such third parties would normally only be invited in order to facilitate the process of carrying out an effective interview. Examples might include other professionals with more detailed knowledge of the applicant, or difficulties that they experience, an interpreter or a friend who is able to offer additional support.

Upon completion of the assessment, the assessors, who will consult more widely with the scheme manager or other colleagues where decisions are felt to be complicated, will consider the findings. A decision as to whether or not to offer a service will then be taken.

All information received will be treated in accordance with the organisation’s Confidentiality Policy.

If, following the assessment, it is felt that the applicant meets the criteria as outlined above, they will be contacted within one week and informed that they will be offered a service. Whilst this may be done verbally, confirmation will always be put in writing.

Equality and Diversity

HHA aims to provide equal, fair access and provision of services to all applicants and clients. We aim to eradicate discrimination and unfairness on any grounds including:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion and belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

We are committed to developing an organisational culture which values people from all sections of society and the contribution that each individual can make.

We recruit and train staff to make sure that they understand and are sensitive to particular needs of clients from minority ethnic communities and other disadvantaged groups.

A client’s right to be treated with respect and in confidence will be upheld by all members of our staff team.


The selection and allocation process will be monitored to identify potential areas of discrimination, assess changing patterns of need and to inform future strategies.

Our Contact Details

13 Cartwright Court

Bradley Business Park

Dyson Wood Way



01484 411860



Further information about Kirklees st@ycan be found in the Service Description, which is available from the scheme or from HHA’s website.