Dr.Andrew Pearlman

Dr. Jason Jones

Dr. Jackie Hawkhead

Repeat Prescriptions

Our aim is to provide the highest level of care for all our patients. We will always be willing to hear if there is any way that you think that we can improve the service we provide.


If you require regular medication on prescription a repeat prescription can be set up by your GP allowing you to order the items at set intervals without needing to see a doctor on every occasion.

If you are a new patient and have been receiving repeat prescriptions from your previous surgery you will need to see one of our GP’s to arrange this service.

Please place your order one week before you run out

Your prescription request must be in writing. If you don't have a computer generated repeat list, please make sure that you provide all the following details when requesting your repeat prescription: your name, address, date of birth, and the list of medicines that you require.

You may request a repeat prescription using any of the following methods

In person – Tick all the items you require on the order form and place in the prescriptions box on the reception counter

By Post – Tick all the items you require on the order form and post it to us

Online at In order to use this service you will need to obtain a user name and password from the surgery. Please contact reception for further details

Email – Please send your request to

Fax – please fax your request to 0844 477 3809

Please note we do not take repeat prescription requests over the telephone.

Some local pharmacies will manage the ordering of repeat prescriptions on your behalf. For further details please contact your local pharmacy

Karen Taylor, Practice Manager, will be pleased to deal with any complaint. She will explain the procedure to you and make sure that your concerns are dealt with promptly. You can make your complaint:

In person – ask to speak to Karen Taylor, Practice Manager

In writing – some complaints may be easier to explain in writing – please give as much information as you can, then send your complaint to the practice for the attention of Karen Taylor, Practice Manager, as soon as possible.


of the date when you raised it with us. We shall then be in a position to offer you an explanation, or a meeting with the people involved.

When we look into your complaint, we shall aim to:

Find out what happened and what went wrong

Make it possible for you to discuss the problem with those concerned, if you would like this

Make sure you receive an apology, where appropriate

Identify what we can do to make sure the problem doesn’t happen again.

Your prescription will be ready for collection from the surgery within 48 hoursof receiving your request, unless the doctor needs to see you.

For your safety, the doctor may need to see or speak to you before deciding whether to issue a prescription. If any of your items cannot be issued we will try to phone you to let you know. If we are unable to contact you then we can only let you know when you come to collect your prescription. Please ensure you let us know of any change of address or phone number, including mobiles.

You may arrange to have your prescription collected by one of the local pharmacies who operate a collection service. We will only allow your prescription to be collected by a pharmacy if you have provided us with authority. If you wish your prescription to be collected please advise a member of our reception team. You may change your mind about the collection of your prescription at any time by notifying our reception team.

We can only send out prescriptions in the post if you supply us with a self addressed stamped envelope.

Complaining on behalf of someone else

Please note that we keep strictly to the rules of medical confidentiality. If you are complaining on behalf of someone else, we have to know that you have his or her permission to do so. A note signed by the person concerned will be needed, unless they are incapable (because of illness) of providing this.


If you require your medicines delivered you must arrange this with your preferred pharmacy. We are not responsible for deliveries and all queries relating to home delivery should be taken up with the pharmacy direct.

The doctor may need to see you every so often to review your medication. This is to ensure:

  • Your medicines are working well for you
  • There are no adverse affects
  • There may be new alternatives to your current medication

If you have not attended for a medication review when advised of the need to do so we may not be able to issue your prescription.

Repeat prescriptions for the contraceptive pill will only be available for collection following a pill check with a member of the nursing team. At your appointment the nurse will check your blood pressure to ensure that you are not suffering any adverse affects of the pill.

Ensure you notify us of changes to your contact details

Order your medicines a week before you run out

Only order the items you need. If you have stopped taking any of your medicines please let us know

Attend for a medication review when advised to do so

For routine enquiries about your repeat prescriptions please contact a member of the reception team.

If you have any concerns regarding the medication you are taking please make an appointment to see one of our GP’s

If you wish to provide feedback or raise an issues with regard to our system for managing repeat prescriptions please contact our Practice Manager, Karen Taylor