Headteacher: Mrs S. MacDonald, B. Ed. (Hons) Tel. 01757 270282 Fax. 01757 270282
24th March 2016
Dear Parents,
RE: SIAMs Inspection
As many of you are aware, we were visited by a school inspector on 11th March who carried out a Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Primary Schools, or SIAMs inspection. The SIAMs inspection is a bit like an OFSTED inspection, but carried out by the Church of England. Unlike an OFSTED inspection, a SIAMS inspection specifically focuses on the effect that the Christian ethos of a church school has on the children and young people who attend it. They look at the school and see how it answers four key questions:
•How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners?
•What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?
•How effective is the Religious Education?
•How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a church school?
It is worth noting that a SIAMs inspector can only rate a school below, the same, or one grade above an OFSTED rating. As the current school OFSTED rating is ‘Requires Improvement’, the highest SIAM rating we could achieve was ‘Good’.
It is with great pride that I can tell you the school received a grading of ‘GOOD’!
A particularly positive part of this grading is that the inspector specifically identified the strength of the leadership team and the progress the children are making within the report. I would like to thank everyone at the school and the parents who took the time to speak to the inspector on the day; it is great seeing the school going from strength to strength!
If anyone has any questions or comments regarding the report, please feel free to get in touch with me.
Kind regards
Richard Keep
Trust, Friendship, Forgiveness