KAMHARep Tournaments
Frequently Asked Questions
Q/What teams are eligible to apply for the 2011 KAMHA tournaments?
a/All KAMHA 2011 representative tournaments are sanctioned for A and AA teams by the OMHA. For each age division of Novice, Atom, Peewee, Bantam and Midget, the divisions are further broken down with minor and major categories. Please note that as all KAMHA tournaments are sanctioned by the OMHA and only teams deemed eligible by the OMHA will be accepted for tournament play.
For eligibility, the team’s official 2011 roster must designate the team as A, AE, Roster Select or B.
For AA eligibility, the team’s official 2011 roster must designate the team as A or AA.
Teams wishing to register from other provinces and/or international teams may register and clarification of their team’s classification may be sought from the OMHA, OHF or Hockey Canada. If the final determination is that the team’s classification is not within eligibility rules, the team will not be granted access into the tournament.
Q/Is there a refund policy?
a/For circumstances beyond a registered team’s control, a full or partial refund will be granted on an individual basis. Once the final tournament schedule is released a partial refund will issued. In the event a team is ejected from the tournament for any reason, there will no refund issued.
Q/Will there be a gate fee?
a/We ask all families for a donation (optional) as a gate fee to be donated to the local Kingston Partner’s in Mission food bank and Martha’s table.
Q/Is there an appeal process?
a/The tournament rules allow for no appeals based on game play, team designation or any aspect of on and off ice officiating of the game.
Q/What is the minimum number of games and maximum number of games a team may play in the tournament?
a/All teams are guaranteed 4 games and a maximum of 6.
Q/How are teams classified and how is it decided who plays who.
a/Teams are accepted based on eligibility and are entered into the tournament on a first come first basis, i.e. the first team registered becomes team 1. Once entered into a division, game opponents are selected based on a 4 or 6 team format for that division.
Q/the division my team is in has other teams from my home association, parent association or teams at the highest level of competition for their official rostered classification.
a/The tournament organizers will place teams into the appropriate divisions based on the submission of official 2011 Roster as approved by the team’s parent association. Any misrepresentation or falsification of a submitted roster will result in the team being denied and/or ejected from the tournament. Tournament organizers can not be held responsible for the teams that are successfully entered into tournament play and are correctly placed by classification using the official 2011 approved roster.
Q/What are the hours for tournament play?
a/The tournament will commence Friday morning of the tournament weekend. The last scheduled game on Sunday of the tournament will commence approximately at 5:30 pm on the Sunday of the tournament. The tournament organizers will endeavour to maintain the tournament schedule but will be subject to change given actual game play, facility operational status and other unforeseen circumstances that are out of the tournament organizers control.
Q/What are the length of games?
a/For the October tournament, all games will be one hour in duration.
For the November and December tournaments, all games will be one hour and 15 minutes in duration.
Q/When will the final schedule be released?
a/The final schedule and rules will be released 3 weeks prior to the actual tournament date. The tournament organizers reserve the right to adjust the schedule if required and those adjustments will be communicated to all teams participating in the tournament. In addition, the final tournament rules will be released at the same time the final schedule is released. All tournament schedules and rules will also be available on the KAMHA website.