Kingsteignton School – Autumn term planning 2016

‘All about me’ / Colour and Festivals

Personal, Social, Emotional Development (PSED)
·  The children will:
·  Learn the class rules and expectations and ways to stay safe at school.
·  Learn to share and take turns and to use the ‘Chat Mat’ to begin to resolve their disagreements.
·  Talk about their favourite fruits and vegetables to eat and their particular likes and dislikes.
·  Learn about people less fortunate than themselves and how they can help them by working together.
·  Learn about similarities and differences between themselves and others, both physical and in personality.
·  Use the ‘black book of colour’ to learn about their senses and people with disabilities.
·  Talk about how to make others happy through the joy of giving linked to Christmas. / Communication and Language (CL)
The children will:
·  Play name games to introduce themselves to the class.
·  Identify interesting vocabulary in stories and use in daily life adding to a ‘wonderful word’ wall.
·  Read ‘Wow said the Owl’ by Tim Hopgood – children will go on a colour walk to stimulate talk about colours.
·  Read ‘The black book of colours’ by Menena Cottin and Rosana Faria
·  Extend their vocabulary by learning the names of unusual fruits and vegetables linked to Harvest.
·  Retell the story of Guy Fawkes through small world and role play.
·  Explore the meaning and sounds of new words – linked to fireworks e.g whizz, bang, explode.
·  Learn the Diwali story of Rama and Sita and act this out.
·  Talk about the similarities and differences between Christmas and Diwali.
·  Listen to and learn the Christmas story and act out the story of the nativity.
·  Develop narratives and their imagination through a Santa’s workshop role play.
·  Sequence the Christmas story and retell
Physical Development (PD)
The children will:
·  Use café independently to pour their own drink and butter their own toast.
·  Learn about healthy fruit and vegetables through their daily café routine.
·  Taste Indian food at café time to reinforce the topic of Diwali and make comparisons between food from our country.
·  Follow obstacle courses both blindfolded and not blindfolded with a friend to guide them and talk about the differences.
·  Learn to write their names.
·  Finger paint their names to develop fine motor skills.
·  Learn to use scissors cutting straight lines for owl’s feathers.
·  Learn the importance of staying safe on Bonfire night and the firework code.
·  Use their bodies to make firework movements.
·  Thread pasta to make jewellery for Rama and Sita.
·  Listen to Bollywood music and watch Bollywood dancing.
·  Create their own dance to Bollywood music.
·  Wrap Christmas presents using paper and sellotape.
·  Learn to form the anti-clockwise movement and retrace vertical lines. / Literacy – reading / writing
The children will:
·  Be introduced to their ‘really great writing file’ where they will store their independent writing produced from our daily continuous provision including writing challenges and Mr must tasks. Folders will be shared regularly with their peers and parents.
·  Learn to read their own and their friends names.
·  Make lists of their friend’s names in register school role play.
·  Write captions based on ’Wow said the owl’ about their trip Write captions about different objects and different colours based on ‘the black book of colour’
·  Match initial sounds and words to Autumn objects – e.g conker, leaf, stick
·  Write a Harvest prayer.
·  Use their phonic skills to write a list of firework sounds.
·  Write a Diwali card – using their tricky word ‘to’
·  Write a letter to Santa and walk to the post box to post it.
·  Write Christmas cards for their families.
·  Choose their favourite part of the Christmas story and write a caption to accompany it.
Maths – number / Shape / space and measure
The children will:
·  Measure their heights and compare their height with other children.
·  Learn to count sets of groups of children, e.g girls / boys / blonde hair / brown hair and introduce the language of more and fewer.
·  Autumn counting – leafs, conkers, trees.
·  Use a number line to count forwards and backwards linked to fireworks exploding.
·  Recreate shapes in Rangoli patterns.
·  Weigh and compare parcels in a Christmas role play post office.
·  Use 2D shapes to create Christmas pictures – e.g Christmas tree / snowman.
·  Learn to recognise numerals 0 -20 and beyond through the use of an advent calendar.
·  Learn to use the language of more, less, fewer appropriately in counting activities.
·  Learn to find one more or one less than a given number. / Understanding the World (UW)
The children will:
·  Look at seasonal changes and discuss Autumn.
·  Go on an Autumn walk and collect Autumn treasures.
·  Match real objects to colour cards on an Autumn walk.
·  Look at, name and describe unusual fruit and vegetables relating to Harvest festival.
·  Learn where apples come from and will make apple juice to drink at café.
·  Discuss rainbows and how they are made and use coloured prisms. Create rainbows using olive oil, water and sunshine.
·  Use view finders to explore the sky –what clouds look like explore in a range of materials in class (based on cloud land’ John Burningham)
·  The history of Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder plot.
·  Explore light through torches and shadows play.
·  Look at maps to locate where India is in comparison to England.
·  Use the iPadto take photos of work they are proud of for their learning journeys, they will also make short videos of their learning.
·  Use Espresso and Education City to complete simple programmes linked across all areas of their learning, this will continue across all three terms of the year.
·  Use talking tins to record and play back their voices to support language development in role play and small world activities this will continue throughout the year.
·  Operate a CD player to select and play their own music this will be available for children to access freely across the year.
Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)
The children will:
·  Use mirrors to observe their faces and to paint themselves.
·  Explore shades of colour through messy play with paint and sand.
·  Mix colours to create different shades and new colours.
·  Create collages of colours.
·  Read ‘Lucy’s picture’ and make a collage of different textures for a blind person.
·  Create pictures using autumn objects collected from our walk to Oakford Lawn.
·  Make rubbings of different types of leafs and trees.
·  Create a pretend bonfire using tissue and other kinds of paper.
·  Create firework pictures using a range of media – oil pastels / paint and toothbrushes.
·  Use the junk modelling to create a firework.
·  Create different sounds to represent fireworks using a range of instruments.
·  Create Rangoli patterns using chalk.
·  Make a clay diva lamp.
·  Create a shadow puppet and use it to devise a narrative.
·  Learn Christmas songs to perform to parents.
·  Make a range of Christmas themed craft through a Grandparents afternoon.
·  Print patterns with different shaped printers to create Christmas wrapping paper. / Thrive
The children will have a regular thrive input where they:
·  Learn the importance of safe touch through peer massage.
·  Develop a sense of trust between themselves and a partner.
·  Learn relaxation techniques.
·  Develop a bond with their massage partner.
·  Are given opportunities to feedback on how peer massage makes them feel.
The children will:
·  Find out about past and present events in their own lives and those of their families or friends.
·  Learn about similarities and differences between their own and other families.
·  Learn about the Christian tradition of a Harvest festival and the reasons for it.
·  Learn the Christmas story and talk about the reason for celebrating Christmas.
·  Learn how to make other people happy through the joy of giving.