Minutes of the Ninetieth Annual General Meeting of the Institution of Lighting Professionals held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow on 14 June 2017
1. Introduction
The President welcomed the 81 members present and the Chief Executive read the Notice of the Meeting.
2. Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence were received from:-
Paul Brownbridge, Patrick Baldrey, Rory Cameron, Judy Dommett-Knight, Graham Festenstein, Guy Harding, Chris Hardy, Bob Harper, Brian Hills, Fiona Horgan, Clive Lane, Mick Leech, Neil Macaulay, David McNair, Alan Muir, Peter Nasmith, David Paylor, Russ Pryce, John Rands, Derek Rogers, Michael Santiago, Mike Simpson, Nick Smith and Charlie Wadsworth.
3. Minutes
Rebecca Hatch proposed and Mark Johnson seconded that the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 15 June 2016 be approved.
4. Annual Report 2016
The President reminded the meeting that the Annual Report 2016 had been circulated to all members and was available on the Institution’s website.
He drew attention to its review of the year up to 31 December 2016 and commended it to the meeting.
5. Honorary Treasurer’s Report and Audited Accounts
The Honorary Treasurer presented the Summary Accounts and Financial Statements contained in the Annual Review and pointed out that full sets of accounts were available on request to any members.
He stated that ,in accordance with the required regulations, the accounts had been audited by Magma Audit LLP, Chartered Accountants, and approved and signed by the Institution’s Executive Board on 4 May 2017.
On the Statement of Financial Activities, turnover in 2016 was £737,439. The net movement in funds which includes gains on investment assets was £44,934. The net assets on the Balance Sheet at 31 December 2016 was £1,646,997, compared with £1,602,063 at 31 December 2015.
As required under the Trustees Act 2000, a meeting of the Executive Board was held in December with the Institution’s investment company, 121-Advice Ltd.
During the 12 months to 31st December 2016, the amended ILP portfolio continued to perform well, returning a net gain of 6.33%. This was achieved across a diversified, conservative portfolio of funds.
In December 2015 121-Advice Ltd advised the Executive Board to consider moving more of the portfolio to cash, which throughout the year represented almost 35% of the overall portfolio.
In 2017 the ILP will be recommending a cautionary approach to reinvesting part of the cash holding by phasing reinvestment over a 24 month period with a 12 month review of the asset allocation to take account of Brexit progress, and any other global economic factors which present themselves throughout the year.
A full set of ILP accounts is prepared each quarter and these are compared to the budget. The accounts are discussed and approved by the Executive Board.
The ILP’s Executive Board remains committed to providing value for money services and benefits to the members and account should be taken of the wide range of activities and initiatives carried out by the President, Vice Presidents, the Chief Executive and staff, and by members themselves. All of these people are to be congratulated on the excellent work which has been done during the year and it must not be forgotten that a lot of this is carried out by members in their own time, unpaid and with the generous support of their companies for which the ILP is very grateful.
As Honorary Treasurer, my thanks are due to the Executive Board, the various Committees, the President, SVP, VPs, the Chief Executive, staff at Rugby, my employer Atkins and my previous employer and finally to you, the members, for your continuing support of the Institution.
Special thanks should also go to Fiona Horgan for her support as Assistant Honorary Treasurer and I wish her well as she takes up the Honorary Treasurer role and as always, I would particularly like to thank Sarah Hartwell, the ILP’s Finance Manager, for all of her hard work and support over the year.
In conclusion Allan Howard proposed and Anthony Smith seconded that the submitted accounts be approved. This was endorsed by the meeting.
6. Appointment of Auditors
The Honorary Treasurer proposed and Mark Johnson seconded that Magma Chartered Accountants be reappointed as the Institution’s auditors for the forthcoming year. This was endorsed by the meeting.
7. Appointment of Scrutineers
The President proposed that Peter Harrison and Glynn Hook be appointed scrutineers for the forthcoming year both having agreed to serve in that capacity. The proposal was seconded by David Jones and was duly endorsed by the meeting.
8. Officers of the Executive Board 2017-2018
The President announced the names of the Executive Board as:-
President Alan Jaques
Immediate Past President Kevin Grigg
Senior Vice President Colin Fish
Honorary Treasurer Fiona Horgan
Assistant Honorary Treasurer Guy Harding
9. Any Other Business
There was no further business.
10. Installation of the President
The President thanked Mark Johnson who was retiring from the Board after 9 year’s service and who had continued to serve during a difficult period for the Institution.
He stated that his time as President over the last 18 months had been challenging and he congratulated Alan Jaques on his elevation to the Presidency alluding to an exciting year ahead.
He thanked the Chief Executive, fellow Board members and staff together with his employer Urbis Schreder for their support.
He referred to the ongoing review of Council, the ILP Regions and the Exterior Lighting Diploma adding that great effort was being made to meet the needs of members.
He stated that it had been a privilege to serve as President and then conferred the Badge of Office on the new President Alan Jaques.
The new President presented the outgoing President with a Past President’s Badge and certificate and conferred the Senior Vice President’s Badge on to the new holder of that office, Colin Fish.
11. Conclusion
The President thanked members for their attendance and formally closed the meeting.