Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 8 March 2017 at the Community Hall, Rydon Road, Kingsteignton at 7.00 pm
Chairman: Councillor D Rollason
Councillors: B Austen, R Bovey, S Marshall, C Meathrel, B Thorne,
G Wickham
Ex Officio: Councillors: R Peart
Town Clerk: Mrs C Lakin
F20/17 To receive apologies for absence and consider if the reason for the absence should be formally approved by the council
There were no apologies
F21/17 To receive any Declaration of Interest
The following Declarations of Interest were expressed under item F24/16 – Grant Applications:
· Cllr Austen – Post Meridian (Kingsteignton) Women’s Institute
· Cllr Peart – Friends of Kingsteignton Library, Kingsteignton/Orbec/La Vespiere Twinning Association
· Cllr Rollason – Kingsteignton Allotments & Leisure Gardeners Association, KingsCare,
· Cllr Wickham – Friends of Kingsteignton Library, Teignbridge Archaeological Society, Kingsteignton/Orbec/La Vespiere Twinning Association, Stover Canal
· Cllr Meathrel – Teignbridge Archaeological Society
F22/17 Minutes
The Chairman signed the minutes of the meeting held on 15 February, 2017 which had been agreed at the Full Council meeting
F23/17 Bills Paid and for Payment
The committee was passed a copy of the bills paid and for payment for February 2017 and the content was noted.
F24/16 Grant Applications (Budget £8,300) – to discuss and approve
Cllr Peart stood in for the chair for discussion on the grant for Kingsteignton Allotments & Leisure Gardeners Assoc.
Kingsteignton Allotments & Leisure Gardeners Assoc: (Local Government (Misc.Provision) Act 1976 s.19) Amount Requested: £250 towards purchase of wheeled strimmer to maintain communal perimeter areas surrounding members’ plots- project cost £400
Approved: £250
Rackerhayes Pre School: (Local Government Act 1972 s.137) Amount requested: £500 towards cost of 2 x folding tables from an educational catalogue, 2 x large rugs and Canon Camera – project cost £479.69
Approved: £200
Strokes Ahead: [Local Government (Misc. Provision) Act 1976 s.19 (a)] Amount Requested: £250 towards hire of mini bus to take their wheelchair users and their carers on a day out to Exmouth of the River Exe. Project Cost: £286.50
Approved: £200
Friends of Kingsteignton Library: (LGA 1972 s.137) Amount Requested: Any amount to enhance outside space. To cover cost of flower pots/troughs, plants and compost. Project Cost: £60,000
Approved: £200
Teignbridge Archaeological Society: LGA 1972 s.137) Amount Requested: £367.24 towards items required for measuring and recording several sites to archaeological standards. Project Cost: ££500
Approved: £200
Kingsteignton Tennis Club: (LG(MP)A 1976 s.19) Amount Requested: £250 to help maintain and improve the appearance of the club and sustain its future. Project Cost: £350
Approved: £250
Kingsteignton Orbec/La Vespiere: (LGA1972 s.137) Amount Requested: £300 to produce new flyers, posters and other promotional materials to be used for a leaflet drop around the new homes in the Town. Project Cost: £500/600
Approved: £250
1st Newton Abbot (Kingsteignton) Sea Scouts: (LGA1972 s.137) Amount Requested £250-£999 towards funding for a new fence to keep area safe around Scout Hut. Project Cost: £6160
Approved: £500
KingsCare League of Friends (LG(MP)A 1976 s.19) Amount Requested: £1805 towards a weekly slot at Kingsteignton Swimming Pool to encourage/support older/disabled people to swim. Project Cost: £1710
Approved: £1150
Newton Abbot Community Transport Association (LGA 1972 s.137) Amount Requested: £1500 to raise funds for a mobile Shopmobility unit that will take wheelchairs and scooters to events and provide outreach service to local towns that do not currently have Shopmobility like Kingsteignton. Project Cost: £38,500
Approved: £600
Stover Canal Trust: (LGA 1972 s.137) Amount Requested: £250 to purchase a table and exhibition boards. Project Cost: £330
Approved: £250
Kingsteignton Athletic Football Club: [LG(MP)A 1976 s.19 (a)] Amount Requested: £2000 to help fund a utility tractor for the maintenance of two pitches. Project Cost: £20,000
Approved: £2000
Watts Blake Bearne Judo Club: (LG(MP)A 1976 s.19) Amount Requested: £250 to provide Track Suit Tops embroidered with the Club logo for members to wear to competitions. Project Cost: £500
Approved: £250
Post Meridian (Kingsteignton) Women’s Institute: (LGA 1972 s.137) Amount Requested: £250 to purchase a Combino Microphone, speaker and amp unit Wi-Fi to enable everyone to hear at Group meetings. Project Cost: £350
Approved: £250
Veterans Support Group (Kingsteignton): (LGA 1972 s.137) Amount Requested: £999 to organise a day trip to the National Memorial Arboretum enabling participants to honour and pay respect to their comrades. Project Cost: £1374.32
Approved: £750
Kingsteignton Neighbourhood Policing Team: (LGA 1972 s.137) Amount Requested: £250 towards purchase of bicycle lights from Green Machine who are willing to offer lights at trade price. Project Cost: £1000
Approved: £250
KYDZ Kingsteignton Youth Drama Zone (LGA (MP)A 1976 s.19) Amount Requested: £250-500 to start an Adult Company and also an additional child session.
Approved: £250
South Devon Aspergers Group: (LGA 1972 s.137) Amount Requested: £750 towards the weekly group costs, as they would like to provide more activities, day trips and seasonal parties. Project Cost: £14k
Approved: £500
Grants under Business and Tourism Budget:
Resolved: Grants of £500 to Kings ‘Teignton Ram Roast Fair and £100 to Royal British Legion.
Cllr Rollason thanked Cllr Thorne for his work on the grants.
F25/17 To discuss job description and pay scale for appointment of Trainee Clerk
Resolved: Job Description is to understand all roles of the office and Clerk and to be able to carry out Project Management. Position is for 37 hours per week with a pay scale to be agreed according to ability and qualifications of between £7.50/£9.50 per hour. Advertisement to be placed in newspaper and on website as soon as possible
F26/17 To discuss purchase of Local Council Risk System Software as recommended by Internal Auditor
Resolved: In accordance with recommendations from Internal Auditor it was agreed that the Local Council Risk System Software should be purchased at a cost of £110 + vat
F27/17 To approve use of Cash from Hall Booking payments to be used to “top-up” Petty Cash and for Financial Regulations to be amended accordingly
Resolved: that cash booking payments should be used to “top up” Petty Cash to a limit of £150 with the necessary correcting entries being made in the accounts and amendments to the Financial Regulations
F28/17 Kingsteignton Bowling Club – Change of Licence to a Lease
This item was deferred as a response had not been received from the Solicitor as to the cost to change the Licence to a Lease
F29/17 Lloyds Bank – Opening of new Account – to approve Resolution
Councillors had been passed a copy of the Resolution, which needed approval prior to the opening of the Lloyds Bank Account.
Resolved: that the Resolution for opening an account at Lloyds Bank be accepted.
F30/17 To discuss sponsorship of Moor Otters from 1 June, 2017 to 15 September, 2017
Correspondence had been received from Dave Southern, Moor Otters, Dartmoor National Park Public Arts Initiative to ask if the Town Council would consider Hosting/Sponsoring a wonderful Moor Otter from 1 June, 2017 to 15 September, 2017.
Resolved: That the council will host/sponsor an Otter at a cost of £500. The Otter will be placed in Oakford Lawn with details of links to Cyclepaths, Hackney Marshes, Teigngrace and Stover Trail as other places for members of the public to visit. The Otter will stand on a plinth that is 4’ tall, 50cm square and will have ballast placed inside stand. Otter will be secured to this
F 31/17 LGA Business Rates Retention Spring Consultation event 2017
Councillors were informed of the LGA Business Rates Retention Spring Consultation event 2017 being held at Coaver Conference Room, Devon County Council on Monday 27 March, 2017 1pm for 1.30-4.00 pm.
F32/17 To discuss Lawn Mower Repair – whether should be repaired or replaced
The Ride on Mower that is used by Mr Turner is now 19 years old and whilst being serviced it has been highlighted that it needs serious repair as follows:
Replace the mower deck, new set of blades, mower deck drive belts and a replacement cooling fan for the transmission - £756.18 + vat
Three quotes have been received for a Husqvarna TS138 Petrol Ride on Mower, 97cm cutting width with collector:
a) £1480.83 + vat
b) £1701 + vat
c) £1607.50 + vat
Resolved: that a new Ride on Tractor Lawn Mower, with collector, be purchased from Radmore & Tucker (quote a) above). Company to ask if they will take our old machine in part exchange. If not then this should be sold.
F33/17 Correspondence
· Miss Katie Stoddart applied for funding from the Travel Fund and was invited to attend a council meeting to give a short presentation on her trip. She will be attending the Finance meeting being held on Wednesday 20 April, 2017
· Thank you letter received from Autumn Leaves for the donation from the Town Council for attending The Fountain Carol Service.
· Thank you letter received from Kingsteignton Tennis Club for their Grant received April, 2016
· Thank you letter from Friends of Kingsteignton Library for Elector Funds that they have received.
The meeting closed at 8.00 pm
Signed:………………………………….. Dated:…………………………….