Kindergarten Social Studies Content Expectations Survey May 2007

Please print and review the expectations for the Grade Level Content Expectations/High School Content Expectations you will review.

General Introduction (for all surveys K-HS)

Welcome to the Social Studies Content Expectations Survey.

The Social Studies Content Expectations you are about review provide a description of what students should know and be able to do from Kindergarten through the completion of high school. These expectations will guide curriculum and assessment development at the state level.

Thank you for participating in our survey. Your feedback is important. All suggestions will be reviewed by members of the internal review and writing groups, who will recommend revisions.

Thanks again for your participation.

Kindergarten Survey Introduction

Thank you for taking the time to complete the Kindergarten Social Studies Content Expectations Survey. Your input will be valuable in helping to develop the final Grade Level Content Expectations.

Please tell us about yourself.

1. Are you currently a resident of the State of Michigan?

_____ Yes_____ No

If not a Michigan residence, please identify state of residence.

2. What is the name of your school district or ISD/RESA?

3. Does this survey response represent a group consensus?

If yes, how many reviewers does your response represent?

4. What is your current position?

_____ Teacher

_____ Curriculum Specialist

_____ Administrator

_____ Independent Consultant

_____ University/Four Year College Professor/Instructor

_____ Community/Two Year College Professor/Instructor

_____ Professional Organization (Please note affiliation below)

_____ Business Representative

_____ Not for Profit Organization

_____ Parent

_____ Student

_____ Interested Citizen

_____ Comment

5. If employed in one of the above professional positions, then how long have you been in your


_____ 0 years

_____ 1-2 years

_____ 3-4 years

_____ 5-6 years

_____ 7-10 years

_____ 11-15 years

_____ 16-24 years

_____ 25+ years

6. If you would like to view the final results of this survey, please provide your email address in the space below.

Please review all draft expectations for Kindergarten Social Studies and respond to the statements that follow.

  1. The expectations represent an appropriate level of intellectual rigor for this grade level.

Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. The expectations are clearly written and presented in a logical, easy-to-use format.

Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. The expectations include enough specificity to guide the development of curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

10. Are any content expectations too broad?

_____ Yes_____ No

If yes, please list by code number.

11. Are any content expectations too concise?

_____ Yes_____ No

If yes, please list by code number.

12. The expectations focus on the content that is most important for students to learn.

Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. The expectations at this grade form the basis for a coherent social studies curriculum.

Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

  1. Use the space in the text box to comment on items 7-13.

Comment box

Grade-to-Grade Progression

  1. Did you review the expectations for the subsequent grade level?

_____ Yes_____ No

If yes, answer item 16.

  1. The expectations prepare students for the content expectations of the subsequent grade.

Strongly Agree AgreeDisagreeStrongly Disagree

17. What supports will you need to ensure that all students can meet these content expectations?

_____ Professional development

_____ Collegial support (e.g., networks of teachers meeting regularly to discuss curriculum

_____ Curriculum mapping/design support

_____ Sample instructional units

_____ Sample assessment items

_____ CE correlations to commonly used instructional materials

_____ Other, please specify

18. Please comment on the strengths of these Kindergarten Social Studies Content Expectations.

19. Do you have any general concerns about these Kindergarten Social Studies Content Expectations?

Closing Thank You Statement

Thank you for participating in this survey. Survey comments will be used to develop final expectations which will be submitted for national review and State Board of Education approval.

If you have any questions or comments, please forward them to

Susan Codere Kelly, Project Coordinator, at .