2013 TSA Summer Nights 4 v 4 Tournament
NOTE: The rules below notwithstanding, this event is hosted by the Tucson Soccer Academy to provide an opportunity for fun, small-sided games that can be enjoyed by all. It is not intended to provide anything other than enjoyment for all participants. We hope you will keep that in mind as you take pleasure in the second annual Summer Nights 4 v 4 Tournament!
For all competition in this tournament, the FIFA Laws of the Game will be used. The following Rules of Competition are also adopted:
- All youth age groups are based on individual player ages as of August 1, 2012. All players are required to have proof of age on hand. Acceptable forms of proof of age are: birth certificate, AYSA and US Club Soccer player passes, driver’s license, military I.D. card or state l.D. card. Foreign language birth certificates require a certified translation.The decision of the tournament directors on proof of age is final.
- Each team may roster up to six (6) players for the tournament, with a minimum of three (3) players needed per game to avoid forfeiting. There will be no goalkeepers. No roster changes may be made in the event of injury.
- Co-ed teams (adult division only) shall have two(2) female players on the field during games; co-ed teams forfeit games for which they are not able to field two (2) female players for each game. Youth co-ed teams having at least one boy will register as a boys’ team.
- Players of teams registered in adult divisions must be 18 years old or older.
- All team must wear matching jerseys, shorts and socks. Players must bring both a light and dark colored jersey. In the event both teams are wearing the same color jersey, a coin flip will determine which team must change. All jerseys must have a number on the back. Numbers cannot be duplicated within a team.
- Shin guards are required for all players; metal cleats are not permitted.
- Teams will be responsible for providing a game ball for each game (U6-U8: #3, U10-12: #4 ball, all others #5).
- All games will be two (2) 12-minute halves. Halftime for all games is two (2) minutes. There will be no stoppage time.
- Each twelve-minute half will be separated by a two-minute halftime period OR when a team reaches 12 goals, whichever comes first. A coin toss will determine the direction and possession before the start of the game. The team winning the coin toss will choose which goal to defend and the other team will kickoff.
- Games tied after regulation play shall end in a tie, except in playoffs. There will be no timeouts. Officials may stop the clock at their discretion. Tournament officials reserve the right to reduce, shorten, or reschedule games due to inclement weather or any other unforeseen circumstances.
- If a team is not present five (5) minutes after the scheduled game time start, a 3-0 forfeit win will be recorded for the opposing team.
- A goal may only be scored from a touch within a team’s offensive half of the field. If a player in the defensive half kicks the ball across the halfway line and the ball hits another player (offensive or defensive) and the ball goes in the goal, a goal will be awarded to the team originally kicking the ball from that team’s defensive half.
- SCORING – Teams will receive one (1) point for each goal scored, with a maximum of three (3) points per game.Each team shall receive three (3) points for a win, one (1) point for a tie, and zero (0) points for a loss. Each team shall receive one additional point for a shutout.
- SUBSTITUTIONS – Players may enter the field from the halfway line on any dead-ball situation, regardless of team possession, after receiving the referee’s approval.
- There are no offsideslaws.
- No slide tackling is permitted.
- In deadball situations, including kickoffs, defending players must stand at least five (5) yards away from the ball. If the defensive player’s goal area is closer than five (5) yards, the ball shall be placed five (5) yards from the goal area in line with the place of the foul. Failure to yield five (5)yards can result in the issue of a yellow card. Sideline restarts will be kick-ins.
- The start of play will be from the midpoint on the halfway line. The kick-off is an indirect kick and may be taken in any direction.
- All dead ball kicks (kick-ins, free kicks, end line kicks, kick-offs),with the exception of penalty kicks,are indirect.
- Goal kicks will be taken from the goal line.
- Penalty kicks shall be awarded if, in the opinion of the referee, a scoring opportunity was nullified by an infraction. The infraction does not automatically result in a red card. If a goal is not scored, the defense obtains possession with a goal kick.
- TIE-BREAKERS FOR PLAYOFF DETERMINATION– When two teams are tied for the same spot in the standings , the following criteria will be used to determine the winner:
- Head-to-head competition, then
- Goal differential, then
- Most goals scored, then
- Coin flip
- Situations or occurrences that these rules do not address shall be resolved at the discretion of the tournament director and the tournament committee. The tournament director and committee reserve the right to remove players/teams from the tournament for dangerous, careless or inappropriate behavior or actions.