Goals for First Grade Readiness
Child’s Name ______Teacher ______
These Kindergarten Georgia Standards of Excellence need to be met in order for a child to be successful in first grade.
Recognizes letters - ELAGSEKRF1d - Consistently recognizes and names all 52 upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
· In order for a student to meet this standard, he or she must be able to consistently identify all 52 upper and lowercase letters in random order. Consideration will be made for letter reversals, such as b/d and g/q/p.
Identifies rhyming words - ELAGSEKRF2a- Consistently distinguishes rhyming and non-rhyming words, as well as produces rhyming
words from a prompt.
· In order for a student to meet this standard, he or she must be able to tell the teacher if two random words rhyme or do not rhyme. He or she must also be able to produce a word that rhymes with a word the teacher gives. For example: cat and bat – yes, but dog and man - no: If the teacher provides the word cake, the student should give a word that rhymes with cake, such as fake or make. Nonsense words are accepted as long as they rhyme.
Produces letter sounds - ELAGSEKRF3a & b - Consistently produces the most frequent sounds for each consonant AND the long and
short vowel sounds for the five vowels.
· In order for a student to meet these standards, he or she must be able to produce the letter sound when shown the letter. Teachers will assess this skill using flashcards in random order and the student must produce the sound.
Reads sight words and selected text – ELAGSEKRF4 – Consistently reads at least 75 sight words and reads and comprehends
Level C books.
· In order for a student to meet this standard, he or she must be able to read at least 75 of the high frequency words introduced throughout the school year. A complete word list may be obtained from the teacher. In addition, the student must also be able to read and understand Level C books and have a Lexile Score of 90 or above. Students will apply phonics skills, sight word knowledge, and picture clues to read these books.
Retells stories – ELAGSEKRL1,2, and 3 – Consistently asks and answers questions about key details in story; consistently retells familiar stories; and consistently identifies characters, settings, and major events in a story.
· In order for a student to meet these standards, he or she should be able to tell the teacher important details in a story. He or she should also be able to ask questions. For example: The boy was walking down the street. He saw a ball. He played ball with his friends.
Displays beginning writing skills – ELAGSEKW3 – Consistently uses a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tells about the events in the correct order, and provides a reaction to the events.
· In order for a student to meet this standard, he or she will draw a picture to tell about a story. He or she will be able to tell the teacher what is happening and write about the events in order. The student will also be able to give a reaction to the story, such as, “It made me sad.”
Identifies 2-D and 3–D geometric shapes – MGSEK.G.2 – Consistently names triangles, rectangles, squares, circles,
hexagons, cubes, cones, cylinders, and spheres.
· In order for a student to meet this standard, he or she must be able to name the shapes listed above when shown them.
Counts sets and writes numerals 0-20 – MGSEK.CC.3 – Consistently writes numerals to label sets of up to 20 items and writes the numerals 0-20 in sequence.
· In order for a student to meet this standard, he or she must be able to write the numerals 0-20 in order. He or she must also be able to count sets of objects and write the numerals to show the amounts. The student can write a numeral backward (reversing a 3) but cannot write 13 as 31, because it changes the value of the number.
Counting and Cardinality – MGSEK.CC.4 – Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities; connects counting to
Compares sets – MGSEK.CC.6 – Consistently identifies whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group.
· In order for a student to meet this standard, he or she should count objects in one group and tell if it is greater than, less than, or equal to the number of objects in another group.
Represents addition and subtraction with objects – MGSEK.OA.1 – Represents addition and subtraction with objects,
fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds, acting out situations, verbal explanations, expressions, or equations.
Add and Subtract – MGSEK.OA.5 – Fluently adds and subtracts within 5.
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