Planning Commission Minutes

January 23, 2008Council Chambers

Wednesday, 7:00P.M.1000 Laurel Street

Call to Order 7:02:Chairperson Manley called the meeting to order and led the flag salute at 7:02 P.M.

Roll Call 7:03:Present were CommissionersCasey, Hash, Hilton, Manley, Miller,and Whalen.

Commissioner Casey moved to excuse Commissioner Swanson. Seconded by Commissioner Whalen. Motion passed 6-0.

Chairman’s Message 7:04

Chair Manley provided a brief message regarding the items he hopes to accomplish during 2008.

Staff Present:Planning & Community Development Director Emily Terrell

Council Members Present:Mayor Katrina Asay

Council Member Leonard Sanderson

Board Members Present:Lois Zaroudny, Park Board

Additions/Deletions 7:05:None

Citizen Comment Period 7:05: None

Review/Approval of November 28, 2007, Minutes 7:05:

Commissioner Casey moved to adopt the minutes of November 28, 2007, as amended. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Motion passed 6-0.

Amendments include:

  • Under Review/Approval of Minutes,changing the word “attendance” to Roll Call;
  • Under New Business item 6a. to include the reason for the revision of the work plan to indicate what the revision was: meeting with the Park and Economic Development Boards;
  • Under item 6b., striking the sentence in 6b and replacing it with, “Director Terrell indicated we have low impact development guidelines in the Municipal Code through the adoption of the 2005 Department of Ecology Stormwater Manual.”; and
  • Under item 6c; stating the purpose of the ordinance under discussion as removing the prohibition on the refresh rate of messages on readerboard signs.

New Business 7:10

6a.Introduction to Regulatory Reform7:10

Director Terrell provided information regarding regulatory reform stating it is a requirement of the state and defined the purpose of the reform is to streamline the land use permit review process. She stated there are no new development standards being created. The new code will merely revisewhat is currently in the code.

6b.Proposed Ordinance to limit living in recreation vehicles7:18:

Commissioner Hilton moved to table the discussion until the meeting of February27,2008. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Motion passed 6-0.

6c. Meeting topics for joint meeting with Economic Development and Park Boards 8:00

Chair Manley solicted volunteers to attend the Park and Economic Development Board meetings. Chair Manley will be attending the special Park Board meeting on January 31, 2008. Commissioner Whalen and possibly Commissioner Hilton will be attending the February 28, 2008, meeting of the Economic Development Board.

Speaking before the Commission:

Speaker / Address / Topic
Lois Zaroudny / Park Board Member / Date of Park Board Meeting

6d. Suggested language for a new ordinance to require construction of fences around subdivisions8:08

Director Terrell brought forth language to add the requirement of perimeter fencing around plats. After discussion, the Planning Commission amended the ordinance from the original presentation.

Commissioner Casey moved to add a new section titled 16.20.070 Perimeter Screening. Seconded by Commissioner Miller. Motion passed 6-0.

7. Proposed FebruaryMeeting Items 8:38:

A.Living in recreation vehicles

B.Regulatory Reform

8. Next Regular Meeting March 26, 2008

Adjournment: Commissioner Casey moved to adjourn, seconded by CommissionerHash. Motion passed 6-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:44 P.M.


Chairperson Manley


Emily Terrell, Director

Planning & Community Development

Minutes draft 01-23-08.doc 10/7/2018Page 1 of 3

Timestamp next to items indicates the time on the recorded CD when the item took place and is included for ease of reference.