Kindergarten Information

Class Time:Classes begin at 8:00a.m. and dismisses at 3:00. Any children arriving after that time or leaving early will be counted tardy or absent from class. Children arriving between 7:00– 7:15 will go to the gym. Between 7:15 and 7:45 they can go to breakfast if they wish or to the gym. If the children arrive after 7:45, they should report to their classroom.

Breakfast:If your child wishes to eat breakfast, he/she should report directly to the cafeteria upon arrival to school.

Milk Money:If your child wishes to have milk with their afternoon snack the cost is $.20 per day. Afternoon milks are not covered under the free or reduced lunch program. If your child qualifies for these programs and would like snack milk you will need to send the money in a lunch money envelope that goes to the office.

Ice cream:Ice cream is a snack option on Friday. If your child would like to have ice cream the cost is $.50. Please do not send ice cream money in the same envelope as milk or lunch money. The cafeteria keeps track of your child’s lunch and milk account, but I keep track of the ice cream money.

Snacks:Snack will be served in the afternoon. I am asking each family to send a box of non-perishable snacks for us to share at snack time. Some popular choice are graham crackers, dry cereal, vanilla wafers, raisins, etc. I will store these in the room until needed. I will send notes home when we need our supply replenished. I will occasionally ask for specific items for cooking projects.

School Bus:If your child in not going to ride the bus on a certain day please send a note letting the office know of the change. If I do not receive a note or a phone call your child will be placed on the bus. This is school policy. I cannot take the word of a sibling or the child. Please put your child’s bus number on their backpack, and confirm with the bus company that this is the correct bus.

Walkers:If your child is walking home or being picked up after school, they are expected to go the bridge on Eighth Street. A teacher will remain with them until they are picked up. This is where they should meet older brothers and sisters. The hallways are too crowded and confusing to arrange a meeting place there and the front of school can get very congested with bus traffic. When dropping your child off in the morning- please take them to the bridge. The bus lot is not a safe drop off place due to car and bus traffic.

Office Info. :Please make sure the office has your phone number and emergency numbers, in the event you cannot be reached, in case of illness. Please keep this information updated should it change.

School Supplies : Most supplies should be marked with your child’s name and replenished throughout the year. I will send a note home when something is needed.

Birthday Treats: If you would like to send treats for your child’s birthday we will serve them at snack time. The usual treats are cupcakes, doughnuts, or cookies. Summer birthdays can be celebrated at the beginning or end of the year, which ever you prefer.

Early Dismissal: In case of early dismissal due to the weather, please listen to the local radio stations. School closings will be announced on the radio stations and Channel 12.

Printing:When helping your child print his/her name, please have your child print the first letter upper case and the rest with lower case letters. Please refer to the letter formation hand out given to you at Open House as to the correct way to form the letters.

Notes/folders: During the year your child will bring notes home about various activities and homework. I will place these in your child’s folder (green plastic folder will be provided by the school), as will as any work that is being sent home. Please check your child’s folder and backpack each day. Please place notes you want me to read in the folder. I collect these each morning to check for notes, money envelopes or returned papers.

Sending Money: Please put your child’s money in an envelope with his/her name and what the money is for. It can be very confusing when I find a pile of loose change on my desk, or when a child hands me a dollar bill, but doesn’t remember why he was supposed to give it to me.

If you need to contact me for any reason, please feel free to call me:

School- 883-4500 ext. 3

Home- 883-7386


I am looking forward to working with you and your child this year. Thank you in advance for all of your help and cooperation.
