Matriculation Advisory Committee

March 28, 2006


Present:Nelines Colon-Paladini, Elaine Geismar, Evy Hasegawa, Carmen Ilano,

Janice Love, Alexandra Maeck, Will Marmolejo, Denise O’Dell, Juergen Pahl,

Renee Randolph, Maria Reisch, Ted Segal, Myra Siegel, Bernadette Solis,

Tyler Watkins

The February minutes were reviewed and approved.

Admissions – Will reported that the updated Recruitment/Matriculation video is up and running in the Admissions Lobby. Preview Day will be held on April 22nd – 9:30 am 1:00pm. Thirty thousand postcards were sent to the community. The EOPS outreach recruiters invited students from the local high schools and advertisements where placed in local papers. Tours, workshops, entertainment and refreshments will be offered. Faculty and staff will promote their disciplines.

Assessment – Janice distributed drafts of two new forms inresponse to a request for a signature form that displays a stronger language that their assessment score is final. Alexandra expressed concern that the language may appear too strong. Nelines recommended a header be added to the top of the form to express the importance of the placement test. Janice agreed to compose another draft. The voice mail will be updated. Saturday orientation was successfully held in the Administration lab. The next Saturday assessment test is scheduled for April 29th. Assessment scores are now available online.

Orientation – Ted reported three Saturday orientations are tentatively scheduled for July 22nd, August 5th, and August 12th. Orientation will begin in May for the Fall semester. Will recommended at least one Saturday orientation for Summer. Ted will look into it.

Counseling–Ted reported counselors met with Will to iron out counseling discrepancies. One hundred and seventy-five Dismissal letters were mailed. There was an increase of students requesting 2006/2007 educational plans for financial aid. The disqualification letters will now be personalized to include Denise Odell’s name as a contact person. Evy stated PD 40 (3 units) was approved for Fall 2006.

Follow-up - In response to an ongoing problem with the early alert process, Will and Evy have implemented a new process similar to what East LACollege uses. Students will know get a personalized letter instead of the dot matrix letter sent from the district. Juergen recommended an online formhowever due to other district projects it will not be possible to do at this time. Maria recommended the form be distributed to faculty that includes correct locations for students to receive assistance. Myra will check with Academic Senate to see if it needs an approval.

Research – We have purchased new software from Scantron. This will help the school create character recognition surveys. Training sessions will be held at the end of April.

Pre/Co-Requisites – Myra reportedthat although Allison has been incorporating pre-requistes courses that have completed their Title V updates and in new courses, the flags are not turned on due to the problems we are having with the courses that have electronically enforced pre-reqs right now. Maria stated that the curriculum committee assumed all courses had been updated and new courses were electronically enforced.

Coordination and Training – Myra reported that the student identification conversion is planned for July 21st. The committee is seeking representation from all areas that will be affected be the social security number changes. Programming is in place and the testing pilot will begin April 18th.

The next meeting will be Tuesday, April 25th, A.D. 207 2:00 p.m.