Demeter Association, Inc. Phone: 541-929-7148

PO Box 1390 Fax: 541-929-4387

Philomath, OR 97370 Email:


This application is for the following:

·  International Traders of Demeter certified raw materials/ finished products from other countries that are certified by a recognized Demeter organization (required).

·  Domestic label owners that have private label processing done by contracted co-processors. (required)

·  Traders of domestically produced Demeter certified finished product/ raw ingredients. (optional).

This application is ONLY for Traders of Demeter certified product. If you handle product in anyway (i.e. process, re-package, any kind of treatment, etc.), you need to complete an Organic Handlers Plan (OHP) and the OHP-Demeter addendum.





Phone: Fax: Email:

Representative: Title:

Phone: Email:

1.  Provide a complete list of products which you intend to trade. Submit labels for each product to be sold in the USA (labels must be approved by Demeter USA prior to printing and labeling).

2.  Attach a flow chart or provide a description of the product's movement from product/ ingredient receiving to finished product sale.

3. List all warehouse facilities used to store your product while under your control. Submit a Warehouse Questionnaire for all storage facilities.

4. For international and domestic product traders that are not label owners please list those from whom you buy Demeter certified product including the stage of the product at the point of purchase ( i.e. raw, semi-processed, fully processed), and type of packaging. Attach current Demeter certificates verifying the current Demeter certification of each product.

For international traders importing into the USA please note that there may need to be follow up between Demeter USA and the producer, and/or the international Demeter organization that certifies the producer, in order to verify that the US Demeter standards have been met.





5. Describe your audit procedures, including how you maintain control and identification of

product from receiving to sale. Product must be able to be tracked from incoming ingredients/products to final sales. Include a description on lot codes used and how they track a final product back to incoming ingredients or imported product. Attach sample documents.

Are shipments accompanied by a shipping certificate issued by the certifier? Yes No

Do these documents contain the source company’s name and lot number? Yes No

Does the shipment carry a Demeter designation on shipping documents? Yes No

6. What measures are taken to avoid contamination of Demeter product with prohibited materials during shipping and storage?

7. If you are trading fully processed products, do you have an agreement with your

supplier to notify you if there are any changes in product composition or raw material


Traders of products certified by Demeter USA using co-processors

If you are a domestic label owner/ producer and you contract out the processing/ packaging of your product please answer the following questions in addition to the questions above.

1.  Describe who sources ingredients and creates product formulations.

Submit an Individual Product Profile (IPP) for each product to be certified. Include current Demeter certificates for each ingredient in the formulation.

2.  Please explain what entities conduct the private label handling/processing of your products.

All processing, packaging and labeling facilities must hold current Demeter certification. Submit a current certificate for each facility utilized. If a facility is not currently certified, submit a processing application. These facilities will need to be inspected and become certified prior to selling and labeling product as Demeter Biodynamic.

3. If you are exporting products, complete the information for all exported products below.

Product Exported / Customer Name / Country / Is customer registered with the Demeter organization in their country?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No

I / We, the undersigned, agree to notify Demeter ASSOCIATION, INC. if any deviation from Standards, present company structure, source or composition of products is anticipated or necessitated. All Information given is true and correct to the best of MY/our knowledge.

I Will keep a copy of this document and all attachments for my files.

Name: Signature: Date:

Name: Signature: Date:

Submit completed form by email to or mail with payment and supporting documents to:

Demeter Association, Inc.

PO Box 1390

Philomath, OR 97370

Phone: (541) 929-7148

Fax: (541) 929-4387

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