Kim Brown’s ORTESOL Plenary References

November 2017

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Yi, Y. and Angay-Crowder, T. (2016). Multimodal pedagogies for teacher education in TESOL. TESOL Quarterly 50 (4), 988-998.

Laura Horani’s ORTESOL Plenary References

November 2017

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Boyden, G.A. (2012). Teacher and student perceptions of microaggressions in college classrooms.College Teaching, 60, 122-129. doi:10.1080/875675555.2012.654831

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Buxton, L. (2017). Ditching deficit thinking: changing to a culture of high expectations. Issues in Educational Research, 27(2), 198-214.

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Daniel, M.C. (2016) Critical pedagogy’s power in English language teaching.In. C. Hastings and L. Jacob (Eds.), Social justice in English language teaching (pp. 25-38). Alexandria, VA: TESOL International Association

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Diggles, K. (2014). Addressing racial awareness and color-blindness in higher education.New Directions for Teaching & Learning,2014(140), 31-44. doi:10.1002/tl.20111

Gummadam, P., Pittman, L.D., & Ioffe, M. (2016).School belonging, ethnic identity, and psychological adjustment among ethnic minority college students.The Journal of Experimental Education, 84(2), 289-306. doi: 10.1080/00220973.2015.1048844

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Kohli, R., & Solórzano, D. G. (2012). Teachers, please learn our names!: Racial microagressions and the K-12 classroom.Race Ethnicity and Education,15(4), 441-462. doi:10.1080/13613324.2012.674026

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Levin, J.S., Jackson-Boothby, A., Haberler, Z., & Walker, L. (2015). “Dangerous work”: Improving conditions for faculty of color in the community college. Community College Journal of Research and Practice, 39(9), 852-864. doi: 10.1080/10668926.2014.917596

Liggett, T. (2014). The mapping of a framework: Critical race theory and TESOL. Urban Review, 46, 112-124. doi: 10.1007/s11256-013-0254-5

Matias, C.E., Viesca, K.M., Garrison-Wade, D.F., Tandon, M., & Galindo, R. (2014). “What is critical whiteness doing in our nice field like critical race theory?” Applying CRT and CWS to understand the white imaginations of white teacher candidates.Equity & Excellence in Education, 47(3), 289-304. doi:10.1080/10665684.2014.933692

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Pérez Huber, L., & Solórzano, D. G. (2015).Visualizing everyday racism: Critical race theory, visual microaggressions, and the historical image of Mexican banditry.Qualitative Inquiry,21(3), 223-238.

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Rhodes, C.M. (2013). A study of culturally responsive teaching practices of adult ESOL and EAP teachers. Journal of Research and Practice for Adult Literacy, Secondary, and Basic Education, 2(3), 170-183.

Sleeter, C.E. (2017).Critical race theory and the whiteness of teacher education.Urban Education, 52(2), 155-169. doi:10.1177/0042085916668957

Solórzano, D. G. (1998).Critical race theory, race and gender microaggressions, and the experience of Chicana and Chicano scholars.Qualitative Studies in Education, 11(1), 121-136.

Suárez-Orozco, C., Casanova, S., Martin, M., Katsiaficas, D., Cuellar, V., Smith, N. A., & Dias, S. I. (2015). Toxic rain in class: Classroom interpersonal microaggressions.Educational Researcher, 44(3), 151-160.

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