REVISED: 9/28/16
All applications received at Central Office will be sent to a building administrator for review. The administrator, supervisor or director is responsible for scheduling interviews. Please note that prior to the interview the facilitator of the interview should closely look at:
· If applicable, a current valid CT certification and correct endorsement.
See “Endorsement Tab” at back of this book.
· Transcripts (if applicable, must be OFFICIAL, IN A SEALED ENVELOPE)
· Application (State of CT Statute)
· Resume
· References
· Teaching experience (if applicable)
Guidelines for Interviews
1. No interviewer shall mention salary, rate of pay or start date. (H.R will supply this information)
2. Be on time and show respect for all interviewees.
3. All questions must be clearly job related and include a determination of knowledge, skills, abilities and other requirements.
4. Ask only one question at a time and allow the applicant sufficient time to think about their response.
5. Questions should be developed to assess the requirements needed to perform the most important and time-consuming duties.
6. Avoid questions which elicit little information beyond “yes” or “no. Ask questions that generate applicant thinking.
7. Avoid talking more than the applicant.
8. If several applicants are being interviewed, all applicants should respond to the same questions.
9. Interviewers should not express surprise or dismay at the remarks of an applicant.
10. When closing the interview, ask if there are any questions. If the applicant is to be hired, please provide he/she with the next sheet provided.
11. If you deem the applicant acceptable for hire PLEASE GIVE APPLICANT FORM 002 (next page).
All applicants must have an appointment for completing new hire paperwork. Days available for completing new paperwork will be on: TUESDAYS 9:00-12:00 THURSDAYS 1:00-4:00.
No applicant shall begin work until all new hire paperwork is complete.
1. Call Central Office and notify the Superintendent’s office of your recommendation
2. Two reference calls must be made prior to the Superintendents interview, please anticipate the Superintendent’s inquiry related to reference calls. (FORM # 005)
3. Please complete Forms 003, 004, 005 and Access Control I.D Authorization Form and send to
the Superintendent’s office within 1 day of interview office with the applicant’s
original folder/packet of material.
4. The Superintendent’s office will call the applicant for the final interview after all of the above is received.
Please give this form to recommended applicant
All applicants must have an appointment for completing new hire paperwork. No applicant shall
begin work until all new hire paperwork is complete. Days available to complete new hire
paperwork are on;
TUESDAYS 9:00-12:00
THURSDAYS 1:00-4:00
For New Hire: please call central office at 860 779-6600 or Kim Burnham, at 860 779-6795
to make an appointment to complete new hire paperwork. Any person who has not worked for
Killingly Public Schools in 6 months will be considered a new employee, per CT Department of Labor.
For your first initial meeting with H.R, please bring with you;
1. Your Social Security Card
· Your Driver’s License (or acceptable photo id) Students can bring a Student ID card.
2. Teachers and Teacher substitutes please provide evidence of Bachelors’ Degree (official transcript in
a sealed envelope or diploma if you did not provide one in your original resume (a copy will be made.)
· Teachers to provide a copy of a current CT Teacher Certification
· Instructional Assistants in Title 1 schools are required to pass a Para-Pro Test (original),
or official sealed envelope transcript of Associates Degree or 2 years of college.
· Connecticut law requires fingerprinting of all new employees of school systems for state and national criminal history checks therefore, fingerprints can be obtained at any local police station or state police barracks (Danielson location hours for fingerprints are 8:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. or 12:00 a.m., 7 days a week). Please bring 2 forms of identification with you. One must be a photo ID. Acceptable ID’s are: driver’s license, passport and birth certificate. Please be sure to sign the 2 cards when the officer is signing the cards.
· A money order or certified bank check for $12.00 (effective 10/1/16) made payable to
Killingly Public Schools is required for fingerprint investigation. You will not be able to
substitute in the district without returning the fingerprint cards AND the certified bank check or a
money order.
Completed Fingerprint Cards (2 cards Federal and State – please use BLACK INK, (the Department of Public Safety card has 2 sides.)
FORM 003
Killingly Public Schools
Administrators: Please send this form to C.O with form 004 & 005
(For substitutes use Form 006)
FROM:______DATE: ______
I recommend that ______be appointed to the position of ______at ______(school/department/district).
Attached is a list of applicants interviewed (Form 004) for this position and the names of interviewers.
A total of ______applications were received for this position.
This applicant is being recommended for hire over the other candidates because______.
Applicable to Certified Teaching Positions Only:
1. Does the recommended candidate hold Connecticut Certification? YES NO
2. If yes, is the endorsement area appropriate for this certified position? YES NO
Effective July 1, 2001, Public Act 01-173 requires local and regional boards of education to "make a documented good faith effort to contact previous employers of the person in order to obtain information and recommendations which may be relevant to the person's fitness for employment."Please be certain to contact at least two previous employers of all applicants (certified or classified) under final
consideration for employment by the Killingly Board of Education. In addition to any specific questions that you may have regarding the skills and experience necessary for vacancy.
By signing below the administrator/supervisor verifies that at least 2 References have been made and the above is accurate.
Administrator/ Supervisor
Reminder: Please return forms 003, 004, and 005 with applicant’s packet and return to C.O within 1 day of interview.
For Central Office Use Only
This is a New Appointment/Replacement for ______.
Base Salary Step ______$______
Level ______
Years of Experience ______
Total Salary ______$______
Superintendent’s Signature Date
FORM 004
Killingly Public Schools
Interview Team/Person______
Name of Candidate Date of Sex Racial Code*
Interview Disposition
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
6. ______
7. ______
*Racial/sexual data is collected for statistical purposes only. The interviewer will indicate each candidate’s racial group and sex as perceived by the interviewer according to the following:
Total / White / Black / SpanishSurnamed American / Native
American / Asian
Islander / Disabled
Male /Female / M F / M F / M F / M F / M F / M F / Race and Sex of applicants
Race and Sex of applicants
Race and sex of applicants recommended
FORM 005
Effective July 1, 2001, Public Act 01-173 requires local and regional boards of education to "make a documented good faith effort to contact previous employers of the person in order to obtain information and recommendations which may be relevant
to the person's fitness for employment." Please be certain to contact at least two previous employers of all
applicants (certified or classified) under final consideration for employment by the Killingly Board of Education. In addition to any specific questions that you may have regarding the skills and experience necessary for vacancy.
#1 Reference
Applicant: ______Position Title:______
Name of Previous Employer/Supervisor/Other Reference:______
Date Contact:______
Title or Position of Previous Employer/Supervisor/Other Reference;______
1) What is your familiarity with (applicant)?______
2) How would you rate their job performance? Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Unacceptable
3) Has (applicant) been a subject of intensive supervision?______
4) Has (applicant) been under consideration for termination proceedings?______
5) Have there been any allegations of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct?______
6) How would you rate (applicant)'s attendance?______
7) If you had the opportunity, would you rehire (applicant)?______
#2 Reference
Name of Previous Employer/Supervisor/Other Reference:______
Date Contact:______
Title or Position of Previous Employer/Supervisor/Other Reference;______
1) What is your familiarity with (applicant)?______
2) How would you rate their job performance? Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Unacceptable
3) Has (applicant) been a subject of intensive supervision?______
4) Has (applicant) been under consideration for termination proceedings?______
5) Have there been any allegations of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct?______
6) How would you rate (applicant)'s attendance?______
7) If you had the opportunity, would you rehire (applicant)?______
FORM 006
Use this form for the Placement of
ALL SUBSTITUTES & Temporary Student Workers
Ct Statute Regulation 10145d-400-420.
LONG-TERM teacher substitutes must be interviewed by the principal and reference calls must be made. Please submit Form# 005 to H.R after reference calls are made.
If the long-term teacher substitute does not hold a valid Connecticut certification, the employing district must apply for a “Beyond 40- Day Limit” permit.
SHORT-TERM teacher sub is defined as anyone working less than 20 days in the same assignment. Must hold a bachelors’ degree.
If the certified teaching substitute assignment 40 days or more? YES NO
Is the applicant certified and holding the correct endorsement? YES NO
If unsure, please contact central office.
It will be the joint effort of LuAnn Goyette, administrative secretary and the substitute to track how many days she/he has worked. Comparative data from AESOP and the substitute’s time sheets will be used for this purpose. It is imperative that each day a substitute works be entered in AESOP.
I recommend that ______be appointed to the position of
(Circle one) Long Term or Short Term or Substitute or Diagnostic I.A or Student Worker
at ______(school/dept.)
If applicable, replacing who?______
Approximately how long?______On what date will this go into effect?______
Any other information that Central Office should be aware?______
Please submit this form to C.O with Form 005, (Reference Checks Form, not applicable for students)
Principal/ Supervisor/Director Signature
Central Office Use Only:
RATE Of PAY:$______per______.