St. Joseph of Cluny SS,

Killiney, Co. Dublin


RELIGION / The Bible – The Good News.
Know The Way. Orla Walsh. Veritas
Know The Way. Revision Worksheets A-D. Veritas
Know The Way. Revision Worksheets E-F. Veritas
ENGLISH / “Dive In”. O’Donovan/Kirwan. Folens
Novel: “Tuck Everlasting” Natalie Babbitt.
Dictionary – Oxford/Chambers
GAEILGE / Iontas 1. Y O’Toole & E Wade. Ed Co
English/Irish Dictionary. AnGúm. Collins.
A4 hardback
MATHS / Project Maths Common Introductory Course for First Year Maths. Text and Tests 1. O D Morris. Celtic Press.
Calculator: Casio (Scientific) FX-83GT Plus
Graph copy (A4).
Mathematical instruments.
A4 multipocket display folder
Maths tables & formulae approved for use in the State Exams. State Examinations Commission.
FRENCH / Bienvenue En France 1 (newest edition – 2011). Joseph Dunne. Folens.
French/English-English/French Dictionary. CS Fallon. Chambers Harrap.
1 hardback copy
1 copybook
1 plastic wallet folder
SCIENCE / Discovering Science Textbook (2nd Edition). John Cullen. Mentor.
Student Laboratory Notebook. John Cullen. Mentor.
A4 hardback notebook
White laboratory coat with student’s name clearly written on outside breast pocket.
BUSINESS STUDIES / Junior Cert Business – Euro Business – 3rd Edition. John Taylor. Folens.
MUSIC / “Bravo” Textbook and Workbook. MaritaKerin. Folens
A4 Manuscript copy
A4 hardback
SPHE / Healthy Living. North WesternHealthboard. Available from Wise Owl Dun Laoghaire (€6 approx)
A4 Push button plastic folder.
HISTORY / Timeline. De Buitléir, Henry, NyhanTonge. EdCo.
SPANISH / Primer Paso 1. Ann Harrow. Folens
Vamos a Escuchar (Junior Cert) Rosemary Graham. Folens
Spanish Verb Book. Folens
Collins Pocket Spanish Dictionary. Collins.
ICT / 1 USB Flash Drive Key – 4GB.
HOME ECONOMICS / Learning For Life Textbook & Workbook. Carmel Enright & Maureen Flynn. Folens
A4 hardback copy for recipes.
1 manuscript copy (A4 size)
Special apron for Home Ec – available from the school in August (€8). Produced in underprivileged area in Africa. All proceeds go to makers. Please label.
Box or tin with sewing requirements: sharp scissors, pins, sewing needles, embroidery threads, stitch ripper, good quality sewing thread, measuring tape & 2-3 felt squares. Please label/mark with name to avoid getting equipment mislaid.
Suitable container with secure lid for ingredients and finished dishes.
Wool/fabric required during the year – details during school year.
GEOGRAPHY / New Complete Geography. Fourth Edition. Charles Hayes. Gill & MacMillan.
New Complete Geography Workbook. Fourth Edition. Charles Hayes. Gill & MacMillan.
A4 hardback copy
ART / No Art Materials to be purchased – only from the school as stated below.
Each student is required to have an individual ‘Art Pack’. These art packs are available from the school at the beginning of term at a price of approx €60. This is very good value as a discount has been arranged by the school. The fee will be confirmed to students in their first art class, they can then bring the fee to class in an envelope with their name on it.
Students must have an old shirt or smock for Art – this is to protect your uniform.
Ringbinder with 50 polypockets and packet of dividers (for Art only).
Button clip A4 plastic folder.
Please label all equipment with name and class to avoid getting equipment mislaid.
CSPE / Make A Difference. Third Edition. ConorHarrison & MairinWilson. Folens.
HOMEWORK JOURNAL / A special journal has been designed for St Joseph of Cluny students. Each student will receive a copy in September.
Please Note
Students will require access to a computer/laptop, a printer and a supply of ink at home during the year.
Tuesday 28 August 2012
9.00 – 9.30am
9.30am – 12.30pm
No books required for Induction Session – pen and paper sufficient

St. Joseph of Cluny SS,

Killiney, Co. Dublin


RELIGION / The Bible – The Good News
Know The Way. Orla Walsh. Veritas.
Know The Way Revision Worksheets A-D. Veritas
Know The Way Revision Worksheets E-F. Veritas.
ENGLISH / “Take The Plunge”. O’Donovan/Kirwan. Folens
Romeo & Juliet. Shakespeare. P Murray. EdCo.
“Of Mice And Men”. J Steinbeck. Penguin
GAEILGE / Gnáthléibhéal(Ordinary Level)
KeepFonn 2 (EagránNua) E Wade & Y O’Toole. EdCo
AndTuigeannTúAnois É 2. New edition. Ruaidhrí Ó Baille. EdCo
Keep A4 hardback copy from last year.
Ardleibhéal (Higher Level)
Fonn 3 (EagránNua) E Wade & Y O’Toole. EdCo
AndTuigeannTúAnois É 3. New edition. Ruaidhrí Ó Baille. EdCo
Keep A4 hardback copy from last year.
All keep
GraméarAnDraoi. E Wade & Y O’Toole. EdCo
Foclóir – English/Irish Dictionary.
MATHS / Ord Level – New Concise Project Maths 1 for 2014. Gill & MacMillan.
Higher Level – New Concise Project Maths 2 for 2014. Gill & MacMillan.
All Mathematical Instruments
Keep calculator – Casio (Scientific)
Graph copy A4
Maths tables & formulae approved for use in the State Exams. State Examinations Commission
A4 multipocket display folder
SPANISH / Primer Paso 1. Ann Harrow. Folens
Primer Paso 2. Ann Harrow. Folens
Vamos A Escuchar (for Junior Cert) Rosemary Graham. Folens
Spanish Verb Book. Folens
Collins Pocket Spanish Dictionary. Collins.
MUSIC / No new text required.
SCIENCE / Discovering Science Textbook. John Cullen. Mentor (from First Year)
Student Laboratory Notebook. John Cullen. Mentor (from First Year)
A4 hardback notebook (graph paper not required). (from First Year)
White laboratory coat (labelled clearly with student’s name on outside breast pocket). (from First Year)
SPHE / Healthy Times. North Western Health Board. Available in Wise Owl Dun Laoghaire.
A4 push button plastic folder for handouts (from last year)
HISTORY / Timeline. DeBuitléir, Henry, NyhanTonge. EdCo.
CSPE / Retain book from last year - Make A Difference. (third edition) ConorHarrison & MairinWilson. Folens
FRENCH / KEEP Bienvenue En France 1. J Dunne. Folens
Bienvenue En France 2. J Dunne. Folens (newest edition)
Ecoutez Bien 1. Second revised edition. Folens
A4 hardback copy
Copy book
A4 plastic wallet folder
GEOGRAPHY / New Geo Junior Cert Geography Book. Liam Ashe & Kieran McCarthy. EdCo 2009
New Geo Junior Cert Geography Workbook. Liam Ashe & Kieran McCarthy. EdCo 2009.
A4 hardback copy.
HOME ECONOMICS / Learning For Life Textbook & Workbook. Carmel Enright & Maureen Flynn. Folens
Smart Cooking 1. McGeadyCribben. Fallon.
A4 hardback copy for recipes (from last year)
2 manuscript copies (A4 size)
Home Ec apron as per last year or if lost special apron available from school. €8 – made in underprivileged area in Africa – all proceeds go to makers.
Suitable container with secure lid for ingredients and finished dishes.
Box or tin with sewing requirements: sharp scissors, pins, sewing needles, stitch ripper, good quality sewing thread & measuring tape. Please label/mark with name to avoid getting equipment mislaid.
Fabric required during the year – details during school year.
BUSINESS STUDIES / Junior Cert Business – Euro Business (Third Edition) (from First Year)
ART / Please replace paints and other art materials used in First Year.
A3 sketch book
Brushes No: 2, 4, 6 & 8
Pencils: 2B, 4B, 6B
Available in ‘Art & Hobbies’ (Dun Laoghaire) or ‘Premier’ (Bray)
  • Students must have an old shirt or smock for Art – this is to protect your uniform.
  • Ringbinder with 50 polypockets and packet of dividers (for Art only)
  • Button clip A4 plastic folder
  • Plastic tube for transporting work (up to A2 size)
  • Please label all equipment with name and class to avoid getting equipment mislaid.

HOMEWORK JOURNAL / A special journal has been designed for St Joseph of Cluny students. Each student will receive a copy in September.
Please Note
Students will require access to a computer/laptop, a printer and a supply of ink at home during the year.
9.30am – 12.30pm

St. Joseph of Cluny SS,

Killiney, Co. Dublin


RELIGION / The Bible – The Good News.
Shortcuts To Success Religion Exam Guide. Dervil Corr. Gill & MacMillan
Keep text from last year.
ENGLISH / “Of Mice And Men”. J Steinbeck. Penguin
Romeo and Juliet. Shakespeare. P Murray. EdCo
“Take The Plunge”. Folens.
English Dictionary
Past exam papers – EdCo
GAEILGE / Ardleibhéal (Higher Level)
KEEP Fonn 3 (ÉagránNua). E Wade/Y O’Toole. Ed Co.
AndTuigeannTúAnois É 3. (new edition) R Ó Báille. Ed Co.
Foclóir – English/Irish Dictionary
GraiméarAnDraoi. E Wade/Y O’Toole. Ed Co.
Keep A4 copy
Keep copies from last year
Subscription for newspaper ‘Staighre’ to be collected in September
Ed Co exam papers available in September
Gnáthleibhéal (Ordinary Level)
All keepFonn 2
AndTuigeannTúAnois É 2. New Edition. R Ó Báille. Ed Co.
GraiméarAnDraoi. E Wade/Y O’Toole. Ed Co.
Keep A4 hardback.
EdCo Exam papers available in September
MATHS / Higher New Concise Maths 1 & 2. G Humphrey. Gill & MacMillan.
New Concise Maths 2 Project Maths Supplement.
Ordinary (Retain Second Year books)
ALL Mathematical Tables & Formulae Booklet
KEEP Calculator Casio (Scientific)
Graph copy (A4)
EdCo Exam papers (available in September)
Mathematical instruments
A4 multipocket display folder
FRENCH / KEEP Bienvenue En France 1 & 2. J Dunne. Folens.
Succes Au Brevet (with CD). Geraldine McQuillan & Marie Stafford. EdCo.
Exam papers – Higher Level. EdCo
Hardback copy
Plastic wallet folder
BUSINESS STUDIES / Junior Cert Business Studies for Households & Enterprises and accompanying workbook. Matt Hynes. Folens.
SCIENCE / Discovering Science. John Cullen. Mentor. (from Second Year)
Student Laboratory Notebook. John Cullen. Mentor. (from Second Year)
Junior Cert Science Revision. John Cullen. Mentor.
1 hardback A4 notebook (graph paper not required) (from Second Year)
White coat (with student’s name clearly marked on outside breast pocket) (from Second Year)
Past exam papers (incl 2012 paper) Higher Level. Available in September.
MUSIC / Junior Certificate Workbook. Anna Heffernan. Folens.
Junior Certificate past exam papers. EdCo.
SPHE / Healthy Choices. North Western Health Board. Available from Wise Owl Dun Laoghaire.
A4 push button plastic folder for handouts.
HISTORY / Timeline. De Buitléir, Henry, NyhanTonge. EdCo.
Past Junior Cert exam papers (EdCo).
SPANISH / Primer Paso I. Ann Harrow. Folens.
Primer Paso II. Ann Harrow. Folens.
Vamos A Escuchar (for Junior Cert). Rosemary Graham. Folens.
Spanish Verb Book. Folens.
Collins Pocket Spanish Dictionary. Collins.
Past examination papers. Folens.
HOME ECONOMICS / Learning For Life – Textbook & Workbook. Carmel Enright & Maureen Flynn. Folens
Smart Cooking 1. M McGeadyCribben. Fallons.
Junior Cert Home Ec papers (EdCo) available in September
Requirements for craftwork as discussed – required immediately on return to school.
Home Ec apron as per last year or if lost special apron available from school (€8). Made in underprivileged area in Africa – all proceeds to makers.
A4 hardback from last year
2 manuscript copies (A4)
GEOGRAPHY / New Geo Junior Cert Geography Book. Liam Ashe & Kieran McCarthy. Ed Co 2009.
New Geo Junior Cert Geography Workbook. Liam Ashe & Kieran McCarthy. Ed Co 2009.
A4 hardback copy.
JC Higher Level exam papers. EdCo.
ART / Students must replace missing equipment before returning to school. It is vital to have the correct supplies for the Junior Cert project.
Winsor & Newton Poster Paints:
Poster Red Ultra Deep Blue Middle Yellow
White Black Burnt Umber
Yellow Ochre Crimson
Brushes: Numbers 2, 4 and 8
Other: Pritt Stick x 4Scissors
Fillia Oil Pastels (24) Faber Castel Watercolour Pencils (12)
A2 Manilla Folder Sketch book – A3
Ruler Eraser
Pencils 2B, 6B Black marker
Art materials are very expensive and should be carefully marked with name and class to avoid getting them mislaid or borrowed.
  • Students must have an old shirt or smock to protect uniform
  • Ringbinder, polypockets and packet of dividers (for Art only)
  • Button clip A4 plastic folder
  • Black mounting card will be supplied by the Art Department as a discount has been arranged by the school. Students are to bring €10 in an envelope with their name on it. This will be collected in the first week.

CSPE / Retain from last year:
Make A Difference. 2nd Edition. Harrison & Wilson. Folens
COMPUTER STUDIES / Introducing ICT Basic to Intermediate. Teresa Walsh. Gill & MacMillan.
1 USB Flash Drive Key – 4GB
HOMEWORK JOURNAL / A special journal has been designed for St Joseph of Cluny students. Each student will receive a copy in September.
Please Note
Students will require access to a computer/laptop, a printer and a supply of ink at home during the year.
9.00 – 11.45am – Study Skills Session

St. Joseph of Cluny SS,

Killiney, Co. Dublin


RELIGION / The Holy Bible – The Good News
Searching: Transition Year/Senior Cycle Framework Curriculum. Orla Walsh. Veritas.
Tuesdays With Morrie. Mitch Albom.
ENGLISH / Text. McMonagle. Celtic Press.
GAEILGE / All Keep
Foclóir. AnGúm. Collins
GraiméarAnDraoi. E Wade & Y O’Toole. EdCo
Ardleibhéal (Higher Level):
A4 Scrapbook
A4 hardback
Cumarsáid. (Ardleibhéal)E Wade & Y O’Toole. Ed Co.
AnTriail. M NíGhráda. An Gúm
Notaí – AnTriail. E Wade & Y O’Toole. Ed Co.
Gnáthleibhéal (Ordinary Level):
A4 Scrapbook
A4 hardback, folder, class copy
AndTuigeannTú? ArdteistGnáthleibhéal. R Ó Báille. CJ Fallon.
MATHS / Higher Level:
Text and Tests 4, 5 & 6 (comes as a pack). O D Morris. Celtic Press.
Ordinary Level:
Text and Tests 3 (Project Maths) for 2014 onwards. O D Morris. Celtic Press.
All A4 multipocket display folders
Mathematical Tables & Formulae
Calculator – Casio Scientific
Graph copy (A4)
Mathematical instruments
FRENCH / Carrefour & CD. Second Edition. A O’Dwyer. Gill & MacMillan
Bien Dit. M Ó Cathasaigh. EdCo.
Harraps Compact French Dictionary
A4 size scrapbook
Hardback copy
MUSIC / No textbook required.
HISTORY / To be announced in September if required
ART / Transition Year Art – Option & Module
Materials will be supplied. Unwanted newspapers would be welcome.
Students must have an old shirt or smock to protect uniform.
CAREER GUIDANCE / Reach+ Student Workbook: Career and College Preparation. (Can be purchased from Wise Owl Dun Laoghaire – cost €18 approx)
SCIENCE / White lab coat (clearly labelled with student’s name) (from Junior Cert cycle)
GEOGRAPHY / No text required for TY Geography
COMPUTER STUDIES / Introducing ICT Basic to Intermediate. Teresa Walsh. Gill & MacMillan.
1 USB Flash Drive Key – 4GB
CULINARY ARTS / Smart Cooking 2. MaritaMcGeady & Martina Cribben. Fallon.
A4 hardback copybook for recipes.
Special apron available from school (€8). Produced in underprivileged area in Africa – all proceeds to maker.
HOME ECONOMICS MODULE / Plastic pockets in sample folder.
ENTERPRISE EDUCATION / To be announced in September if required
FASHION STUDIES / No materials required as yet
ACHIEVEMENT FOLDER / Large ring binder - Easons
Box of plastic pockets (100/200) – Easons
PHYSICS / No text required.
SPHE / A4 push button folder
A4 refill pad
HOMEWORK JOURNAL / A special journal has been designed for St Joseph of Cluny students. Each student will receive a copy in September.
Please Note
Students will require access to a computer/laptop, a printer and a supply of ink at home during the year.
9.30am – 12.30pm

St. Joseph of Cluny SS,

Killiney, Co. Dublin


RELIGION / The Holy Bible – The Good News
Faith In Action. Niall Boyle. Gill & MacMillan
ENGLISH / Macbeth. Shakespeare. EdCo
Poetry Now. NiallMacMonagle. Celtic Press
Comparative texts to be announced
GAEILGE / All Keep
Graiméar An Draoi
Foclóir – English/Irish Dictionary
Gnáthleibhéal (Ordinary Level)
AndTuigeannTú? ArdteistGnáthleibhéal. Ruaidhrí Ó Báille. CJ Fallon.
Ardleibhéal (Higher Level)
Fiúntas (new syllabus). E Wade & Y O’Toole. EdCo.
AnTriail. MairéadNíGhrada. AnGúm.
Notaí – AnTriail. E Wade & Y O’Toole. EdCo.
MATHS / Higher Level
Text and Tests 4, 5 & 6 (comes as a pack). O D Morris. Celtic Press.
Ordinary Level
Text and Tests 3 (Project Maths) for 2014 onwards. O D Morris. Celtic Press.
All:A4 multipocket display folders
Mathematical Tables & Formulae
Calculator – Casio Scientific
Graph copy (A4)
Mathematical instruments
HISTORY / Dictatorship and Democracy, 1920-1945. Sean Delap. Folens
(Further book to be purchased after Christmas)
BIOLOGY / Biology – Revised Edition. Michael O’Callaghan. EdCo
White lab coat (clearly labelled with student’s name on outside breast pocket)
2 x A4 nature notebook (no graph paper required)
CHEMISTRY / Chemistry Live. Declan Kennedy
Revision Book. Declan Kennedy
2 x A4 hardback notebook
Scientific calculator
White coat
PHYSICS / Physics. Dan O’Regan. Folens
Exam Edge. Dan O’Regan. Folens
White coat, clearly labelled with student’s name
2 x A4 hardback notebooks
Scientific calculator
BUSINESS / 21st Century Business. William Murphy. CJ Fallon.
HOME ECONOMICS / Lifelines – Text and Workbook. Second Edition. C Enright & M Flynn. Folens
2 x A4 manuscript copies
Special apron available from school in August. Made in underprivileged area in Africa (€8) – all proceeds going to makers.
GEOGRAPHY / Horizons Book 1. Edwina Hynes & Tara Fitzharris. Folens
Horizons Book 3. Edwina Hynes & Tara Fitzharris. Folens
A4 hardback copy
FRENCH / Formule 1 & CD. (latest edition) Doyle & Lynch. Folens
Ecoutez Bien 2. Second Edition Revised. Dunne. Folens
Keep BienDit. O’Cathasaigh. EdCo
Harrap’s Compact French Dictionary
Leaving Cert papers – Ordinary Level EdCo
Hardback copy
Ring binder
Plastic pockets
MUSIC / Leaving Certificate Music Workbook Course B. May Costello. Folens
A4 ring binder with subject dividers
A4 manuscript copy
Scores: Mozart – Piano Concerto 23
Berlioz – SymphonieFantastique
Deane – Seachanges
Beatles – Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
SPANISH / El Español Bien Hablado. Second Edition. Bernadette Cosgrove. Folens
Vamos A Escuchar 2 (for Leaving Cert). Second Edition. Rosemary Graham. Folens
De Acuerdo (Essential Spanish Grammar & Workbook.) Evelyn Farrington-Bradley. Folens
La Pluma (LC Spanish). Livia Healy & Ciara Rock. Folens.
Collins Pocket Spanish Dictionary. Collins.
ECONOMICS / Understanding Economics. Richard Delaney. EdCo (2008)
ART / Appreciating Art for Leaving Certificate. Gill & MacMillan.
Ed Co past papers – Art
Less Stress, More Success – Art History and Appreciation
2 ringbinders, 50 polypockets, 2 packets of dividers (for Art only)
Buttonclip A4 plastic folder
Brushes 2, 4, 6 and 8
Pencils 2B, 4B, 6B, 8/9B
Craft scissors, eraser, Pritt stick, A3 Windsor & Newton spiral sketchbook, A2 Manila folder, Derwentwatercolour pencils (24), oil pastels (24), Windsor & Newton designers gouache paints (red, blue, yellow, green, purple, brown, white, black), Windsor & Newton black/blue ink, plastic tube for transporting work.
Please label all materials and equipment with name and class to avoid getting equipment mislaid.
SPHE / A4 push button plastic folder
A4 refill pad
CAREER GUIDANCE / Reach+ Student Workbook – Career and College Preparation. Can be purchased from Wise Owl Dun Laoghaire – cost €18 approx.
HOMEWORK JOURNAL / A special journal has been designed for St Joseph of Cluny students. Each student will receive a copy in September.
Please Note
Students will require access to a computer/laptop, a printer and a supply of ink at home during the year.
9.30am – 12.30pm

St. Joseph of Cluny SS,