2011 Successful Grant Applications

Kids Research Institute at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

NHMRC Grants

Project Grants

Chief Investigators: D Little, J Cooper‐White, A Ruys, A Schindeler

Project Title: Pre‐clinical validation of a novel implant for bone tissue engineering

Total awarded: $421,175

Chief Investigators: K North, N Laing, K Nowak, N Clarke, M Buckley

Project Title: Neuromuscular disorders: Gene discovery and disease mechanism

Total awarded: $772,350

Chief Investigators: E Elliott, J Latimer, C Bower, J Fitzpatrick, A Martiniuk

Project Title: The Lililwan Project: Prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in the Fitzroy Valley

Total awarded: $1,024,474

Chief Investigators: R Skinner, S Cooper, K McCaffery, G Zimet, K McGeehan, P Whyte, D Regan

Project Title: Randomised Controlled Evaluation of a Complex Intervention to Promote Uptake of School‐based HPV Vaccination

Total awarded: $723,634

Chief Investigators: C Jones, S Alexander

Project Title: Defining the contribution of skin gamma delta T cells to cutaneous

immunosurveillance, immunity and disease after HSV infection.

Total awarded: $581,010

Chief Investigators: J Christodoulou, S Cooper

Project Title: Gene Discovery and Functional Studies to Reveal Mechanisms Underlying Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain Disorders.

Total awarded: $368,510

Chief Investigators: S Alexander, K Dwyer, Y M Wang

Project Title: Role of Purines in renal and transplant injury

Total awarded: $539,610

Chief Investigators: I Alexander, P Tam, G Yeoh, D Russell

Project Title: Cellular therapy for genetic liver disease exploiting induced pluripotent stem cells

and liver progenitor cells

Total awarded: $770,175

Chief Investigators: I Alexander, S Ranganathan, M Cavazzana‐Calvo

Project Title: Analysis and manipulation of the genome‐wide integration signatures of gammaretroviral

and lentiviral vectors in human haematopoietic stem cells

Total awarded: $591,125

Chief Investigators: N Laing, K North, N Clarke

Project Title: Approaches to therapy for the skeletal muscle actin diseases.

Total awarded: $881,175

Chief Investigators: K A O’Grady, A Chang, K Grimwood, P Morris, H Smith‐Vaughan, E Mulholland,

Paul Torzillo, A Cripps, N Wood, A Revell

Project Title: A multi‐centre, double blind randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of 10 valent pneumococcal –Protein D conjugate vaccine in reducing respiratory exacerbations in children aged 18 months with suppuratives lung disease

Total awarded: $1,122,492

Chief Investigators: R Andrews, K A O’Grady, T Nolan, P Richmond, N Wood, S Lambert, M Chatfield

Project Title: FluMuM: a prospective cohort study of mother‐infant pairs assessing the effectiveness of maternal influenza vaccination in prevention of influenza in early infancy

Total awarded: $2,481,063

Chief Investigators: C Semsarian, D Winlaw (CIC) full list of Chief investigators to be confirmed

Project Title: Genetic Basis of Valvular Heart Disease

Total awarded: $434,255

Chief Investigators: E Banks, S Eades, C D’Este, S Bailey, S Redman, A Williamson, A Purcell, H

Gunasekera, P McIntyre, K Clapham

Project Title: Longitudinal investigation of health outcomes in urban Aboriginal children: SEARCH follow‐up

Total awarded: $1,727,460

Chief Investigators: AL Ponsonby, F Cameron, M Craig, A Kemp

Project Title: Enterovirus, vitamin D status and inflammation at the clinical onset of type 1 diabetes in childhood

Total awarded: $398,047.50

Chief Investigators: J Couper, M Craig, P Colman, P Baghurst, W Rawlinson, T Jones, A Cotterill

Project Title: Early environmental determinants of pancreatic islet autoimmunity: a pregnancy to early life cohort study in children at risk of type 1 diabetes

Total awarded: $1,083,720

Chief Investigators: S Chadban, H Wu, S Alexander

Project Title: Tolerance or rejection: The role of innate immunity in determining the fate of a kidney allograft.

Total awarded: $489,255

Chief Investigators: R Heine, A Kakakios (full list of Chief Investigator to be confirmed)

Project Title: Effect of a four‐food elimination diet in children with eosinophilic oesophagitis a multi‐centre, randomised controlled trial and investigation of disease mechanisms.

Total awarded: $520,448

Chief Investigators: L Askie, L Baur, K Campbell, L Daniels, B Taylor, LM Wen, K Hesketh, A Magarey, R Taylor, A Martin

Generating evidence of reduced rates of overweight/obesity in children: value adding to four established Australasian early intervention trials

Total awarded: $187,018

Chief Investigators: AChang, P Morris, KA O’Grady, K Grimwood, T Sloots, PVan Asperen, A Wilson, C Robertson
Project Title: Multicentre Randomised Controlled Trial To Improve The Management Of Exacerbations In Children With Bronchiectasis.
Total awarded: $1,148,522.00 (2012-2014)

2012 Centre of Research Excellence

Chief Investigators: K North, N Laing, A Kornberg, J Burns, M Ryan, N Clarke, A Corbett, K Refshauge, M Buckley, C McLean

Project Title: Centre for Research Excellence in neuromuscular disorders

Total awarded: $2,496,650

Chief Investigators: R MacIntyre, P McIntyre, R Booy, J Leask, N Wood, C Jones, R Menzies, J Kaldor, P Beutels, D Dwyer

Project Title: Immunisation in understudied and special risk populations

Total awarded: $2,499,969

2012 Partnership Projects

Chief Investigators: J Craig, E Banks, S Eades, C D'Este, S Bailey, S Redman, A Williamson, SPope, C Parter, H Gunasekera

Project Title: SEARCH: better evidence, better health for urban Aboriginal children

Total awarded: $1,395,760

2012 Practitioner Fellowships

Chief Investigators: E Elliott

Total awarded: $448,908

2012 Career Development Fellowships

Chief Investigators: N Clarke

Project Title: Advancing the diagnosis and treatment of inherited muscle disorders

Total awarded: $391,076

2012 Early Career Fellowships

Chief Investigators: A Tong

Project Title: Consumer preferences in chronic kidney disease

Total awarded: $294,892

Chief Investigators: G Wong

Project Title: Cancer and chronic kidney disease

Total awarded: $248,424

Chief Investigators: T Snelling

Project Title: Monitoring the effectiveness and safety of vaccination in Australia

Total awarded: $248,424

2011 Postgraduate Scholarships

Chief Investigators: N Pride

Project Title: The Identification and treatment of cognitive and social deficits in neurofibromatosis

Total awarded: $78,625

Chief Investigators: R McGee

Project Title: Trials and outcomes in Paediatric surgery

Total awarded: $80,938

Chief Investigators: M Menzes

Project Title: Peripheral Neuropathy in Children with Mitochondrial Disease

Total awarded: $45,188

Chief Investigators: D Campbell

Project Title: To investigate rates of peritonitis in incident peritoneal dialysis patients in Australia and perform a pilot study aimed at reducing these rates

Total awarded: $74,750

Chief Investigators: P Lopez‐Vargas

Project Title: A multi‐component education program for patients with early stage chronic kidney disease

Total awarded: $63,000

Chief Investigators: M Ho

Project Title: Obesity and insulin resistance in adolescents

Total awarded: $74,750

Chief Investigators: E Palmer

Project Title: Finding a Drug Treatment for Rett Syndrome

Total awarded: $74,750

Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick

NHMRC Grants

2012 Project Grants

Chief Investigators: E Sullivan (full list of Chief Investigator to be confirmed)

Project Title: A national population‐based study of rheumatic heart disease in pregnancy

Total awarded: $841,035

Kids Research Institute at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead

Grants from other funding bodies

Australian Paediatric Endocrine Group

Chief Investigators: M Poon, M Craig, K Donaghue

Project Title: The role of environmental factors in the development of microvascular and macrovascular complications in type 1 diabetes ‐ a 14 year follow up of an incident cohort

Total awarded: $25,000

Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute Centre of Research Excellence

Chief Investigators: E Banks, J Craig, S Bailey, S Redman, C D’Este, D Fernando, A Williamson, H Gunasekera, D Thiele, A Purcell, S Woolfenden , D Wright, S Lyons, B Raphael , D Barwick, T Senior, K Howard

Project Title: Centre for Research Excellence for Urban Aboriginal Child Health

Total awarded: $2,500,000

Australian Research Council – Linkage Project

Chief Investigators: Y Zurynski, E Elliott, H Leonard, J Christodoulou

Project Title: Psychosocial and economic impacts of rare diseases on Australian children, families and health professionals

Total awarded: $316,780

Australian Research Council – Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)

Chief Investigators: A Tong

Project Title: Protecting equity and ethics in organ donation: patient, public and professional perspectives

Total awarded: $375,000

Australian Research Council – Discovery Project

Chief Investigators: K North

Project Title: Molecular dissection of the functional regions of genes that encode actinins (ACTN2 and ACTN3) and their contribution to normal variation in skeletal muscle function

Total awarded: $300,000

Australian Orthopaedic Association Research Foundation

Chief Investigators: D Little

Project Title: BMP‐2 and Bisphosphonate treatment of Avascular Necrosis in Piglet model

Total awarded: $32,725

Cancer Institute NSW – AYA Fellowship

Chief Investigators: A Fernando

Project Title: Bridging the Gap ‐ Developing a Palliative Care Service Specific to Adolescents and

Young Adults with Cancer

Total awarded: $156,742

Children’s Tumor Foundation

Chief Investigators: D Little

Project Title: The use of MEK ibhibitors in Nf1 pseudarthrosis

Total awarded: $30,000

Chief Investigators: J Payne

Project Title: The Neural Basis and Treatment of reading disability in children with

Neurofibromatosis Type 1

Total awarded: $100,000

Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundation – Establishment Award

Chief Investigators: L Lau

Project Title: MYCN/c‐MYC‐medicated regulation of the telomerase complex in neuroblastoma

Total awarded: $74,800

Chief Investigators: J Ayer

Project Title: Defining the role of T‐Cadherin (T‐CAD) in Adiponectin (APN) mediated protection against vascular injury and angiogenesis

Total awarded: $75,000

Diabetes Australia Research Trust

Chief Investigators: M Poon, M Craig, K Donaghue

Project Title: The role of environmental factors in the development of microvascular and macrovascular complications in type 1 diabetes – a 14 year follow up of an incident cohort

Total awarded: $60,000

Foundation for Children

Chief Investigators: P Caldwell

Project Title: Randomised controlled trial of timed voiding using an alarm watch vs. standard watch for treatment of daytime urinary incontinence in children

Total awarded: $163,920

Ian Potter Foundation – Travel Grant

Chief Investigators: S Cooper

Project Title: To attend conference in Berlin

Total awarded: $2,100

IRSF Research grant

Chief Investigators: J Christodoulou

Project Title: IRSF MECP2 Vation Database (RettBASE)

Total awarded: $35,165

Multiple Sclerosis Research Australia

Chief Investigators: F Brilot, R Dale

Project Title: Autoantibody in first episode of demyelination, and risk of progression to MS in Australian children

Total awarded: $50,000

Pablove Foundation

Chief Investigators: L Lau

Project Title: Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres (ALT) in Neuroblastoma

Total awarded: $49,500

Perpetual Foundation

Chief Investigators: K North

Project Title: Purchase Mobile Spectral Domain OCT System

Total awarded: $23,000

The University of Sydney – Equipment Grant

Chief Investigators: K North, I Alexander, S Alexander, J Christodoulou, D Catchpoole, N Clarke

Project Title: Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (PGM)

Total awarded: $75,000

Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick: Grants from other funding bodies

Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundations Establishment Award

Chief Investigator: T Roscioli

Title: Next Generation Sequencing

Total awarded: $76,000

NSW Cancer Council Infrastructure Grant

Chief Investigators: M Buckley, R Ward, M Field, T Roscioli (associate)

Title: Next Generation Sequencing

Total awarded: $600,000

Royal Australasian College of Physicans Award ‐ Jacquot Research Establishment Awards

Chief Investigator: S Kennedy

Title: Acute Kidney Injury after Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant in Children

Total awarded: $90,000

Chief Investigator: K Ooi

Total awarded: $10,000

Chief Investigator: D Ziegler

Title: New treatments for diffuse pontine glioma

Total awarded: $50,000

KRI bridging grants for 2012

Chief investigator: D Little

Project title: Modulation of Wnt Pathway in Skeletal Loading Response and Skeletal Repair

Total awarded:$35K

Chief investigators:N Clarke, K North, N Laing, B Ilkovski

Project title: Tropomyosin myopathies: Investigating the causes of muscle weakness and potential pharmacological therapies

Total awarded:$35K

Additional new grants and government funding for 2012

Foster K, Morris J, Jeffrey H, Elliott EJ, Adams C, Hirst J, Lahra M, Glasson R. Educational Initiative to Improve Maternal, Neonatal and Childhood Health Outcomes in Dien Bien Province, Viêt Nam. AusAid Public Sector Linkages Program. $242,000. 2012-2013.

Peadon E, Elliott E. Development of the first screening and diagnostic and service for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Australia. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education. $108,000. 2012-2013.

Latimer J, Elliott EJ. Marulu: Tristan’s Story and Educational Film. Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education. $40,000. 2012-2013.

Elliott EJ for the Lililwan Collaboration. FASD prevalence in the Fitzroy Valley. Save the Children Australia. $60,000. 2012-13.

Elliott EJ, Bower C, Kaldor J, Booy R. Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit: A collaborative network for child health research. Additional funding from NHMRC for Enabling Grant (402784). $100,000. January 1 to September 30th, 2012.

Elliott EJ, Zurynski Y. Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit. Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. $177,014. July 2011 to June 2012.

Latimer J, Elliott EJ, Fitzpatrick J, Oscar J, Carter M. The Lililwan Project. Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing and Department of Families Housing Community Services and Indigenous Affairs. $945,000.2012-2013.

McIntyre P,Elliott EJ, Zurynski Y, Booy R, Wood N, Macarteney KThe Paediatric Active Enhanced Disease Surveillance (PAEDS)Collaboration. Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing. $454,260. 2012-2014.

C Jones, M Fernandez - TLR2 Agonist – HIV Peptide Induction of TH17 responses: A new immunotherapuetic and vaccine strategy? – CIs on grant totaling $113,000 for 12 months.

A Holland, Kate Curtis, Rebecca Ivers. 2012 International Program Development Fund,University of Sydney.