Kiddie Kare Parent Handbook

Welcome to Kiddie Kare Daycare! We are pleased you have chosen us to care for your child(ren). This hand book has been designed to answer questions you may have and explain our policies and procedures to provide the best possible experience for you and your child(ren).

Admission Requirements

When enrolling your child you will be required to furnish the following information:

  • Three emergency contacts, these are the people you are authorizing to pick up your child including: names and working phone numbers.
  • Your e-mail address
  • The name and phone number of your child’s doctor
  • Your child’s immunization record Must be up to date!
  • Information regarding allergies or other medical conditions that we need to be aware of.
  • A feeding schedule for children under the age of 3.
  • Provide general information about your child for the classroom teacher.
  • If your child has an IEP or IFSP we need a copy and an additional form needs to be completed by the parent.
  • If you are on a subsidy program we must get authorization from that agency prior to your admission
  • Registration Fee Plus first weeks payment

Parent Responsibilities

Payments are due in advance, you will only be charged for the days your child attends, if you miss a paid day it will be credited to the following week if you advise us of your absence by 8:00am.

Due to changes in subsidy programs we charge the following co-pays:

  • DES-we add a dollar to each full day and .50 for each half day in addition to your regular co-payment
  • DES-If you miss days you will be charged your co-pay for up to two days a month per DES contract.
  • Scholarship- For full time scholarship we charge $10.00 a week per child whether your child attends or not
  • Part time scholarships have higher co-pay based upon the age of the child; management will be able to quote you the correct price. This co-pay is required each week whether your child attends or not.

You must notify us by 8:00 am if your child will NOT be attending that day or you will be charged for that day.

Please do not allow your child to bring in their own toys or electronic devices as we cannot be responsible for them.

For all children in diapers or pull ups YOU MUST BRING AT LEAST 5 a day. You will be charged $1.00 per diaper or pull up if you fail to supply them.

We may use more diapers and wipes than you do at home; please remember we are required to change your child several times during the day following a strict diapering procedure to ensure the health and safety of your child.

If you have an infant you are responsible for supplying: diapers, wipes, formula or breast milk, bottled water (if desired), baby food, and a change of clothes. Please label all items with first and last names.

If you have a toddler you are responsible for supplying: diapers, wipes, and a change of clothes. If your child is potty training please bring extra clothes and underwear since accidents do happen. Please label all items with first and last name.

Preschool aged children need to bring a change of clothes to keep in their cubby just in case. Please label all items with first and last name.

Make sure all items brought to the center for your child are clearly marked because we cannot be responsible for lost or damaged articles.

Emergency cards must be completed on an annual basis.

General Information

The Center is closed for the following holidays (you will not be charged tuition for these days): New Year's Day, Memorial Day, 4th Of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day

We believe that every child, regardless of economic circumstances, culture, religion, physical or emotional delay or disability, is deserving of a safe and nurturing space in which to grow and learn. Inclusion is an integral part of Kiddie Kare’s dedication to children and families.

Kiddie Kare# 1 and Kiddie Kare #2 provide 2 daily snacks, plus a well-balanced lunch. Kiddie Kare #3 provides 3 daily snacks as well as well-balanced lunch and dinner. Breakfast at all 3 centers is optional and must be completed by 8:00am. All 3 centers participate in family style meals because we recognize that family-style meal service has many benefits in child care settings, like allowing teachers, caregivers, and children to eat together and creating a relaxed environment. Also, this method is ideal for providing a conversational environment where children can not only develop good social skills, but can also learn good eating habits.

Kiddie Kare #3 is open on Saturday from 6:00am to 6:00pm; families from other centers may use the center if they receive permission from their home center and receive the voucher to attend, you will not be allowed to stay on Saturday without a voucher from Kiddie Kare 1 or 2.

We have a monthly pesticide service written notice of application is posted in the office 48 prior to pesticide being applied to the center.

If a problem exists; Kiddie Kare wants it corrected as quickly as possible. This can only be achieved if it is identified immediately. Parents with concerns should first discuss them with a member of management. If the manager is unable to resolve the concern independently and to the satisfaction of the parent, then the matter should be brought to the attention of the Director. If the Director is still unable to arrive at a solution satisfactory to the parent, then the matter will be brought to the attention of the owner.

End-of-year tax statements will be available upon request in the child care office by January 31 for the previous calendar year.

We are committed to supporting the efforts of the Arizona Smokers' Helpline ASHLine to help staff and parents quit tobacco and are a smoke free facility, smoking is only allowed outside in designated smoking areas. There is no smoking within areas that children have access to. The Smoke Free Arizona Act prevents smoking within 20 feet of entrances, open windows, or ventilation systems. If you would like information about quitting smoking ASHLine is designed to help please contact them at 1-800-556-6222 or at

These policies and procedures are intended and designed to support and facilitate the operation of a high-quality early childhood education center that focuses on the well-being and best interests of the children who are enrolled at Kiddie Kare. The failure of a parent/guardian to support or follow these policies and procedures will be grounds for termination of their child’s enrollment. These policies and procedures are subject to modification or change at any time.

Participation Opportunities

We offer several opportunities for parents to participate in our program each year including: parent information nights, parent teacher conferences, fundraisers, special events scheduled throughout the year, holiday celebrations and of course you child’s birthday. You are welcome to bring treats to celebrate your child’s special day, but all food brought in to share must be store bought. Homemade goodies are not allowed. Parents are also asked to sometimes lend items to classrooms for units of study or coming in and sharing information with other children on your job or hobby that we may be studying. We also have food and bottle water drives to help the less fortunate in our community. We have an open door policy; parents or other family members (listed on emergency card) may visit at any time during business hours. We will ask you annually to fill out our performance survey to provide your feedback concerning our program. Please speak to the Director about other possible ways in which you would like to participate.

Outside Agency Participation

One of the benefits of our Quality First! Participation is the opportunity to work with specialists from outside agencies. Each center has as assigned Quality First! Coach who spends time in the classrooms working with the teachers on curriculum, classroom management and training on the new materials that First Things First has provided to the center. Each center also has a Nurse Consultant from Maricopa County Health who is available to provide resources on health related issues to staff and parents. Teachers who are attending college classes may be visited and observed by their instructors in the classrooms from time to time. Centers also work with other agencies to have trainers in the classroom to improve our overall quality. Each center will be assessed on a regular basis by First Things First using one or more of their assessors who will observe in classrooms. We also have several practice assessments’ throughout the year. We are also participants in the EMPOWER program which is designed to promote healthy choices for children and families.

Community Resources

Each of our centers has books containing community resources available to our families. We also have information available on a variety of subjects for parents including: biting, toilet training, sleep issues, picky eaters, etc. Please, if you have any concerns or are looking for information, do not hesitate to speak to a member of management. We are here to support our families any way that we can.

Assessment and Screening Policy

We are a First Things First Quality First! participating center and as a part of this program, all full time children in our program, will have a portfolio made; it will contain work samples, teacher observations, photographs taken of them participating in activities, an initial screening and curriculum assessments. All screenings and assessments will be completed by each classroom teacher. The portfolios are available for parent viewing and will be shared with parents at spring & fall conferences. Your child’s portfolio will move from classroom to classroom with them as they grow. You may take your child’s portfolio with you when exiting the program.

Health and Safety

Your children’s health and safety are important to all of us. Please accompany children to their classrooms or onto the playground, and be sure a teacher knows they have arrived. Likewise, when picking up children, come into the classroom or playground to get them, making sure a teacher knows they are leaving. Children must be signed in and out upon arrival and departure.

Staff will require any person picking up a child, and not known by the caregiver, to provide picture identification. Other people besides yourself are allowed to pick up your child if they have been listed on the enrollment form. Please contact the office to notify them of any pick-up change when it is needed. We will never, under any circumstances release a child without prior approval from the parent.

If divorced or separated parents share custody, every effort will be made to see that both parents receive communication from the center. If one of the parents has restricted access for custody or visitation and those restrictions will affect Kiddie Kare, please furnish the office with a certified copy of the custody/visitation arrangements. The center does not become involved in custody disputes. Please do not ask the staff, Teachers or the Director to document and or discuss any actions or behavior of another parent.

If a Court Order exists preventing a particular individual from having contact with a child, we will comply with the Order. The Day Care will keep a copy of the Court Order attached to your child’s emergency card.

If an intoxicated or impaired person insists on removing children from the center, we will immediately report the incident to the local Police agency.

If a child becomes seriously ill or is injured we will call 911, contact the parent, and administer first aid until help arrives. There is always a staff member on site who is certified in CPR and First Aid. We have a written disaster plan on file at each center and on our web site and perform monthly fire drills.

Children with special needs will be discussed on an individual basis. We strive to provide a program that is inclusive to children of all abilities making modifications as necessary. We provide information on many outside agencies that provide assistance to parents of special needs children. We can also help provide referrals to school districts for assessments and possible placement within their programs.

All children that have been identified as having special needs and are on an IEP (individual education plan) or IFSP (individual family service plan) are required by state law to provide the center a copy of the child’s plan. There is an additional form that needs to be filed out to accompany the child’s plan.

We are committed to providing ongoing support to breastfeeding mothers we are aware of health benefits to both mother and infant and subscribe to the following policy:

  • Breastfeeding mothers, including employees, shall be provided a private and sanitary place to breastfeed their babies express milk. This area includes and electrical outlet, comfortable chair, and nearby access to running water
  • Breastfeeding mothers and employees may store their expressed milk in the infant room refrigerator/freezer. Mothers should provide their own containers. Employees will ensure they are clearly labeled with child’s name and date.
  • Mothers are provided the opportunity to breastfeed their babies at their convenience, drop off, pick up, or on their lunch break. Staff will follow parents feeding schedule to accommodate nursing schedule.
  • All staff are trained in the proper storage and handling of human milk. The center will follow guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics and Center for Disease Control in ensuring that breast milk is properly treated to avoid waste.
  • Breastfeeding employees shall be provided a flexible schedule for nursing or pumping milk.
  • The center will provide information on breastfeeding, including the names of area resources at least once a year.

We at Kiddie Kare are committed to supporting your child in establishing lifelong healthy eating and drinking habits. Too much juice may be linked to weight problems and is associated with tooth decay and decreased appetite for other nutritious foods. Too much juice may also take the place of more nutritious beverages such as fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk or water. In keeping with this philosophy, our facility will:

  • Not serve fruit juice for infants birth-11 months.
  • Limit 100% fruit juice with no added sugar to not more than two times per week for all children one year and older.
  • Only 4-6 ounces shall be served at one time.
  • Fruit juice shall only be served with meals and snacks and not continuously throughout the day.
  • Water shall be used as the first choice for thirst and will be offered throughout the day.

Information on fruit juice (in English and Spanish) will be available to the families at least once per year.

We at Kiddie Kare are committed to protecting the health and safety of our students and staff in regards to tooth decay which is an infectious disease and a serious problem among young children in Arizona. Our facility recognizes that we play an important role in preventing tooth decay and in educating children, their families, and staff on tooth decay prevention. In keeping with this philosophy, our facility will:

  • Provide oral health education once a month
  • Guide our staff on steps they can take to prevent tooth decay according to the age appropriate guidelines in the Empower guidebook.

Information on tooth decay prevention (in English and Spanish) will be made available to the families at least once per year.

We do not provide sick child care. If your child is showings signs of being ill, please be courteous of the other children and keep them home. If they become ill at the center we will call you to come pick them up. If a child is sent home with a fever, they must be fever free for 24 hours before they return to the center. If your child has an illness that requires antibiotics, they must have been receiving them for 24 hours before they return to the center.Your child will have to be kept at home if they have the following conditions (but not limited to):

  • A temperature of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius
  • Vomiting or excessive diarrhea
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink eye) (until on drops for 24 hours)
  • Impetigo, Ringworm or Scabies (must be on medicine for 24 hours and must stay covered)
  • Hepatitis A, Measles, Mumps, or Tuberculosis
  • Whooping cough
  • Chicken pox
  • Head Lice including nits (eggs) (children will be checked daily for 3 weeks to ensure they are nit free)

If there is any uncertainty, the child will be required to obtain a written consent from the doctor, stating the child is in good health and able to be back in daycare.

If there is a contagious disease is reported in the center it will be posted in the office to notify parents what symptoms to watch for.