KIC Web Site Policy
Role of the Web Site
Our goal for the KIC web site is to provide a convenient source of information for the KIC membership and visitors who are interested in the latest events in Ketchikan Indian Community. We hope you find everything that you are looking for here. Please feel free to contact us for any further information you may need.
It is our intention that KIC’s web site should serve at least the following roles:
·a format to share and collaborate with the intent of expanding our cultural knowledge through the use of technology.
·a strategic line of communication between KIC’s Tribal Council, KIC’s programs and our community at large;
·a means of disseminating informational materials to all KIC members (both local and nationwide) and interested individuals.
·a way of providing information about current special service events for KIC members
Information Policy
We aim to ensure that the information on these pages is relevant, timely and accurate. We will try to indicate who is responsible for each item of information we place on this site, and we will identify our sources wherever possible. Please let us know of any errors or omissions.
Communication Policy
Because we want this site to be a stepping stone for two-way communication between KIC and the world 'out there', we have included a link on all pages which takes you straight to general contact information. We also provide specific contacts on many pages, so you can get in touch with us for further information, to pass on your comments and suggestions, or to request further information.
Editorial Policy
Many of the people who have provided source material for this site are also responsible for delivering one or more of KIC’s many services. Each of the main sections of KIC’s web site is maintained with direct input from the respective subject, and we are working to identify contact persons within KIC for all lines of enquiry arising from visits to the Web site.
This Web site has been developed as part of the KIC 2004 Strategic Plan Initiative; specifically the goal to communicate more effectively with our members. This goal has encouraged the adoption of relevant communications technology to support and enhance the activities of KIC both internally and externally. The development of the Web site is overseen by the Information Technology Department which relies heavily on the input of KIC members and staff. The ultimate responsibility for the site (as with all publicly released information) rests with the General Manager of KIC.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Any information you submit through this site will be treated in confidence and, unless explicitly agreed between us, will not be passed to a third party.
Legal Issues and Disclaimers
Every effort has been made to ensure that the information on this Web site is up-to-date and accurate. However, this information is issued in good faith as a general guide, and not as a contract. KIC cannot accept any responsibility for loss or damage that might be caused by its use.
Unless otherwise stated, all items on this site are copyright © Ketchikan Indian Community, 2000 – the current year. The information included on this site may not be used for financial gain without the prior written permission of the Ketchikan Indian Community office of the General Manager