Monday, November 21, 2016 7:00 pm KHS Library
Minutes were taken by Secretary, Patricia Spear
Doug Case: Principal
Dan Gillis: Vice-Principal
Lorrain Hand: School Council Communications Rep.
Patricia Spear: School Council Secretary
Michelle Gionet: School Council Co-Chair
Katherine Pickard: School Council Co-Chair
Janice Fletcher: Parent
Mark Lewington: Student Council Staff Adviser
Kristie Miller: Interim Math Department Head
Katherine Burch: Secondary Office Admin. Assistant
Gillian Ramage: Student Rep.
Rachel Arnold: Student Rep.
Dalton Comer: Student Rep.
Kaeley Dynes: Student Rep.
Welcome and Introductions:
-Mr. Case presented the meeting agenda and called for any additional items
-KHS administration and staff were introduced
KHS Student Led Councils:
-Drama Department representatives gave a power point presentation on future activities
- “The Greatest Show on Earth” will involve 35 students
- Drama and Dance Showcase is scheduled for January 19
- “Loud Poets” is a spoken word battle between Huron Heights, Sutton and KHS and will take place on December 21 at KHS
-Senior Art Show at the Georgina Arts Centre and Gallery on January 22
-Grade 11 and 12 art will be exhibited
-Art-a-Thon is scheduled for December 8 and 9 and students will create art for 24 hours
-Music students volunteered time to play at Walmart to support the Salvation Army Kettle campaign
- KHS had a float in the Santa Claus parade and band members performed
-Music Department has its annual Winter Concert “Joy Around the World” on December 15 at the Stephen Leacock Theatre
-concert will involve the concert band, jazz band and vocal music class
-tickets are available via School Cash Online
-concert and jazz bands will be competing at the Collingwood Regional Music Festival in March
-sweater sales with the music logo will be starting up in the near future
-staff adviser for Student Council, Mark Lewington shared information regarding the cancelled semi-formal (cancellation was due to lack of ticket sales)
-a dance may be held in February at KHS to replace the semi-formal
-Holiday Assembly will be held on December 23 with a modified timetable
-Dan Gillis shared information from the Athletic Council
-boys’ and girls’ hockey and senior girls’ volleyball will be starting
-December 21 is the date of a hockey fundraiser for Sick Kids Hospital
-co-ed teams will play for $10.00 per person and all money raised will go to Sick Kids
Review and Approval of Minutes:
-minutes from September 19, 2016 meeting approved by Katherine and seconded by Lorrain
KHS Administration Reports:
Vice-Principal’s Report:
-Grade 10 Literacy test did not happen province-wide due to a cyber attack
-students will have the opportunity to write the test in March (paper and pencil)
-Kristie Miller gave a presentation on the Ontario Renewed Math Strategy (RMS)
-grade 9s will get extra support in the form of two math periods
-RMS will increase student achievement, well-being and engagement
-RMS will increase educator math knowledge and pedagogical expertise
-new forms of support for all schools
-more precise and personalized instructional strategies will be emphasized for students with special education needs
-achievement of students in applied math courses remain a key priority for RMS
-reasoning and problem solving are essential
-RMS is based on research
-balanced classroom approaches between building understanding and developing skills
-involves problem solving, direct instruction, investigation, assessment and practice
-TVO Homework Help (7:00-10:00 pm) is available to students
-release time to all secondary schools’ math departments to support math transitions (grade 6-9)
-funding is $900.00
- grade 9 learning strategies course has an emphasis on math
-course is designed to run in the first semester to help students build confidence, leadership skills and a growth mindset in math
-KHS will work with 6 feeder schools to ensure that a common language is being used and that a growth mindset around math is being encouraged
-students will be given multiple assessments; not just paper and pencil tasks
-vertical classrooms will give students the opportunity to move around, erase work and try again with no pressure
-emphasis on random groupings, chunking lessons and hands on practical applications
-afterschool math programs will be offered and technology will be incorporated
-student created word walls and interactive doodle notes as well as teaching with manipulatives
School Council Information Items:
-given by co-chair Katherine Pickard
-Principal’s Profile needs to be updated
-question raised as to how funding can be utilized to support a school initiative
-what topics are of interest to parents?
-School Council Forum is scheduled for Wednesday, November 30 at KHS
Next Meeting: Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 7:00 pm in the Keswick High School library