KHG Employment Support Protocol Sub GroupDRAFT MINUTES – 14th June 2016, Circle Housing Russet, West Malling, Kent
Attending: William Miller, Chair & Amicus Horizon Limited; Marilyn Smith, Circle Housing Russet; Heather Brightwell & Keeley Atkinson, West Kent Extra; Ian Long, MHS Homes; Lacey Beck & Ellie Smith, Golding Homes; Richard Soffe, Orbit; Jackie Sumner, Town & Country Housing Group; Rebecca Smith; Kent Housing Group
Apologies:Eileen Martin, KHG Chair & Amicus Horizon Limited; Garnet Johnson, Groundwork; Karen Arnold, Golding Homes; Yvonne Pick, Hyde Housing; Jonathan Shaw, RBLI; Sahil Khan, Southern Housing Group
Visitors: Mark Parrin, Kent County Council
ITEM / NOTES / ACTIONIntroductions & Apologies / Introductions and apologies noted.
Background & Overview / This meeting is an opportunity to take stock and promote what work is being undertaken throughout the County with regards to the Employment Support Protocol. There has been some activity recently around the Building Better Opportunities Fund, this was unsuccessful but there is scope and opportunity to look at other opportunities coming forward.
The role of the group is also key going forward, who do we need to meet and share information? there is about another 6 months for the timescale for the group to continue working and then a decision is to be taken about what follows.
We are in year three of an action plan that supports the KHG Employment Support Protocol, this was launched to the Kent Leaders and also with the support of the KHG members (both HA’s and LA’s).
Is there an ambition to do another report/snap shot to share with the KHG membership? this will flag the joint work and way to share best practice. It was agreed to produce a report for September 2016, with stats for 2015/16 (the whole year). It was agreed that a template would be produced by RS and shared with the group to complete and use the responses to develop the update for KHG members and Leaders. It would also be useful to have further case studies.
WM reminded the group about the key points from the protocol:
- The role of housing providers as an employer – stats about our role as employers, links to education establishments (career pathways for people), influencing supply chains, work experience, apprenticeships, and volunteer placements. Growth activity and business that supported pathways into employment (ahead of the July Budget), but there are still some opportunities for this in some areas.
- Procurement, a shared approach to supply chain contractors offering work experience or apprenticeship placements. Collective approaches to services or supporting social enterprise/increasing pathways to training and skills – this has been less targeted and SEC (South East Consortium) was briefed about including social value clauses within their contracts. JS seemed positive that pre budget there should be some good examples of this to share for the report. JS advised that TCHG have also looked outside of the business and working with partners, Community Business Links for example through pro bono support. HACT have just produced a best practice link on Social Value, IL to keep a watching brief on this and share when more knowledge known.
- Mapping, sign posting sharing details about employment support activity, this has been working well and joint working has assisted this.
- Young Persons Mentoring, undertaken in partnership with Princes Trust Talent Match and Big Lottery Fund. We have delivered quite a few numbers on this in the areas highlighted by Princes Trust.
Need full year stats for 2015/16. It was agreed to use the report to celebrate the snap shot of data for 15/16 and the responses and change since the July 2015 Budget. / WM to contact SEC to prompt that conversation again and to ensure that Social Value is still being included within contracts.
(This is a good ambition but weak in terms of what we have and can achieve)
A possible forward plan/agenda item is how to take this forward more cleverly. JS to feedback at a future meeting about the TCHG approach and WM to feedback on AHL approach.
ALL to share any particular case studies and to include photos.
Include stats from Princes Trust and all to share details about other mentoring schemes or projects that can add to the picture of good practice sharing. Another item to consider going forward to target all areas of Kent and Medway.
KCC Employment Support Initiatives / MP provided the group with an update about the activity within KCC. MP will share some additional information about The Supported Employment Unit, including any useful information that partners will want to hear about.
Used to be part of KCC Social Services, then moved to Education and Learning, the team seems to be growing as they are working with those furthest away from the job market.
The service and support provided is ‘end to end’ supporting a person from beginning to end, working with the person for a 12 month period, supported by a Case Worker. MP role is to liaise with employers and engage with them about a one point of contact for employment within their organisation. Currently working with KCC Case Management and a range of clients with learning disabilities, Kent Specials Schools (those disengaged with the curriculum), Kent Troubled Families. There is also support for the employer to support those clients who may have an offender background for example to ensure that clients are supported back into employment.
Looking to partner with organisations, the majority of core funding is from KCC, but want to expand partnerships with other organisations. The level of support can be faded to meet needs, and this includes up front work with the employer, giving them the tools to assist with employment opportunities. Of the last 300 clients work with 90% of them sustained employment for over 12 months. There is a lot of work around retention of employment, working closely with Health Insurance Companies to support employers to keep people in employment.
Currently the unit is supporting around 360 clients, this is the average annual capacity, right across Kent but can go outside the County boundary. The referrals come from Early Help and Family Intervention Workers. There are hot spots, most from the more deprived areas of Kent, and mostly in social housing stock. MP advised that they hold records of all the postcodes of clients that they are working with.
Of the 360 clients 50 approximately are worked with on regards to retention of employment. The roles that discussed with employers are at all levels, it is not all low level employment opportunities. The approach is very person centred so identifying skills and talents of an individual is all captured to help the pathway. Currently working with 900 employers in the County. Of the 360 there is a 50/50 split of age groups of clients, from 16+ to tail end of working age clients.
WM suggested it would be beneficial to establish what proportions of the current 360 clients are living in KHG membership stock. MP could share the postcode list and KHG Members carefully match the details to establish the overlay. MP to share with RS (with a view to data protection).
WM identified that employment retention is a potential key point for the group, that households who are employment, but could be at risk of dropping out and then consequently accrue arrears and the impact on tenancies. MP advised that the retention work is intensive but very rewarding. Employers are good and engaging and will be flexible if they have the relationships built. The majority of retention work is health related and is based about how the client wants it approached.
MP advised that the ask from his team is about assisting and working in partnership to fill any gaps between what’s provided by housing providers and the Employment Support Team at KCC. The position is grow what they current offer is and explore co-funding opportunities
HB commented that we need to make this work in terms of the original ask of the Employment Support Protocol, which as employers there is a need to ensure that we fulfil original objectives and opportunities that housing providers have in terms of employment and the influence upon supply chains.
HB also commented about the potential overlap between commissioned floating support services and the support provided by MP’s Team. More exploration on this is required. / Need to establish the mapping, identify the gaps in service delivery, identify the gaps/opportunities about clients, the consideration about a retention model for more vulnerable clients and also about future investment
MP can also share cost per her for the 12 month support. JS, HB, IL and AHL will be represented in a small sub group to take this forward. Any additional members can join in if interested
BBO Update & Other Kent Partnerships / Talent Match is continuing, Big Lottery Funded Programme for Kent Sussex and Essex, in hot spots identified and shared previously. This is wrap around support for young people and referrals are simple to make. There is a significant supportive partnership support for young people through Talent Match. The programme is going well and they will be able to report progress. There are two years remaining on the contract. A challenge back to Princes Trust is feedback to those who refer clients through, to understand what the progress has been.
The focus for the group is to concentrate on opportunities going forward. RS shared the update from Garnet with regards to the BBO bid and other opportunities coming forward. Big Lottery have allocated to a number of partnerships, HB has shared the list of winners, with very few winners in Kent, more in Essex. WM is going to establish more about the South Down and Lewes Partnership who were successful, to understand how a housing association in Sussex had a successful bid?
RBLI were successful under Sustaining Employment, who are keen to have future conversations with housing providers, RS to share details of an email exchange from RBLI. Porchlight and Gingerbread were also successful. AHL are part of the Gingerbread partnership but on small scale, WM to liaise with them and share with the group. HB will liaise with Porchlight on a similar note to WM, IL to be the point of contact with RBLI.
In terms of lessons learnt – feedback was about the reach of the project and more specifics about how the project would work, these were not evident in the bid. The branding and description was not ideal, there were compromising about this but to take forward for another bid. Was the scale of the bid too big? Did this detract from the actual content? Going forward on future projects there needs to be more focus on the delivery model, how to deliver to make it a more specific bid in the future.
Groundwork thanked partners around the table for contribution and support for the bid. Also that they would be keen to work with partners again in the future. With regards to the other projects mentioned in his feedback colleagues are advised to contact Garnet direct. / WM to feedback to Princes Trust and ask for up to date package of information
RS to share contact details for Princes Trust and areas, WM advised that 20% of referrals can come from out of area
RS to share list of winners of BBO
WM to explore and share any feedback when available
RS, WM, HB and IL to note
Next Steps / What other funding opportunities are there currently or recently?
WM updated on the DWP/ESF/Welfare to Work – EOI and then bids in for an October deadline. This is regional funding to help those not work ready with health issues. Big regional lots, for a three or four year contract, likely to be multi-millions in terms of funding. There will a national programme; there will be more information on the DWP website.
WM, IL and some others are having early conversations, including L&Q and Public Co about putting a bid together (principally to focus on London with a view to roll out). WM and IL will feedback progress on this with regards to Kent. There is an exploratory meeting later this week.
There are additional primes on the radar currently; WM is having conversations with various partners about getting bid ready for funding opportunities, National Leads for Business Development within the partners. WM will share any feedback and encourage partnership working opportunities for housing providers if a Kent cluster required, again employment support for those not job ready.
Big Lottery is reviewing its strategy to funding and how it works with housing providers. WM to share any details about what the discussions entail and any details relevant for Kent providers (Reaching Communities Fund).
IL mentioned Kent Community Foundations, focused on NEET, £150K to £200K per year with Kent reach; the deadline for bid submissions is 27th June. HB advised that there is a conversation within WKHA about this later today. RS to scan and share the details provided by IL. There is potential for a joint bid between WKHA and MHS, the timescale and amount of money is key to this.
Money Advise Service funding is available and bids to be in by July, advised by JS. IL is putting in a Medway consortium for this bid and AHL are working on this in London.
‘Jobs Plus’ – Give Us a Chance consortium is meeting tomorrow, HB suggested bringing as an agenda item for a future meeting. This is a neighbourhood saturation model which is intensive engagement which is a challenge for consortium style working. More one for learning and sharing good practice.
Catch Up Bids Information
DWP Troubled Families Bid Round, this is due to close shortly, to target employment support for Troubled Families. There was a bid round that closed in March announced by DWP, European money and there are a number of SE Housing Associations and outcomes due shortly. West Kent and AHL are both involved in the sub contract element of the primes. Whoever is successful as a prime bidder may spot commission which may be of interest to members of this group.
WM advised that AHL are chasing European money for Micro Enterprise projects, in partnership with Circle Housing Russet. / WM & IL to feedback
IL to share details with RS to circulate with minutes
RS to note for future agenda
Members to keep other group members up to speed with any bids they are involved in and the outcomes.
AOB / RS to send out a new appointment date for the group early September and then another date for early December 2016.
It was agreed that the focus on collaboration is a key agenda item for the group going forward, with an external visitor if appropriate. For the September meeting members to provide details of any speakers to RS by Monday 22nd June. A suggestion for September was RBLI or one of the other successful BBO bidders.
WM brainstormed the format of the group meeting, whether it would be beneficial to have a meeting and then have an market event with big prime contractors, health colleagues and who should be invited to attend and talk about links between health and employment. / ALL to note date when appointment sent through from RS
ALL to note deadline
RS and WM to discuss in more detail about potential engagement with the group
Thank you to Circle Housing Russet for hosting and providing refreshments