© 2014
Paliy L.M.,graduate
(Scientific supervisor is. Kulinich S. M.,Doctor of Veterinary Science)
Poltava State Agrarian Academy
Reviewer is KruchinenkoO. V.,Candidate of Veterinary Sciences
The article presents the resultsofclinical evaluation of cats with the aim of paraanal adenitumdiagnosing. Thecatscame to outpatient admission to veterinary centre «Red cat». Clarified sex, breed, age-related predisposition to this disease. On the basis of the collected anamnesis and clinical examination and functional diagnostics defined pathological changes that accompany this disease. In particular we defined the tensile glands, inflammation, narrowing of the excretory ducts, change of the inflammatory exudatecolor.
Keywords: paraanal adenitum, domestic cats, the symptoms.
Definition of the problem.Paraanal sacs are two small formationswhich are located at positions approximately 4:00 and 8:00 hours on either side of the anus. Their inner membrane contains many sebaceous and of apokrinomai glands which produce liquid with a sharp odor. The latter accumulates in paraanal bags and get out in a small amount due to muscle contractions and movements of the bowel during defecation through a small channel [1]. Emission contentsof paraanal sacs has as the resultofthe fact that faeces are chemicals that act as territorial markers. Historically in the context of florenese functional value of these units was to ensure that the animals could by sprayingthe secret to mark their territory. This is the so-called "business cards" of animals. By this way they accurately detect enemies and interact with other animals [2].
However due to various reasons (dysfunction of the anal sphincter, congenital narrowness of the excretory canals or damage by microorganisms and subsequent obstruction inflammation, diarrhea as the result gettinganimals on a diet with low fiber content) violation of the automatic release of the bags. As a consequence, the fluid that accumulates in them causes an inflammatory response. Clinically it is manifested by inflammatory swelling and eczema around anus. The cats constantly lick and bite this site, go on the floor and puts pressure on the anal region in an attempt to ease the discomfort. The act of defecation during this long and painful [3].
Analysis of major studies and publications which discuss the problem. This pathology is deep enough studied in dogs. In particular clarified pathogenetic features of dogs paraanal adenitum. Proven that dogs which sick paraanal adentum, especially with the chronic form, there are changes in the secretory apparatus of the glands, which lead to delays in the launch of the secret out, and therefore its absorption in the body and, therefore, allergization of an organism products secret. This causes significant changes in the system of nonspecific defense which is manifested as a reduction in the activity of factors of cellular and humoral immunity [4,5].
At the same time in the available literature there are no such deep fundamental research devoted to the problem of catsparaanal adenitum. Despite not fully thorough study of this question we find a description of the main etiological factors, symptoms and methods of treatment of this pathology [6].
The aim of the research find out the breed, sex and age susceptibility of cats to paraanal adenitum, as well as peculiarities of the clinical course on the base of statistical reporting and clinical examination.
Research tasks:
1. Diagnosing the paraanal adenitum according to the results of clinical examination of cats get to the outpatient admission to the veterinary clinic.
2. Find out the symptoms that accompany this disease and to compile the data.
Researchmaterials and methods.We made research during 2014 on the base of veterinary centre "Red cat". Diagnostics of this pathology was based on anamnesis, clinical examination of animals and functional diagnostics. During the history taking was found the presence of characteristic symptoms of the disease as licking and biting of the site, drive the animals on the surface of the floor or ground. The size of paraanal glands and their bilateral increaseclinical examination determined. The examination get the presence of eczema, ulcers and fistulas on the surface of the skin and possible abscess or tumor paraanal glands. The degree of cross ducts paraanal glands, as well as the consistency of the gland secretion, its color and smellwas definedduring functional diagnosis (by the method of compression). To do this by left hand was wrapped tail on the back or side, with thumb and index fingers of right hand clutched a little gauze below the anus, capturing both glands. Also by exudate on a napkin definedthe inflammatory process – aseptic or septic.
Aseptic was the process by which a noted increase of glands secret. This secret had a pasty consistency with brown or grayish color.
Purulent was the process by which noted the accumulation of foul-smelling secretions mixed with streaks of blood and polymorphic purulent exudate.
The diagnosis was based on the breed, sex and age of animals.
Statistical processing of experimental studies results made by determining the arithmetic mean (M), its error (m).
Research results. 314 cats was clinical examination that come to the outpatient reception. 22 (7%) of the animals was diagnosed paraanal adenitum. Found that all experimental animals were bilateral lesions of the glands. When studied 160 cats (male) was sick of this pathology 9 goals (5,6%), and from 154 cats (female) was 13 goals (8,4%).
Found that often hurt purebred cats (9 goals, 40,9% in the structure of pathology and 2,9% of the examined animals). Accordingly 6 malecats and 3 femalecats that is 27,2% and 13,6% in the structure of pathology, and data from the general survey of animals respectively 3,7%and 1,9%.
Less sick cats Persian breed: 7 animals that was 31,8% in the structure of pathology and 2.2% of the number of examined animals. Of these the pathology was diagnosed in 5 females (22,7% share in pathology and 3,2% with respect to clinical assessment) and 2 males (similar to females of 9,1% and 1,25).
Even less was sick animals British short coat breed: 4 animals (18,2% of the patterns and 1,2% of surveyed).That were 3 females (similar to Persian cats percentage was 13,6% and 1,9%) and 1 male (4,5% and 0,6%).
The smallest share in the structure of pathology has 2 Siamese females cats which respectively amounted 9,1% from sick animals and 1,3% of surveyed females.
Animals divided into two groups by age – animals up to five years and older. By the results of the research was determined that in the first group were ill 6 animals (2 males and 4 females), which amounted 27,2% in the structure of the pathology. More often sick animals of the second group:16 animals (72,8%) – 6 males and 10 females.
Was found by collected anamnesis that almost 100% of cases the owners complained of the same problem – itching in the anus evidence, periodic licking this area, attempts to squeeze this site to a solid surface for compression glands.
Increase paraanal glandsdetermined by palpation of the area. The standard size was 0.3±0.01cm2, for paraanal adenitum is 1,2±0,3cm2 – they increased almost four times. 3 animal (13,6% of all sick animals)has alopecia specified area.
During glands compression found that 100% of animals has patency glands the evidence of which was bilateral allocation secret from the bags. However it should be noted that if in clinically healthy animals it has not caused significant changes in the general reaction,but the sick animals that triggered a strong defensive reaction. The animals tried to scratch, bite, run away and much meow that was evidence of the development of painand therefore the inflammatory response and indirectly testified to the narrowing of the excretory ducts.
All animals has increase quantityof the secret. We were diagnosed only aseptic inflammation.
5 animals (22,7%) has thin and watery secretgrayish color with inclusions as cheese. More often the exudate had a pasty consistency and dark brown in colour which was noted in 12 animals (54,5%). Four animals (18,2%) has the exudate which became soft and acquired wetland color. We have also been diagnosed case paraadenitum in which the exudate had a thick consistency and a different color (on the right gland grey, and left black).
1. We established that 7% of the examined animals has bilateral paraanal adenitum. Mongrel cats (40,9% of pathologystructure) of the older age group (72,8%)sickmore often.
2. We are proved that the pathology is accompanied by the enlargement of the glands, the narrowing of the excretory ducts, hair loss and change in color of the glandssecretion.
1. Панасова Т. Г. Деякі питання морфології параанальних залоз у собак /Т. Г. Панасова // Вет. медицина України. – 2000. – №12. – С. 11
2. Панасова Т. Г. Параанальний аденіт у собак /Т. Г. Панасова // Вісник Білоцерківського державного аграрного університету. – Вип. 13, Ч. 1. – Біла Церква, 2000. – С. 64–67.
5. ct_anal_sac_disorders?page=2
6. / 45-vospalenie-paraanalnykh-zhelez-u-koshek
[«Воспаление параанальных желез у кошек»]