Cynthia Jane Brown

Educational Background

1973-78: Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley

1976-77: École Normale Supérieure, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France

1971-73: M.A., University of California, Berkeley

1966-70: B.A., magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, University of New Hampshire

1968-69: Université de Dijon, France

Academic Distinctions and Awards


June 2016 Borchard Foundation International Symposium Grant

2013 Chevalier des Palmes Académiques, French Government

2009-2012 Partner University Fund / French American Cultural Exchange: Collaborative

Interdisciplinary Project with Anne-Marie Legaré, Université de Lille III

Jun-Jul 2008 Borchard Foundation International Symposium Grant

2006-07 UC President’s Fellowship for the Humanities

Summer 2006 National Endowment for the Humanities Stipend Award

Fall 2003 Camargo Foundation Fellowship

Fall 2003 CNRS Exchange Program (declined)

June 2000 Borchard Foundation International Symposium Grant

Spring 1999 Borchard Foundation Scholar-in-Residency Grant

1996 Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for French and Francophone Studies, Modern

Language Association (for Poets, Patrons and Printers)

July 1994 UC Management Institute, University of California, Irvine

1987-88 American Council of Learned Societies Grant

Summer 1986 National Endowment for the Humanities Seminar Grant - Henri-Jean Martin, The

Early Printed Book - Newberry Library

Summer 1980 National Endowment for the Humanities Stipend Award


2009-10 Faculty Collaborative Research Grant, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center,


2005 Unsung Heroine, UCSB Professional Women’s Association

2002-03 Instructional Improvement Grant, Instructional Development, UCSB

Web Minigrant, Instructional Development, UCSB

Fall 2002 Honors Forum Class, Honors Program, College of L&S, UCSB

2001 Research Grant, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, UCSB

1995-96  Intercampus Academic Program Incentive Fund Award, Office of the President,

University of California

1994-95 Outstanding Faculty Award, Office of Residential Life, UCSB

1990-91, 93-94, Research Grant, Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, UCSB


1993-94 Colloquium Grants (with Jody Enders), IHC and Academic Senate UCSB

1981,1983, Faculty Career Development Award, UCSB


Academic Experience

2011-present Distinguished Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

Nov-Dec 2005 Visiting Professor, L’École Nationale des Chartes, Paris

1994-2011 Full Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

1985-1994 Associate Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

1979-1985 Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara

1978-1979 Lecturer, University of New Hampshire, Durham

1976-1977 Instructor of English, École Normale Supérieure, Fontenay-aux-Roses

Administrative Experience

2007-08 Vice-Chair, Department of French and Italian, UCSB

2001-2002 Associate Vice Chancellor, Academic Personnel, UCSB

2001-2002 Faculty Advisor to the Executive Vice Chancellor, UCSB

2000-2001 Director, Graduate Studies, French and Italian, UCSB

1999-2000 Graduate Advisor, Department of French and Italian, UCSB

Fall 1998 Vice-Chair, Department of French and Italian, UCSB

1991-1996 Chair, Department of French and Italian, UCSB

1986-Fall 1991 Graduate Advisor, Department of French and Italian, UCSB



The Shaping of History and Poetry in Late Medieval France: Propaganda and Poetic Expression in the Works of the Rhétoriqueurs. Birmingham: Summa, 1985.

Reviewed in: The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, 48 (1986), 90; The French

Review, 61, 1 (October 1987); South Atlantic Review (November 1987), 117-18;Studi Francesi, 32, 1(1988), 133-34

Critical edition of André de la Vigne’s La Ressource de la Chrestienté (1494). Montréal: CERES, 1989.

Poets, Patrons, and Printers: Crisis of Authority in Late Medieval France. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1995. Awarded the MLA Scaglione Prize in 1996.

Reviewed in: Choice, 33, 4 (December 1995); Nouvelles du Livre Ancien, 85 (hiver 1995-

1996); Revue de l’Art, 112 (1996), 2; Times Literary Supplement (May 1996); Le Moyen

Âge, 103, 2 (1997); French Studies, 51, 1 (January 1997), 61-62; Comparative Literature

Studies, 34, 1 (1997), 86-88; French History, 12, 4 (December 1998), 459-60; Roman-

ische Forschungen, 111 (1999), 94-96; Romance Philology, 54 (Fall 2000), 176-81;

Annales, Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 56, 4-5 (2001), 1036-38.

Critical edition of Pierre Gringore’s Oeuvres, Volume I (Les œuvres polémiques sous le règne de Louis XII). Geneva: Éditions Droz, 2003.

Reviewed in: Bibliothèque de l’École des Chartes, 162 (2004); Bulletin Codicologique, 1

(2004); Bulletin critique du livre en français, 663 (octobre 2004), Fifteenth-Century

Studies, 30 (2004); French Studies, 4 (October 2004), Revue d’Histoire de l’Église de

France, 1, 90 (2004), Studi Francesi, XLVIII, 1 (2004), Vox Romanica, 63 (2004),

Sixteenth Century Journal, XXXVI/4 (2005)

Critical edition of Pierre Gringore’s Oeuvres, Volume II (Les Entrées royales à Paris de Marie d’Angleterre [1514] et Claude de France [1517]). Geneva: Éditions Droz, 2005.

Reviewed in: Bulletin critique du livre en français, (décembre 2005); Romania 123. 1-

2, (2005), 246-48; Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, LXVIII (2006), 427;

Renaissance Quarterly (2006), 886-87; Revue d’Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses, 86, 4, (2006), 544; Renaissance and Reformation (2007), 211-14; Réforme Humanisme Renaissance 64 (2006), 134-35; Bulletin du bibliophile, 1 (2006), 186-87; Sixteenth Century Journal XXXVIII.3 (2007), 820-21; French Studies, LXII, 1 (January 2008), 71; Fifteenth-Century Studies 33 (2008), 9-11; Publikation, 4 (2009) ( francia-recensio/2009-4/FN/gringore_bryant)

The Cultural and Political Legacy of Anne de Bretagne: Negotiating Convention in Books and Documents (edited volume). Cambridge, UK: D. S. Brewer, 2010.

The Queen’s Library: Image-Making at the Court of Anne of Brittany, 1477-1514. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011.

Reviewed in: Renaissance Quarterly (Summer 2011); H-France Review (October

2011); French Studies (May 2012); SHARP (The Society for the History of Authorship,

Reading and Publishing) News (Summer 2012); Sixteenth Century Journal (2012);

Studies in Iconography (2012), Kunstform (2013), French Review, 86/5 (April 2013)

Critical edition of André de la Vigne’s La Ressource de la Chrestienté (1494) (digitized version). École Normale Supérieure de Lyon: Base de français médiéval, 2014 (http://txm.bfm-corpus-org).

Les femmes, l’art et la culture en Europe entre Moyen Âge et Renaissance / Women, Art and Culture in Medieval and Renaissance Europe (co-edited with Anne-Marie Legaré). Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2016.

Reviewed in: Cahiers de recherches médiévales et humanistes (2016); Bulletin de

Liaison de la Société d’Études du Seizième Siècle, 83 (2016)

Manuscript to Print, Print to Digita: Editionsin Performance and Performance in Editions in Late Medieval and Renaissance France (1400-1550) (edited volume) (submitted).

Critical edition of Pierre Gringore’s Oeuvres, Volumes III-IV (in progress, forthcoming with Éditions Droz, Geneva)

Critical edition of selected works of André de la Vigne (in progress, forthcoming with Champion, Paris)

Journal Issue

Special issue of The Journal of the Early Book Society: Women and the Book Culture in Late

Medieval and Early Modern France, co-edited with Martha Driver, Volume IV (2001).

Articles and Book Chapters

“Jean Lemaire’s La Concorde des deux langages: The Merging of Politics Language and Poetry.” Fifteenth Century Studies, 3 (1980), 29-39.

“The Evolution of André de la Vigne’s La Ressource de la Chrestienté: From the Manuscript Tradition to the Vergier d’honneur Editions.” Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, XLV (1982), 115-25.

“The Rise of Literary Consciousness in Late Medieval France: Jean Lemaire de Belges and the Rhétoriqueur Tradition.” The Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, XIII (1983), 51-74.

“Political Misrule and Popular Opinion: Double Talk and Folly in Pierre Gringore’s Jeu du Prince des Sotz.” Le Moyen Français, 11 (1982 [appeared in 1984]), 89-111.

“Mémoire et Histoire: la déformation de la réalité chez les Rhétoriqueurs.” In Jeux de mémoire: aspects de la mnémotechnie médiévale. Proceedings of the 10th

Colloquium of the Institut d’études médiévales (Université de Montréal, May 1983). Montréal: Les Presses de l’Université, 1985, 43-53.

“Du Manuscrit à l’imprimé en France: le cas des Grands Rhétoriqueurs.” In Les Grands Rhétoriqueurs. Actes du Ve Colloque international sur le moyen français (Milan, 6-8 mai, 1985). Vol. I. Milano: Pubblicazioni della Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 1985, 103-23.

“Du Nouveau sur le ‘mistère’ des Douze Dames de Rhétorique: le rôle de Georges Chastellain.” Bulletin de la Commission Royale d’Histoire, CLIII (1987), 188-223.

“L’Éveil d’une nouvelle conscience littéraire en France à la grande époque de transition technique: Jean Molinet et son moulin poétique.” Le Moyen Français (Du Manuscrit à l’imprimé). Actes du Colloque international sur le moyen français (Université de McGill, octobre 1988), 22 (1988), 15-35.

“The Confrontation Between Printer and Author in Early Sixteenth-Century France: Another Example of Michel Le Noir’s Unethical Printing Practices.” Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, LIII (1991), 105-19.

“Text, Image, and Authorial Self-Consciousness in Late Medieval Paris.” In Printing the Written Word: The Social History of Books, c. 1450-1520. Ed. Sandra Hindman. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991, 103-42.

Reviewed in: Times Literary Supplement (September 18, 1992), 29; Art History, 16, 2

(June 1993), 365-66.

“The Interaction Between Author and Printer: Title Pages and Colophons in Early French Imprints.” Soundings: Collections of the University Library. Santa Barbara: University of California, 1992, 33-50.

“Poètes, imprimeurs et mécènes à la fin du moyen âge français: une crise d’autorité.” In Pratiques de la culture écrite en France au XVe siècle. Eds. M. Ornato and N. Pons. Actes du Colloque international, Paris, CNRS, 18-21 mai, 1992. Louvain-la-Neuve: Fédération International des Instituts d’Études Médiévales, 1995, 423-40.

“A Late Medieval Cultural Artifact: The Twelve Ladies of Rhetoric (Les Douze Dames de Rhétorique). Allegorica, 16 (1995), 73-105.

“Pierre Gringore: acteur, auteur, éditeur.” Cahiers V. L. Saulnier (Les Grands Rhétoriqueurs), 14 (1997), 145-63.

“Les Abus du monde de Pierre Gringore: de l’imprimé au manuscrit?” In La Génération Marot: Poètes français et néo-latins (1515-1550). Actes du Colloque international de Baltimore (5-7 décembre 1996). Ed. Gérard Defaux. Paris: Champion-Slatkine, 1997, 35-58.

“The Reconstruction of an Author in Print: Christine de Pizan in the 15th and 16th Centuries.” In Christine de Pizan and the Categories of Difference. Ed. Marilynn Desmond. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1998, 215-35.

Reviewed in: Speculum, 75, 1 (January 2000), 171-73; Studies in the Age of Chaucer,

22 (2000), 480-82; Modern Language Review, 95, 2 (2000), 504-05.

“De ‘La Louange à la tresglorieuse Vierge’ aux Chansons georgines: la transformation d’une oeuvre de Georges Chastellain. Le Moyen Français (Néologie et Création verbale), 39-41 (1996-97 [published 1998]), 65-80.

“Variance and Late Medieval Mouvance: Reading an Edition of Georges Chastellain’s ‘Louange a la tresglorieuse Vierge.’” Disputatio (Translation, Transformation and Transubstantiation in the Late Middle Ages), 3 (1998), 123-75.

“Author, Editor, and the Use of Illustrations in the Early Imprints of Villon’s Works: ‘Ung chacun n’est maistre du scien.’” In Chaucer’s French Contemporaries. Ed. R. Barton Palmer. New York: AMS Press, 1999, 315-48.

“Allegorical Design and Image-Making in Fifteenth-Century France: Alain Chartier’s Joan of Arc.” French Studies, 53, 4 (1999), 385-403.

“Networking in Medieval and Post-Modern Cultures: Texts, Authorship, and Intellectual Property” (co-authored with Barbara Valentine). Journal of the Early Book Society, 2 (1999), 157-78.

“Textual and Iconographical Ambivalence in the Late Medieval Representation of Women.” Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester (Text and Image: Studies in the French Illustrated Book from the Middle Ages to the Present Day), 81, 3 (1999), 205-39.

“Patterns of Protest and Impersonation in the Works of Pierre Gringore.” In Vernacular Literacy and Current Affairs in the Early Sixteenth Century: France, England and Scotland. Eds. Jennifer Britnell and Richard Britnell. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers, 2000, 16-40.

Reviewed in: Journal of the Early Book Society, 6 (2003), 179-81.

“Grief, Rape and Suicide as Consolation for the Queen: Ambivalent Images of Female Rulers in the Books of Anne de Bretagne.” Journal of the Early Book Society (special issue on Women and Books in Late Medieval and Renaissance Europe), IV (2001), 172-201.

“The ‘Famous Women’ Topos in Early Sixteenth-Century France: Echoes of Christine de Pizan.” “Rien ne mest seur que la chose incertaine:” Études sur l’art d’écrire au Moyen Âge offertes à Eric Hicks par ses élèves, collègues, amies et amis. Éds. Jean-Claude Mühlethaler and Denis Billotte. Genèva: Slatkine, 2001, 149-160.

“André de la Vigne au Puy de Rouen de 1511: Étude du ms. Douce 379 de la Bibliothèque Bodléienne.” Première poésie de la Renaissance: Autour des Puys poétiques normands, Actes du Colloque international organisé par le Centre d’Études et de Recherche Éditer-Interpréter (30 septembre-2 octobre 1999), eds. Jean-Claude Arnould et Thierry Mantovani (Paris: Champion, 2003), 161-192.

“Les Louanges d’Anne de Bretagne dans la poésie de Jean Bouchet et de ses contemporains: voix de deuil masculines et féminines,” Jean Bouchet, traverseur des voies périlleuses (1476-1557):actes du colloque de Poitiers (30-31 août 2001). Eds. Nathalie Dauvois et Jennifer Britnell. Paris: Champion, 2003, 32-51.

“La Mise en œuvre et la mise en page du prosimètre chez André de la Vigne,” Cahiers V. L. Saulnier (Le Prosimètre à la Renaissance), 22 (2005), 87-110.

“Books in Performance: The Parisian Entry (1504) and Funeral (1514) of Anne of Brittany.” Yale French Studies (Meanings and Its Objects: Material Culture in Medieval and Renaissance France, eds. Margaret Burland, David LaGuardia, and Andrea Tarnowski), 110, 2006, 75-91.

“From Stage to Page: Royal Entry Performances in Honour of Mary Tudor (1514).” In Poetry on the Page: Book and Text in France, 1400-1600. Eds. Adrian Armstrong and Malcolm Quainton. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007, 49-72.

“Paratextual Performances in the Early Parisian Book Trade: Antoine Vérard’s Edition of Boccaccio’s Nobles et cleres dames (1493).” In Cultural Performances in Medieval France: Essays in Honor of Nancy Freeman Regalado. Eds. E. Jane Burns, Eglal Doss-Quinby and Roberta Krueger. Woodbridge, Surrey: Boydell & Brewer, 2007, 255-64.

"Le Mécénat d'Anne de Bretagne et la politique du livre." In Patronnes et femmes mécènes en France à la Renaissance, d'Anne de France à Catherine de Médicis. Ed. Kathleen Wilson-Chevalier. Saint-Étienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2007, 195-224.

“Vroeg-zestiende-eeuwse Frans-Nederlandse relaties: Pierre Gringores Entreprise de Venise en de Antwerpse Venegien” (co-authored with Susie Sutch). Spiegel der Letteren, 49, no. 2 (2007), 197-211.

“Du manuscrit à l’imprimé: Les XXI Epistres d’Ovide d’Octovien de Saint Gelais.” In Ovide Métamorphosé: Les Lecteurs médiévaux d’Ovide. Eds. Laurence Harf-Lancner, Laurence Mathey-Maille, Michelle Szkilnik. Paris: Presses Sorbonne nouvelle, 2009, 69-82.

“Visual and Verbal Satire in Pierre Gringore’s Folles Entreprises.” In La Satire dans tous ses états” à la Renaissance française. Ed. B. Renner. Cahiers d’Humanisme et de Renaissance. Geneva: Éditions Droz, 2009, 49-74.

“Like Mother, Like Daughter: The Blurring of Royal Imagery in Books for Anne de Bretagne and Claude de France.” In The Cultural and Political Legacy of Anne de Bretagne. Ed. Cynthia J. Brown. Cambridge, U.K.: D.S. Brewer, 2010, 101-21.