Key Terms Unit 1

·  Jamestown, VA

·  The "Starving Time"

·  Virginia Company

·  Lord De La Warr

·  Captain John Smith

·  Powhatan

·  Pocahontas

·  John Rolfe

·  headright system

·  House of Burgesses

·  royal colony

·  George Calvert

·  proprietorship

·  Maryland Toleration Act - 1649

·  indentured servant

·  Gov. William Berkeley

·  Nathaniel Bacon

·  English Reformation

·  "The Great Migration" [1620-1640]

·  Puritan

·  Church of England [Anglican Church]

·  Congregationalists

·  "middling sort"

·  Pilgrims [Separatists]

·  the "elect"

·  Mayflower Compact (1620)

·  Squanto

·  MA Bay Colony

·  John Winthrop

·  covenant

·  Thomas Hooker

·  Fundamental Orders of CT

·  Fundamental Articles of New Haven (1639)

·  New England town meetings

·  Roger Williams

·  Anne Hutchinson

·  antinomianism

·  theocracy

·  Pequot War

·  Wampanoags

·  King Philip's War

·  flintlock musket

·  Stuart Restoration

·  New Netherlands

·  New Amsterdam

·  Peter Stuyvesant

·  Dutch Reformed Church

·  patroon

·  Sir George Carteret

·  Quakers [Society of Friends]

·  George Fox

·  Margaret Fell

·  "Inner Light"

·  Charters of Liberty [1701]

·  William Penn

·  Barbados

·  James Oglethorpe

·  John Locke

·  Two Treatises on Government [1691]

·  Atlantic trading system

·  indigo

·  African "Rice Coast"

·  Gullah

·  mercantilism

·  Board of Trade & Plantations

·  Dominion of New England

·  Sir Edmond Andros

·  Navigation Acts (1651, 1673, 1696)

·  enumerated goods

·  Stono Rebellion

·  Rev. Increase Mather

·  Salem Witch Trials

·  Rev. Cotton Mather

·  Rev. George Burroughs

·  Tituba

·  primogeniture

·  First Great Awakening

·  John Wesley

·  Methodism

·  Jonathan Edwards

·  George Whitefield

·  "New Lights"

·  "Old Lights"

·  Halfway Covenant

·  The Enlightenment

·  philosophes

·  "dame" schools

·  almanacs

·  John Peter Zenger