Friday 4th May 2018

Dear Parents/ Carers

Key Stage One SATs

Next week, Year Two children will begin completing their end of key stage SATs papers. You should have received an information booklet from your child’s teacher explaining all you need to know, but please feel free to speak to your child’s teacher if you have any further questions.

Lunchtime Clubs

A reminder that lunch time clubs for Year One and Year Two start next week. If your child did not sign up for a club, but would like to, please speak to your child’s teacher as there are still lots of spaces left in various clubs.

PTFA Cinema Event - Friday 11th May

There are still tickets available from both the Infant and Junior schools for this event. Please speak to our lovely ladies in the office for a form if you would like to attend.


As part of our drive for promoting physical activity, we will soon be launching Acti-Ball! Over the next term children will take turns to bring home their class's ‘Acti-Ball’ activity bag. This will consist of a drawstring bag, large ball and activity book. We would ask you to play or invent a gamewith your child using the ball. Your child can then draw, write or photograph what they did, ready for the other children in the class to repeat the activity during school time. Unfortunately, as we are launching this activity during the summer term, it is unlikely that every child will have an opportunity to take the ball home this year. However, every child will have an opportunity to try out games within the school day.


Our next meeting is at 7pm on Tuesday 15th May. This is a busy time of year as we begin preparations for our Summer Fair, so please come along to find out what we're organising and how you can get involved. All welcome.

Arts Week (21st May – 25th May)

As a school we continue to champion the creative arts and our Annual Arts Week is taking place the week before half term. A letter will be coming home soon asking for donations of items for the art work and describing what sort of activities are on offer during the five days. Please help out if you can by sending in the items requested before arts week.

Bug Club

Please could I send a reminder to parents that every child in Year One and Year Two has access to ‘Bug Club’ which can be used on either a PC or tablet. Your child’s password and username should be on the back of their reading record. This is a great resource to promote reading at home and develop comprehension skills. Your class teacher will assign books in line with your child’s reading colour. If you find your child has read all the books assigned, or there are any problems with your child’s account, please let your child’s teacher know.

Second Hand Uniform Sales

Our second hand uniform sale remains as popular as ever and my thanks to Mrs Bayly who voluntarily runs these sales for the school. As you can imagine, this job has become bigger and bigger as time has gone by and we are seeking any kind volunteers who would be willing to help out with organising and running our sales. If you think you would be interested in giving up some time to help and would like to know more about what is involved, please speak with Mrs Eabornin the office (on Tues, Weds or Thurs).

Our next uniform sale will take place on Thursday 14th June (so you could come and see a sale in action!)

Plea for Spare Boys Underwear

We have completely run out of spare underwear for boys in school and would be very grateful for any donations of good quality clean underwear (pants and socks) as soon as possible!

Congratulations to the following children for receiving Fabulous Friday Stickers:

Year 1
Week ending Friday 20th April 2018
Hedgehogs: Tyler, Priia, Heidi & Mason
Squirrels: Kassie, Archie, Kesania & Chloe
Foxes: Bodhi, Jonah, Samuel & Molly
Rabbits: Max, Joshua & Charlie
Week ending Friday 27th April 2018
Hedgehogs: Amie, Freya, Kiko & Oliver
Squirrels: Evelyn, Harry, George & Tobias D.
Foxes: Beau, Grace, Evalyn & Vanessa
Rabbits: Oliver & Isabelle / Year 2
Week ending Friday 20th April 2018
Kingfishers: Bronte, Jessica, Lexus & Vincent
Woodpeckers: Nico, Zac, Mia & Thomas F.
Nightingales: Ryan & Matthew
Kestrels: Isabella & Harry B.
Week ending Friday 27th April 2018
Kingfishers: Ethan, Darcey, Jessica & Abigail S.
Woodpeckers: Tessa, Owen, Ava & Megan
Nightingales: Eloise & Poppy P.
Kestrels: Mark & Oliver

Reminders for next week:-

Tuesday 8th May- Furzy gardens (Dolphins)

Wednesday 9th May- Furzy gardens (Starfish)

Thursday 10th May- Furzy gardens (Turtles

Monday 14th May- Furzy gardens (Seahorses)

Friday 11th May- School Nurse Drop-In (from 8:50am)

Friday 11th May- PTFA cinema event (gates open 5:45pm)

Yours sincerely,

Mr M Bowen

Acting Headteacher