Key Stage 3 GeographyYear 7 Mapskills
Year 7 Mapskills: Cheddar
Question 1: Location
Use Google Mapsto find Cheddar’s location in the United Kingdom. Write a description of its location in the box below. You could include such information as:
Which part of the United Kingdom is it in?
Is it near the sea or inland?
Is it in mountains or on lowland?
Use compass directions in your description.
Cheddar is
Question 2: Grid References
a) What is the number of the road between:
i)Axbridge (4354) and Rooks Bridge (3652)?ii)Congresbury (4463) and Lower Langford (4560)?
iii)Cleeve (4565) andEast Brent (3452)?
b) Give a four-figure grid reference for:
i)Swallow Cliff?
ii)Cheddar Reservoir?
iii)Cheddar Gorge?
c)Name the farm found at 408626?
d)Name the tall object found at 325627?
e)Which sport takes place at 433593?
f) Give six-figure grid references for 3 places to stay in and around Cheddar (4553)
Place to Stay: / Grid Reference:
g)The area shown on this map is popular with holidaymakers, as you can see from the number of camp sites and caravan parks. Find, and give grid references for, five different tourist attractions shown on the map.
Tourist Attractions: / Grid Reference:i)
Extension Task:
Imagine that you are in a car, travelling northwards across the map on the M5. Write a description of the different things that you would see out of the car windows. Think about both physical features (the shape of the land) and human features (buildings, roads etc.). You can use grid references in your description to locate the things you see.
Question 3: Measuring Distance:
a)What is the scale of the map? / 1:b)What is 1cm on the map in real life (in km)?
c)How wide is the Cheddar Reservoir? Give your answer in km.
d)Measure the straight line distances (in km) between these places:
i) The two railway stations in Weston-Super-Mare, at 324611 and 344614.ii) Birnbeck Island (303626) and Sand Point (317659).
iii) The Iron Age fort at Brent Knoll (341510) and the fort near Banwell (409590)
iv) The sports centre in Churchill Green (436601) and Langford House College (458607).
Extension Task:
Imagine again that you are in a car, travelling northwards across the map on the M5. How far would you travel from the bottom of the map to the top? You will need to use a piece of string to measure the distance accurately.
Question 4: Height:
a)How high is Brent Knoll is Grid Square 3451?b)What word(s) best describes the relief within 3 KM surrounding Brent Knoll. Circle the correct answer / Flat
Very Steep
c)What is the highest point in Wavering down (4055)?
d)What is the highest point at Crook Peak (3855)?
e)Why do you think the M5 motorway follows the route shown on the map?
Extension Tasks :
a)You decide to take a walk from Shipgate Farm (366557). You walk 3 Km in a Northerly direction to Eldborough
(i) Describe your journey in terms of relief(shape of the land)
(ii) Give two 6 figure grid references which indicates the steepest ½ Km of your walk.