Parent or Guardian Permission for Approved Trip or Activity
Destination: / Liberty Science CenterDate of Trip: / Wednesday, June 14th, 2017
Time leaving school: / 9:00AM
Estimated time of return: / 2:00PM
Means of Transportation: / School Bus
Cost: / $4.00 - Partial Sponsorship by TRS PTO. Due June 1st!
Teacher(s) in charge: / Miss Tiscornia and the 3rd Grade Teachers
Chaperone(s): / TBA – Ask your teacher for more info!
Purpose of trip: / This is our annual End of the Year trip!
Needs of individual child: / Comfortable clothes and a labeled brown bag lunch
(Please cut and return bottom portion. Keep the top portion)
I give permission to: ______(Full name of student)
to go on this trip. In case of an emergency I have designated my name, address, and telephone number and given my authorization for emergency medical treatment. / I do not give permission to (full name of student):
(Full name of student)
Parent Signature: / Parent or Guardian’s Signature:
Phone number(s):
In case of an emergency, and I cannot be reached please contact:
Phone Number(s):
Dear Parents,
As strange as it may seem, the end of the school year is upon us. It’s time for the students to celebrate their success by having a fun-filled day of learning at the Liberty Science Center. LSC is an award-winning museum specializing in child-centric science education. It’s a delightful experience.
This year, the TRS PTO is partially sponsoring our trip! Each student is only costing $4.00! Chaperones are free!
While we expect a full day of fun, we have some tips to make the most of this experience. Please review them below, and if you have any questions, feel free to contact your classroom teacher.
1. The trip will take place on Wednesday, June 14th. The busses will leave promptly at 9:00am. If you are chaperone, please arrive at the school promptly. We will return to school by 2:00pm.
2. Dress your child in comfortable clothes, including sneakers. The museum is huge and we encourage students to explore as much as possible.
3. Please pack a labeled brown bag lunch for your child. Glass bottles and cans are discouraged, as they are bulky to carry around.
4. Your child may purchase souvenirs, but teachers and chaperones are not responsible for holding any money. If a child decides to purchase items, they must be responsible for their own money.
5. If you would like to volunteer to be a chaperone, please fill out the form above. We are thrilled that there are so many parents and guardians interested in being chaperones, but we do not have enough room for everyone. Chaperones will be determined by a raffle and your classroom teacher will contact you if you were chosen.
6. Have a game plan! There is a lot to do at LSC, and talk to your child about things they want to see. Knowing what to do means less time thinking and more time doing.
We expect to have a fun, amazing trip. Thank you for all your support, and we hope you are as excited as we are!
Kind Regards,
TRS Grade 3 Teachers
Would you like to volunteer as a chaperone? YES NO
Please fill out this section ONLY if you would like to volunteer as a chaperone.
Child’s name: Parent/Guardian’s name and e-mail:
By signing this, you agree to follow the rules of TRS and LSC, respectively.
Your teacher will notify individual parents if they are chosen to be chaperones.