Key Skills progression for Geography

Year 1 key skills / Year 2 key skills / Year 3 key skills / Year 4 key skills / Year 5 key skills / Year 6 key skills
Mapping Skills / I can name and identify the four countries of the UK
I can locate London and Manchester on a map of the UK
I can use basic geographical knowledge to local the countries and the capital cities of the UK
I can use directional language to describe a route using a map and construct a simple map.
I can use aerial photographs to identify landmarks in my local area. / I can name and locate the seven continents of the world using an atlas or globe
I can name and locate the five oceans
I can use 4 compass points to describe direction and location, using a map
I can use aerial photographs to recognise landmarks and human and physical features.
I can plot where food comes from
I can identify the location of hot and cold areas of the World
I can locate the equator on a globe and map
I can locate the position of the north and south poles on a globe and map / Use maps, globes and electronic maps to locate countries and describe features studied
Name and locate countries and cities in the UK and the geographical regions.
Use maps, globes and electronic maps to locate countries and describe features studied
Locate the world’s countries, using maps to focus on Europe. / Use maps, globes and electronic maps to locate countries and describe features studied
Locate World’s countries using maps, concentrating on the key physical and human features.
Use maps, atlases, globes and electronic mapping to locate countries and features in local area and area and an area of South America.
. / Use maps, atlases, globes and electronic maps to locate countries and areas studied.
Identify the position of the equator, N hemisphere, S Hemisphere, Artic, Antarctic.
Use the eight points of a compass
Use four and six figure grid references
Understand keys and symbols in ordinance survey maps to build their knowledge of the UK.
Use maps, atlases, globes and electronic maps to locate countries and areas studied.
Locate the World’s countries using maps(Focus on European countries and their capital cities) / Use maps, atlases, globes and electronic maps to locate countries and areas studied.
Name and locate countries and cities of the UK and geographical regions.
Name and locate countries and their capitals in Europe.
Understand the significance of longitude, latitude, Equator, N and S Hemisphere, Artic, Antarctic, Tropics, Prime (GMT) and time zones.
Use the eight point compass
Use four and six grid references
Understand symbols and keys on ordnance survey maps to build knowledge of the wider world.
Fieldwork / I can use observational skills and fieldwork to study the school and surrounding area. / I can use observational skills and fieldwork to study a locality outside of school (St Anne’s Beach) / Use fieldwork to observe, measure and record the human and physical features of our local area, by making sketch maps, graphs and using digital technology, eg cameras / Use fieldwork to observe, measure and record human and physical features in the local area using a range of methods.
Comparisons / I can talk about the similarities and differences between my local area and a non EU location (India)
I can use basic geographical knowledge to describe my local area using key vocab (city, town, house, shop, factory, road, hill, grass, paths, trees, bridge)
I can use some these key geographical terms when describing a locality ( beach, coast, river, forest, hill, mountain, sea, soil, season, weather, / I can describe how an area of the UK is different to a non EU locality (Africa) / Describe and understand a biome. / Understand how regions of the UK have changed over time
Understand similarities of a region of the UK and a region in South America (Physical and human features
Understand differences of a region of the UK and a region in South America (Physical and human features) / Understand how regions of the UK have changed over time
Compare key physical and human characteristics of countries and major cities. / Compare areas of Uk to areas of South America
Compare areas of the Uk to areas of North America
Human and physical features / I can identify the human and physical features of our school and surrounding area. / Describe and understand aspects of human geography, land use, economic activity, including trade links
Identify human and physical characteristics, what land was used for and begin to understand how these have changed over time.
Locate a country in Europe and describe the key physical and human characteristics.
Focus on environmental regions, key physical and humans characteristics, countries and major cities.
Describe and understand physical geography in the form of natural disasters, such as earthquakes and volcanoes. / Describe and understand key features of human geography including trade links and natural resources and food sources of the area.. / Understand the similarities of a region in the UK and a European Country (Physical and human features)
Understand the differences of a region in the UK and a European Country (Physical and human features) / Understand the similarities of a region within the UK and South America, looking at human and physical geography.
Understand the differences of a region within the UK and South America, looking at human and physical geography.
Understand geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of North America.