Key Legislators to Contact

About S. 1792 and H.R. 4112

Here are all the co-sponsors of the bills and the legislators on the Senate Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee, listed alphabetically by state.

Press Ctrl+Click on a legislator’s name to go to that legislator’s e-mail contact form.

* These are co-sponsors of the bill or key legislators.

Key Legislators to Contact Nov. 2009

Senate Finance Committee

* Sen. Max Baucus, Mont., Committee Chair

* Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV, W. Va. Bill Sponsor

Sen. Jon Kyl, Ariz.

Sen. Blanche L. Lincoln, Ark.

Sen. Thomas Carper, Del.

Sen. Bill Nelson, Fla.

Sen. Mike Crapo, Idaho

* Sen. Chuck Grassley, Iowa

Sen. Pat Roberts, Kan.

* Sen. Jim Bunning, Ky.

Sen. Olympia J. Snowe, Maine

Sen. John F. Kerry, Mass.

* Sen. Debbie Stabenow, Mich.

Sen. John Ensign, Nev.

Sen. Jeff Bingaman, N.Mex.

Sen. Kent Conrad, N.D.

Sen. Robert Menendez, N.J.

Sen. Charles E. Schumer, N.Y.

* Sen. Ron Wyden, Ore.

Sen. John Cornyn, Texas

Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, Utah

Sen. Maria Cantwell, Wash.

Sen. Mike Enzi, Wyo.

Other Co-sponsors of S. 1792:

* Sen. Richard Burr, N.C.

* Sen. Lamar Alexander, Tenn.

* Sen. Bob Corker, Tenn.

House Ways and Means Committee

* Rep. Charles Rangel, N.Y. Committee Chair

* Rep. John A. Yarmuth, Ky., Bill Sponsor

Rep. Artur Davis, Ala.

Rep. Xavier Becerra, Calif.

Rep. Wally Herger, Calif.

Rep. John B. Larson, Conn.

Rep. Devin Nunes, Calif.

Rep. Linda T. Sanchez, Calif.

House Ways and Means (cont.)

Rep. Fortney Pete Stark, Calif.

Rep. Mike Thompson, Calif.

Rep. Ginny Brown-Waite, Fla.

Rep. Kendrick Meek, Fla.

Rep. John Lewis, Ga.

Rep. John Linder, Ga.

Rep. Danny K. Davis, Ill.

Rep. Peter J. Roskam, Ill.

Rep. Geoff Davis, Ky.

Rep. Charles W. Boustany Jr., La.

Rep. Chris Van Hollen, Md.

Rep. Richard E. Neal, Mass.

Rep. Dave Camp, Mich.

Rep. Sander M. Levin, Mich.

Rep. Shelley Berkley, Nev.

Rep. Dean Heller, Nev.

Rep. Bill Pascrell Jr., N.J.

Rep. Joseph Crowley, N.Y.

Rep. Brian Higgins, N.Y.

Rep. Bob Etheridge, N.C.

Rep. Earl Pomeroy, N.D.

Rep. Pat Tiberi, Ohio

Rep. Earl Blumenauer, Ore.

Rep. Allyson Y. Schwartz, Pa.

* Rep. John S. Tanner, Tenn.

Rep. Kevin Brady, Texas

Rep. Lloyd Doggett, Texas

Rep. Sam Johnson, Texas

Rep. Eric Cantor, Va.

Rep. Jim McDermott, Wash.

Rep. Dave G. Reichert, Wash.

Rep. Ron Kind, Wis.

Rep. Paul Ryan, Wis.

Other Co-sponsors of H.R. 4112:

* Rep. Dennis Moore, Kan.

* Rep. Ben Chandler, Ky.

* Rep. Marcy Kaptur, Ohio

* Rep. Lincoln Davis, Tenn.

* Rep. Barton Gordon, Tenn.

* Rep. Phil Roe, Tenn.

* Rep. Alan Mollohan, W.Va.

Key Legislators to Contact Nov. 2009
Key Legislators to Contact Nov. 2009