
Match up the key words and definitions below:

Abrasion / - a smaller valley which hangs above the main U shaped valley in a glaciated region
Pyramidal peak / -the knife edge ridge between two corries
Freeze-thaw action / -a pyramid shaped peak made by glacial erosion
Erosion / - the weathering process that breaks up rocks by the repeated freezing and thawing of water in cracks
Glacier / - the way rocks in rivers or glaciers scrape and erode the rocks they are moving over
Arete / - the wearing away of soil and rocks by e.g. rivers and glaciers
Hanging valley / - a mass of ice flowing down a valley
Corrie / - the way by which moving ice pulls away rocks onto which it has frozen
Truncated spur / - one that has steep sides and a flat bottom and has been over deepened by a glacier
Tarn / -a spur that has been truncated, or cut off, by moving ice
U-shaped valley / -a lake found in a corrie
Plucking / - a large hollow near the top of a mountain, caused by glacial erosion
Moraine / -material deposited by glaciers

River Basins

Match up the key words and definitions below:

Mouth / - a graph to show rainfall and discharge patterns
Confluence / - a smaller river which flows into a larger one
Source / - a ridge of rock which juts down into a valley
River basin / - the end point of a river where it reaches the sea or a lake
V-shaped valley / - an area of highland surrounding a river basin
Channel / - the start of a river
Spur / - the point where two rivers meet
Tributary / - a valley that has been eroded by a river
Hydrograph / - an area of land drained by a river an its tributaries
Watershed / - what a river flows in

Climatic Regions

Match up the key words and definitions below.

Drought / - the difference between the highest and
lowest temperatures
Temperaturerange / - the average of the weather conditions, usually
measured over 30 years
Equatorialclimate / - a long period of dry weather
Climate / - a hot and wet climate found in many places near the equator
MediterraneanClimate / - an area with very low rainfall, usually less than 250 mm a year
Rainfallpattern / - a cold and dry climate found in the north of Canada and Russia
Desert / - a warm climate with dry summers
Tundraclimate / - the distribution of rainfall throughout a year

The physical environment and its effect on human activities

Match up the key words and definitions below.

Countrypark / - an activity undertaken for pleasure
Urban / - putting extra water onto farmland
ForestryCommission / - the way people use the land e.g. farming, forestry,
Terraces / - cities, built up areas
Drainage / - the organisation that plants and looks
after forests in the UK.
Landuse / - a large area of countryside whose outstanding
scenery is protected for the public
Rural / - steps cut into the sides of hills to make extra flat land
for farming
Irrigation / - removing water from the land
Conservation / - disagreement between different land users
Conflict / - is maintaining or increasing the attractiveness of
an area
Recreation / - the countryside
Nationalpark / - a small area of countryside near a city set aside
for recreation

Environmental Issues

Match up the key words and definitions below.

Ozonelayer / - where too many people live in an area for the
resources available, resulting in a low standard of living
Globalwarming / - the gradual increase in temperatures world-
Pollution / - the cutting down of trees
Deforestation / - a belt in the atmosphere which absorb most of the harmful ultra-violet rays from the sun
Afforestation / - the gradual rise in temperatures due to an
increase in carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere
Overpopulation / - damage to the environment caused by people
Greenhouseeffect / - the planting of trees

Characteristics of settlements

Match up the key words and definitions below.

Urbanmodel / - housing area
Inner city / - towns and cities
Accessibility / - a diagram showing a simplified pattern of land use in a town or city
Loworderservices / - the centre of a city which usually has departmental stores, offices, main bus and railway stations and entertainment
Urbanareas / - the area around a settlement within which people use that settlement for their services
Residentialarea / - cost of land
SphereofInfluence / - the main purpose of a settlement, e.g. port, market town or route centre
Centralbusinessdistrict (CBD) / - an area of modem factories
Highorderservices / - how easy it is to get to a settlement
Industrialestate / - those used frequently by most people, found in villages as well as towns e.g. post office, general shop
Commutervillage / - services that are rarely used by most people and are only found in the larger towns and cities e.g. major football stadium, international airport.
Landusezones / - an area of a city containing traditional industry and back to back terraced housing
Site / - a village next to a city; many people travel, or commute, from the village to work in the city
Function / - the land on which a settlement is built
Land value / - areas in a town with the same kind of land use e.g. areas of housing, industry and commerce ( shops, offices etc.).

Urban Change

Match up the key words and definitions below.

Urbanrenewal / - the old, central area of a town or city, often areas of redevelopment
Innercity / - a scheme to improve the condition of a town
Newtown / - a planned town, such as Milton Keynes, which offers new housing and jobs
- too much traffic on roads
Commuter greenbelt / - someone who travels to work
Derelictland / - improvements to housing, jobs, leisure
and the environment in a town
Suburbs / - an area of protected countryside around towns and cities
Congestion / - disused land
Urbanregeneration / - the outskirts of a town


Match up the key words and definitions below.

Arablefarm / - excessive amounts of food created as a result of the CAP
Pastoralfarm / - one that has high inputs for its area e.g. a market garden
Mixedfarm / - what the farmer produces e.g. wheat, potatoes, milk
Extensivefarm / - one that rears animals
Intensivefarm / - when farmers are paid to set-aside 10% of their land to reduce produce
Outputs / - one that has few inputs for its area -e.g. hill sheep farming
Irrigation / - these are needed in order to farm e.g. land, workers, equipment
Set-aside / - one that grows crops and keeps animals
CommonAgriculturalPolicy (CAP) / - the artificial watering of the land
Green Revolution / - one that grows crops
Croprotation / - the European Union's farming policy that looks after the farmers in Europe
Cashcrop / - the introduction of new High Yielding Variety seeds (HYV’s)
Inputs / - the swapping around of crops to help look after the soil
Diversification / - a crop that is grown for sale cereal crop - grain crop e.g. wheat
Food mountain / - branching out into a different way of earning money


Match up the key words and definitions below.

Sunriseindustry / - one that uses advanced equipment to make goods e.g. computer chips
IndustrialInertia / - one which collects resources provided by nature e.g. farming, forestry, fishing and mining (Take)
Industrialestate / - an old, declining industry e.g. shipbuilding
Primaryindustry / - a new, growing industry e.g. electronics
Rawmaterials - / - one that is not tied to a particular location
SecondaryIndustry / - when an industry stays in an area after the
reasons for it being there have gone
Tertiaryindustry / items used to make another product
Greenfieldsite / - a planned industrial area, often with ready made factory units
Sunsetindustry / - provides a service to people or other industries e.g. transport, retail. Also known as tertiary industry (service)
HightechIndustry / - a manufacturing industry (make)
FootlooseIndustry / - land that has not previously been built on

Economic Change

Match up the key words and definitions below.

Economiceffects / - the 'knock-on' effect of an industry opening or closing on other industries or services
Socialeffects / - the quality of peoples living standards
Environmentaleffects / - the financial effects on jobs and income (money)
Multipliereffect / - the effects on the quality of life of the people e.g. services, community spirit
Restoredland / - derelict land that has been made useful again e.g. by landscaping or renovating buildings
Standardofliving / - the effects on the landscape and the environment


Match up the key words and definitions below.

Economicfactors / - ones with low living standards. Also known as the 'South'
Emptylands / - ones with high living standards. Also known as the 'North'
Environmentalfactors / - a bar graph which shows the age and sex composition of a population
Politicalfactors / - factors connected with jobs and money
Populationdistribution / - the percentage of people in a country who can read and write
Populationdensity / - areas with low population density
Populationpyramid / - factors to do with the government and the European Union
Birthrate / - statistics that help indicate a countries standard of living
Census / - factors connected to the natural environment e.g. climate, relief, soil
Deathrate / - the average age to which people are expected to live in a country
Developedcountries / - the way in which a population is spread throughout a country or region
Developingcountries / - a count of the number of people living in a country
Indicatorsofdevelopment / - the number of people per square kilometre of land
Infantmortality / - a reason that attracts people to live in an other area e.g. higher standard of living
Lifeexpectancy / - the number of births per 1000 people
Literacyrate / - the number of deaths per 1000 people
Standardofliving / - the number of infant deaths to every 1000 live births
Migration / - too many people living in an area for the available resources, resulting in a low standard of living
NaturalIncrease / - how well off the people in a country are third world - another name for the countries of the developing world
Overpopulation / - the movement of people from one area to an other
Pullfactor / - the number of extra people in a country each year caused by the extra number of births than deaths
Pushfactor / - people allowed to live and work in a country for a short period of time
Refugees / - the number of people in a country who are not working, i.e. children and elderly
Activepopulation / - people forced to move from their home area due to e.g. war
Dependentpopulation / - an area in a town or city where people have built their own poor quality houses; often lacking in services e.g. electricity, sewers
Favela, shantytown or bustee / - a reason why people move away from an area e.g. poor housing
Guestworkers / - the number of people in a country of working age, usually 15 to 60 years


Match up the key words and definitions below.

Consumer / - something that makes it more difficult to export goods e.g. tariffs and quotas
Exports / - the difference between the value of a countries exports and imports
Imports / - the amount by which the value of the, imports exceeds the value of the exports
Multinationalcompany / - the amount by which the value of the exports exceeds the value of the imports
Overproduction / - a person, country or industry that uses a product
Tradebalance / - more of something is produces than can be sold, causing the price to fall
Tradebarrier / - a very large company that has operations in many countries e.g. IBM, Lucky Goldstar, General Motors
Tradedeficit / - goods sold to another country
Tradesurplus / - goods bought from another country

International Aid and Self Help

Match up the key words and definitionsbelow.

Aid / - aid used for a large project e.g. a hospital or a hydro electric dam
Selfhelpscheme / - emergency aid, needed after natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes
Projectaid / - aid that usually takes years before it is of benefit to a country e.g. improved education or a tree planting scheme
Voluntaryaid / - advanced equipment, usually costing a lot of money.
Appropriatetechnology / - help
Shorttermaid / - aid from a group of countries to an agency that then distributes it to other countries
Intermediatetechnology / - a scheme, usually small scale, which uses the skills of the local people to improve the local conditions
Multilateralaid / - using equipment that is best suited to the skills and finances of a country
Bilateralaid / - aid collected by charities such as Oxfam or Action Aid and then distributed to those that need the help
Long-termaid / - primitive techniques and equipment’s
Hightechnology / - middle level technology, often the right level to be used in the development of a country
Lowtechnology / - aid from one country to another

Exam words

Match up the key words and definitions below.

Compare / - outline the main features or characteristics
Conflict / - give an example of
Describe / - links
Distribution / - to do with money and wages
Economic / - give a good reason for
Explain / - a list in order of size or importance
Gatheringtechnique / - name or give
Hierarchy / - put in order of size
Identify / - outline the similarities or differences
Illustrate / - a simplified version of some feature, e.g. a city, in the real world
Justify / - where something is
Landuse / - reorganising information so it is more easily understood
Location / - taking a representative selection of measurements
Model / - an argument or difference of opinion
Outline / - point out and name
Processingtechnique / - give reasons
Questionnaire / - the spread throughout a country or region
Rank / - a list of questions which have been devised to obtain information, opinions and/or ideas.
Relationships / - put forward ideas or give an opinion
Technique / - a way of collecting information
Suggest / - a way of collecting or processing information
Sampling / - the way the land is used
State / - describe the main features or characteristics

Exam words - Answers

compare - outline the similarities or differences
conflict - an argument or difference of opinion
describe - outline the main features or characteristics
distribution - the spread throughout a country or region
economic - to do with money and wages
explain - give reasons
gatheringtechnique - a way of collecting information
hierarchy - a list in order of size or importance
identify - point out and name
illustrate - give an example of
justify - give a good reason for
landuse - the way the land is used
location - where something is
model - a simplified version of some feature, e.g. a city, in the
real world
outline - describe the main features or characteristics
processingtechnique - reorganising information so it is more
easily understood
Questionnaire - a list of questions which have been devised to
obtain information, opinions and/or ideas.
rank - put in order of size
relationships - links
technique - a way of collecting or processing information
suggest - put forward ideas or give an opinion
sampling - taking a representative selection of measurements
state - name or give