Natural Selection Comic Strip

Objective: You will create a comic strip to demonstrate your understanding of the

process of natural selection.

Guidelines: Your comic strip should…

·  teach others the process of natural selection and how it leads to evolution

·  Include all 3 parts of natural selection- this was in our notes yesterday

·  be a story about one species’ (can be an imaginary species) journey through natural selection

·  include a minimum of 6 frames with words and pictures in each frame

·  incorporate appropriate science vocabulary- examples: fitness, evolution, reproduction, genetics, adaptation etc.

·  be original and entertaining

·  include a title

Evaluation: Your comic strip is worth 20 points and will be evaluated using the rubric below.

4–Exemplary / 3.5–Good / 3–Satisfactory / 2.5-Needs Improvement / Points
(x1) / Comic strip contains over or 6 frames and is easy to follow. Each frame includes extremely clear words and pictures. / Comic strip contains less than frames and is easy to follow. Each frame includes clear words and pictures. / Comic strip contains less than 6 frames and is somewhat easy to follow. Most frames include words and pictures. / Comic strip contains less than 4 frames and is difficult to follow. Many frames are missing either words or pictures.
(x2) / Comic strip thoroughly and accurately teaches all components of natural selection. Appropriate science vocabulary is used throughout. / Comic strip accurately teaches all components of natural selection. Some science vocabulary is used. / Comic strip teaches some components of natural selection. May include errors or misconceptions. Minimal science vocabulary is used. / Comic strip fails to accurately teach natural selection. Science vocabulary is not used.
Effort and Creativity
(x1) / Comic strip shows exceptional effort. It is entertaining and highly creative. / Comic strip shows strong effort. It is engaging and creative. / Comic strip shows some effort. It is not engaging and is lacking creativity. / Comic strip shows a lack of effort. It is boring and unoriginal.
Following Guidelines
(x1) / Comic strip is extremely neat, constructed on white paper, typed or handwritten, and free of errors. / Comic strip is neat but is missing one component (type of paper, ink, error free). / Comic strip is lacking neatness and is missing more than one component (type of paper, ink, error free). / Comic strip is messy and is missing multiple components (type of paper, ink, error free).
