Key Features of the ACRRM Training Pathway

Written by: Dr Peter Keppel

What is ACRRM?

ACRRM is an independent medical college accredited by the Australian Medical Council to provide registrars with curriculum and assessments in vocational training in the discipline of general practice. (Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine;

There are two possible pathways to Vocational registration as a GP in Australia- RACGP and ACRRM.

Training for the qualification(including some of the assessments) is generally 4 years, including Core Clinical Training (hospital), Primary Rural and Remote training (community or hospital settings) and Advanced Specialised Training.

MCCC is accredited by ACRRM to deliver vocational training to ACRRM registrars in this region. ACRRM registrars need to enrol and pay membership fees.


From 2018, both RACGP and ACRRM will run separate selection processes for AGPT. MCCC has received approval for 8 dedicated ACRRM registrars.

Details about new applications are at

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

It is important that ACRRM Registrars engage with MCCC at the first Training Advice contact regarding RPL.

Dr Peter Keppel is the Regional Program Manager providing support to ACRRM registrars in MCCC and works with the regional lead ACRRM Medical Educators and specific ACRRM program, Regional Training Advisors experienced in ACRRM – Dr Dominic Blanks, Dr Marg Garde and Dr Angela Stratton, but all the regional MCCC Training Advisors are aware of the ACRRM requirements.

As the training pathway is potentially complex and requires a mandatory Advanced Skills Post, timely career advice is essential, especially if a hospital procedural discipline is identified. All training posts need to be ACRRM accredited. (Refer to

ACRRM Training Plan

This document is created in order to assist in developing a career plan to map learning needs and identify curriculum gaps over the course of AGPT. It is completed within the first 6 weeks in Community terms (PRRT 1) with the Medical Educators discussed in above paragraph.


Much of the ACRRM Primary Curriculum is included in the MCCC Out of Practice Training e.g. workshops throughout PRRT1-3.

The ACRRM Primary Curriculum also includes areas given different emphasis to the RACGP curriculum.

Anaesthetics and Obstetrics, for instance, are mandatory components of the Primary Curriculum for ACRRM registrars. This means ACRRM registrars need to demonstrate participation in learning activities in these areas preferably in the Core Clinical Training Time or through courses or placements active in those areas. Examples that MCCC has available are the Pro-Start modules for registrars needing assistance in this area, and ACRRM provides Rural Obstetric Emergency Course training for non-obstetricians. See link.

Training Post Accreditation

ACRRM PRRTtraining posts usually involve some component of hospital and or emergency work.

  • “Unrestricted posts” are rural communities where these facets of practice are available to ACRRM registrars.
  • “Restricted posts” are sites lacking one or several of the Emergency department and small hospital inpatient work and time in these posts is restricted to 6-12 months. MCCC supports accreditation processes for community terms but the final decision is made by ACRRM.

MCCC supports accreditation processes for community terms but the final decision is made by ACRRM.

METRO WESTLevel 2, 369 Royal Parade PARKVILLE Vic 3052

NORTH EASTLevel 4, 111-113 Hume Street (PO BOX 165) WODONGA Vic 3690

NORTH WESTLevel 1, 10-16 Forest Street BENDIGO Vic 3550

SOUTH WEST Level 1, 49 Kepler Street (PO Box 5010) WARRNAMBOOL Vic 3280

Assessments and Requirements

Advanced Skills Post (AST) – 12 months is mandatory for ACRRM registrars.
It is usually the case that an AST is completed within the MCCC footprint. ASTs can be undertaken at any stage of training. Each AST has its own assessment process. Each AST must be accredited by MCCC and ACRRM before registrars commence work in the post.
Primary Curriculum Log Book
ACRRM registrars must keep a procedural log book of primary curriculum areas. These are available online direct from ACRRM. Log books need to started as soon as enrolment in ACRRM and should include evidence of the procedure in question- some are observed or performed in real life, some via a simulated environment. These need to be signed off by a medical educator or supervisor.
Mini Clinical Evaluation Exercise - conducted as a learning exercise during training.
ACRRM registrars require 9 formative mini CEXs throughout training. ECT Visitors can do this at the time of the visit, as can supervisors using direct observation. They are also required during AST posts.
Multi Source feedback (MSF)
MSF is a requirement involving feedback from colleagues and patients. MCCC will support ACRRM registrars in MSF in PRRT2.
Cased based discussion (CBD)
12 cases are provided and an ACRRM assessor will interview registrars about these over several occasions.
Primary Curriculum – MCQ and STAMPS
  • MCQ Exam: On-line exam. A venue for MCCCC registrars is provided at MW office in Parkville
  • STAMPS: Structured Assessment Using Multiple Patient Scenarios (clinical type exam either face to face or via video conference. Mock exams provided by MCCC and ACRRM.

2 Tier one Emergency Courses
MCCC REST Course is accredited for one course, others include APLS, ALS, and EMST, ALSO etc. There is no MCCC funding to assist registrars with costs of these other than REST which is provided to all rural MCCC registrars.
Speak to your local Regional Training Advisor or Dr Peter Keppel about details of eligibility of assessments and sequence in which these are completed. It is recommended that this be as follows – MSF (PRRT2), MCQ (PRRT3), CBD (PRRT3-4), and Stamps (PRRT4). Log book, formative mini CEX and ED Courses are continually completed. REST course is mandatory and is provided in PRRT1 or 2.

What support does ACRRM offer to registrars in training?

The annual Rural Medicine Australia conference offers a variety of sessions relevant to vocational training. For members ACRRM offers a suite of learning modules through their online learning portal ‘RRMEO’. There are a number of pre-exam activities available both locally and nationally- mock MCQ and mock STAMPs exams usually run twice a year.

How can I find out more about ACRRM Training in MCCC?

Online at Look for Vocational Training and Assessment handbooks.

To find out more please contact:

Dr Peter Keppel

Senior Program Manager Rural Training
03 5562 0051 / Dr Dominic Blanks

Regional ACRRM MEs – NW
03 4444 2300
Dr Angela Stratton

Regional ACRRM MEs – NE
02 6057 8600 / Dr Marg Garde

Regional ACRRM MEs – SW
03 5562 0051