PHONE: 678-842-6850 Ext. 568
Pre-IB Magnet Chemistry is an accelerated course designed to prepare students for their future science IB exams and the possibility of pursuing future science/engineering collegiate degrees. Topics in this course will be covered in detail beyond the level covered in the standard chemistry class. This course will introduce the student to how chemical principles and concepts are developed from observations of data, to understand ordinary chemical and other scientific phenomena that he/she encounters in everyday activities, and to assist the student in appreciating the role of the chemist and the chemical industry in the evolution of our present day highly technological society.
This course is demanding; successful completion requires full determination and dedication from beginning to end. You are in a Magnet class because you are motivated, and you are willing to work and study every day. Throughout this course, you will be expected to:
· be punctual (in seat and prepared when class starts),
· maintain positive, collaborative teacher and student interactions,
· seek assistance when you are unsure of a concept or an assignment,
· demonstrate academic honesty and personal integrity, through adherence to the Academy Honor Code,
· keep food and beverages (with the exception of water) out of the classroom,
· keep unauthorized electronic devices out of the classroom, and
· follow all school policies with emphasis on attendance and dress code.
Teaching and Learning Strategies
Learning experiences will include:
- Direct instruction and demonstrations
- Individual research- literary and experimental
- Periodic peer evaluations of classmate’s reports and presentations
- Laboratory activities
- Concept reinforcement via classroom exercises and homework
- Possibly field trips and guest speakers
Assessment of Student Learning
Grading Policy:
Atomic Theory- 10.5%
Periodic Table- 10.5%
Matter & Nomenclature- 21%
Reaction & Stoichiometry- 16%
Solution, Acids & Bases- 13.5%
Kinetics- 8%
Thermodynamics- 5.5%
**Assessments including: Tests, quizzes, labs, and projects- 70%
Daily Assignments including: Class work, Homework, Warm-ups, Tickets-out, and etc.- 30%
Final Exam- 15%
Quizzes are great formative assessments and teaching tools. He/she will be given periodically, usually with advanced warning, but not always. Quizzes will relate to current and previous topics. A quiz may be given at any time during any class period -- immediately after a lecture, at the beginning or end of a class, etc.
Chapter and/or unit tests may be given at the completion of chapters and special units and will focus on material in that chapter or unit with the possibility of some questions from previous units covered in the course.
Labs are great teaching tools and assessments. He/she will be assigned periodically, usually with advanced warning, but not always, to allow time to prepare lab notebooks and time to prepare for the experiments. If a lab is missed, students may be allowed to make-up if it is still set-up; otherwise, students will complete an alternate assignment covering the same material. If the lab covers multiple days and only one day is missed, students will be allowed to obtain the data and information from fellow lab partners to catch up with the lab; however, it is the students responsibility to obtain the information he/she missed while absent.
Lab Reports must be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font with 1.5 paragraph spacing. A rubric that will be used to evaluate lab reports is provided below. Each lab report will be graded on the basis of format (written up correctly), originality (each student does own work), data (completeness and accuracy), and conclusions (drawing conclusions on the basis of scientific observations).
Lab Report Rubric In order to receive full credit, all requirements stated in the grading rubric below must be included. As discussed in class, each student will have the opportunity to re-write a lab if an unsatisfactory grade was received. The resubmitted lab report will be evaluated again and the grade submitted for the first attempt. As long as the suggestions are followed, a higher grade should be earned. The requirements for lab reports are as follows:
All sections should be labeled and in the following order / Points possible / Points earned / CommentsTitle
· Present
· Descriptive / 5
· Make predictions about what your results may be
· Calculate theoretical results when applicable / 10
· Summary description of procedure including safety precautions.
· Clear and accurate descriptions of fundamental principles (reference notes, textbook or lab handout)
· Well organized with connections between topics
· Paragraph format / 20
Data and Observations
· Organized with tables, graphs, and drawings labeled and titled
· Record data with the correct number of significant digits
· Descriptive paragraph of data without interpretation / 20
Data Analysis Calculations/ Questions
· Attach the lab handout given in class with all questions answered
· Complete sentences with clear and well organized descriptions
· Show in an organized and labeled format all calculations and error analysis used to support the hypothesis and include in conclusion paragraph. Report all calculations with correct significant digits. / 20
Discussion and Error Analysis
· Clear analysis of data with conclusion drawn and justified
· What principle was solidified given the data collected and how did you make that conclusion?
· Address irregularities and discuss any errors and their various sources
· The paragraph must address the 5 points discussed in class. / 25
Multimedia presentations will be used to visually display the findings from research projects assigned throughout the semester and used as an informal assessment for the projects.
Homework and class work will be used to assist in the reinforcement, initial and further development of concepts discussed in class. Students should check the blog ( or Blackboard for assignments daily.
Final exams will be comprehensive or cumulative.
Extra credit projects may be made available to all students who have submitted all assignments. These projects are optional and offer students additional ways to demonstrate learning.
Long Term Assignments
History of the Atom Project due by Jan. 13th.
Periodic Table Project due by Feb. 3rd.
Final Review Project due by May 13th.
*All dates for long term assignments are tentative, final due dates will be given in class if any changes are made.
Policy on Late Assignments Unless the student is absent on the day an assignment is due, an assignment will not be accepted later than the beginning of the class period when it is due, unless otherwise stated. If the student is absent from class when an assignment is due, the assignment will be accepted late, only if submitted immediately upon return to class and only if an acceptable, written "excuse" is presented. An "acceptable" excuse for an absence is one which is listed in the student handbook.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
In order to maintain a positive and productive environment in the classroom, rules and procedures must be understood and followed. Everyone has the right to learn. No one will be allowed to disrupt the learning process for others. Appropriate classroom behavior is expected from each student at all times.
General Rules:
- Students should be in their seats before the tardy bell rings. The CHS tardy policy will be enforced.
- Being present, on time and prepared for class (including your class notebook, textbook (at times), lab/composition notebook, pen/pencil, and paper) is very important.
3. There is NO food or drink allowed in the classroom except for bottled water. This is a chemistry lab and food and drink pose a safety issue if consumed.
- Students are expected to follow all lab safety rules and procedures. Failure to follow lab safety procedures will result in a point reduction on lab grades and possible removal from future labs for repeated offenses
- Be respectful to yourself, your classmates, the teacher and school property.
- Follow ALL safety rules discussed in class and regulations listed in the student handbook.
- Maintain the magnet student honor code at all times.
- Stay in your seat unless you have permission or when you are dismissed.
- Students should be attentive in class at all times.
General Procedures:
1. Students are expected to be in their seat when the bell rings and be working on the opening assignment. Pencils should be sharpened and homework turned in before the bell rings.
2. Students should sign-out and back in when they need to leave the classroom for any reason on the notepad on Ms. Tam’s desk. Be sure to have your pass written before asking for the teacher’s signature. All passes should have the student’s full name, date, destination, and time. Only in cases of emergency will you be allowed to leave the classroom without a pass. No passes will be given the first or last fifteen minutes of class, which is the “dead time.” Only one male and one female will be allowed to leave the room at the same time. No one is allowed to leave during tests and quizzes until they complete the assessment, unless it is an emergency.
3. All assignments should be turned in on time in the designated paper trays at the front of the classroom on top of the bookshelf. No late work will be accepted for unexcused absences. *All work is due at the beginning of class, unless otherwise noted.
4. If you are absent during a test or lab you will have the first two available makeup days to complete the assignment after returning to school. If time permits, students may be given the test on the day they return to class. Students should be prepared for the assessment upon their return to class. Make-up days are Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:30-4:30pm (time may be extended for labs as needed) or by appointment. You will need to sign up for make-ups on the calendar on Ms. Tam’s desk. Please include your full name, the date and time you will be making up the assignment, and specifically what you will be making up. The make-up test will not be the same test given in class. Make-up tests will be much shorter (the type of questions will be at the teachers’ discretion). *Tests are usually given after one or two days of review so if you are absent the day before a test you will be required to take the test with the class on the test day. **All late & make-up work must be completed before the week of finals. No work will be accepted on finals week, except for those assignments with prior teacher approval.
5. Lab notebooks should be prepared before the day of the lab. The hypothesis, purpose, procedures, materials, data tables should be completed for the labs prior to beginning the lab, which will be posted on the blog ( . It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the lab and prepare their lab books prior to the lab days. Students will be given prior notice of the lab days and should make arrangements to visit the schools computer labs, the media center or a public library, if they don’t have access to a computer with internet access at home.
6. Lab make-ups may be worksheets or an alternate assignment related to the topic covered for short labs. Students will be expected to catch up with their group members for lengthy labs. You will have one day in addition to the number of days you are absent to complete and turn in work for an excused absence. *No credit will be given for any make-up work, if students have unexcused absences. For long term assignments and projects, students must have their work submitted early or on the due date. If the assignment is submitted late, a 30% penalty for each day late will be applied to the grade earned on the assignment.
7. All graded work will be placed in the first shelf on the book shelf in the front of the classroom. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain graded work to file in his/her notebook.
County Grading Scale:
Grading Policy: A = 100-90 C= 79-74 F= Below 70
B = 89-80 D = 73-70
1. All work should be turned in to the labeled file tray at the beginning of class.
2. All homework assignments should be completed by the next class period and may NOT be collected. Homework quizzes may be given and students are allowed to refer to their homework during the quiz.
3. Students are expected to be in their seat when the bell rings and be working on the opening assignment. Pencils should be sharpened and homework turned in before the bell rings.
4. You are responsible for all make-up work. It is your responsibility to make arrangements for make-up work. Tests and graded labs will be made up only on Tuesdays and Wednesdays after school. You will have a maximum of 4 days to make up labs and tests. It will be at the teacher’s discretion on the make-up assignment and if the assignment will be completed in class, if time permits.
5. There is NO food or drink allowed in the classroom except for bottled water. This is a chemistry lab and food and drink pose a safety issue if consumed.
6. Students are expected to follow all lab safety procedures. Failure to follow lab safety procedures will result in a point reduction on lab grades and possible removal from future labs for repeated offenses.
7. Students must sign in on the clipboard, if they are coming to class after the bell rings. Please submit your pass and begin working on the day’s assignment without further interruption of the class.
8. Lab notebooks should be prepared before the day of the lab. The title, hypothesis, purpose, procedures, materials, and data tables should be completed in the lab book prior to class.
9. If students exhibit disrespectful, disruptive, or inappropriate behavior in the classroom or laboratory they may be sent out of the classroom, given a detention to serve before or after school for a minimum of 30 minutes (time will depend upon the student’s actions) with the teacher that must be served within 3 days of receiving the detention, and/or lose credit for the assignment that day. The severity of the incident will determine the consequences of the students’ actions and could possibly result in an administrative referral.