Keston CE Primary School


Date: February 2018

Review: February 2020

We recognise that bullying exists in our community and view it as a very serious issue. One of our school aims is that we believe that every child has a right to learn without disruption. Staff, parents and pupils are unanimous that bullying will not be tolerated at Keston C. E. Primary School. We are committed to ensuring that bullies are dealt with appropriately and that victims are supported.We recognise that as bullying is predominantly a secretive activity there is a need for all those involved in the school to work together to make incidents of bullying public and to use consistent strategies for dealing with perpetrators ad victims

The academy acknowledges its responsibility to eliminate racial, age, disability, gender or sexual orientation discrimination, harassment and victimisation and promote positive attitudes towards and between disabled persons, persons of different racial groups and genders, and sexual orientation. We aim to promote tolerance and challenge discrimination, harassment or victimisation within the school community including that which may result from association with others or perceived characteristics of individuals, even if these characteristics are mistaken.

The academy follows the Church of England’s guidance (2017) on challenging homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and promotes positive behaviour in relation to sexual orientation.

Incidences of racist, homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying are reported to the Aquinas Church of England Education Trust on a half termly basis.



  • To recognise the existence of bullying in our learning community
  • To clarify to all members of our learning community that bullying is unacceptable
  • To ensure through consistent practice that children feel safe at all times
  • Provide a climate of positive support that encourages pupils to challenge bullying and report incidents
  • Ensure pupils believe they will be listened to/ believed and that prompt action will be taken
  • Ensure all staff are aware of the procedures and ensure a consistent approach
  • Ensure that children are taught and learn strategies for dealing with bullying

Links with other Policies/Strategies

Behaviour Management, SEND, Trust Equality, Teaching and Learning, Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Adults will:

  • Take all complaints seriously
  • Investigate complaints promptly
  • Really listen to all the pupils involved
  • Protect the victim and support the perpetrator
  • Enable the perpetrator to realise the effect of their actions
  • Follow procedures
  • Never promise to keep information completely confidential
  • Encourage pupils to talk to peer listeners/mediators
  • Explore issues related to bullying during PSHE and Circle Time
  • Keep parents informed

Definitions of Bullying; Bullying is behaviour which makes people feel uncomfortable or threatened. Bullying is an action which hurts, frightens or upsets someone else. There are three main types of bullying:

  • Verbal – teasing, taunting, mean comments about physical appearance, ability or family. Spreading rumours, racist abuse, sexual harassment.
  • Gesture – implied threat of violence or nastiness, sometimes with racial or sexual connotations.
  • Exclusion – consciously leaving a child out, refusing to play with them, ignoring.
  • Physical – pushing, punching, kicking, spitting, pinching etc
  • Extortion – using intimidating tactics to achieve what is wanted, bribery with menace

Strategies for dealing with bullying that is evident or reported

  1. STOP the bullying behaviour
  2. Allow for TIME-OUT
  3. Investigate – listen to all parties
  4. Interview witnesses
  5. Support the victim
  6. Report to class teacher if adult not a teacher
  7. Record the incident
  8. Counsel the victim and bully
  9. Apply sanctions
  10. Refer to other adults as appropriate
  11. Refer victim’s name for schools 'Childwatch' strategy
  12. Speak to onlookers about participation by being an audience

Sanctions which may be applied in cases of proven bullying(other strategies may be used as appropriate)

  1. Parental involvement
  2. Written apology
  3. Talk related to specific nature of bullying
  4. Record of incident and action taken kept centrally until behaviour has changed
  5. Contract for bully to abide to
  6. Exclusion from playtime/lunchtime for period of time
  7. Fixed term exclusion from school

Support for the victim

  1. Reassurance that the behaviour of the bully is unacceptable
  2. Confirmation that revenge is not appropriate
  3. Resolution of problem through counselling of both parties
  4. Buddy appointed to discuss incidents or fears with
  5. Named adult to report incidents or fears to
  6. Specific ideas for dealing with bullying
  7. Inform victim of sanction taken against bully
  8. Childwatch – monitoring and regular verbal contact by named adult

Dealing with Bullying

The victim – when an incident has been investigated and bullying identified

Listen to and reassure the victim that the school will do everything to help them

Believe them and give them the confidence to tell you exactly what has happened

Deal with the whole incident yourself or if you feel it appropriate refer it to the Headteacher

Inform the victim that the bullies “feed” on fear

Record the incident in the Behaviour Management File (Purple) along with the action taken

Give continued support to the victim and check at a later date that bullying is not recurring

Aim to be non-threatening, the victim should never feel it is their fault

Reassure the victim that there is nothing wrong with them

Encourage the victim to talk to peer listeners

The Bully

Make the bully aware that their behaviour is unacceptable

Explain clearly and precisely what behaviour is causing distress to the victim

Make the bully aware of the consequences if bullying continues

Discuss ways in which the bully must change their behaviour

Record the incident centrally in the Behaviour Management File (Purple)

Inform the Headteacher

Use the Childwatch system to monitor the bully’s behaviour over the next few weeks

Involve parents as appropriate

Follow agreed sanctions


We recognise that our pupils bring with them a wide variety of behaviours influenced by life experiences outside school. We aim to respond to each case professionally, objectively and compassionately. We are sensitive when working with children and families with specific needs and experiences and we continuously seek ways to promote successful partnerships. The basis of differentiation will vary dependant on the needs of each case but we will take into account the views of parents, staff and external agencies together with any statement of special educational need or Education, Health and Care Plan. We will also ensure compliance with the Trust’s equality policy taking into account pupils with protected characteristics and making reasonable adjustments for pupils with a disability within the meaningof the Equality Act 2010.This policy should be read in conjunction with the Trust's Equality Policy