Kerr Vance Academy

Board of Trustees Meeting- May 22, 2017

The monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on May 22,2017 at 7:00 PM in the Media Center.

Those in attendance were:

Class of 2016-2017Class of 2017-2018______Class of 2018-2019

Amy WilliamsCF KnottDale Reese

Angie JacobsAnne Marie WhiteBrandon Taylor

Jill Allen*Renee Wilder- Proxy ReceivedJean Marie Odom

John Garrett

Macy Foster

Frank Wiggins, HeadmasterAlison Short, Assistant Headmaster

Kyle Hicks, Past PresidentRuth Finch, Business Manager

Greetings and Prayer:

Board President Amy Williams greeted everyone and opened the meeting. She called upon Ruth Finch who delivered an opening prayer.

Approval of Minutes:

Minutes from the April meeting having been previously emailed to members were approved.


In the absence of the treasurer, Ruth Finch delivered the financial statements. She reviewed the balance sheet first and spoke about using the facility fee fund to cover expenses related to recent repair of A/C units; next she reviewed the Income Statement and it showed the school is at 84.14% into its budget in the 10th month of the fiscal year; she then spoke in detail to overages and shortages, specifically the cafeteria revenue is “up” as is the Little Spartans expense and the maintenance cost due to an unexpected water leak from a broken pipe that was replaced in the spring. Mrs. Finch then turned the finance portion over to Mr. Wiggins who addressed the plumbing quote for the upper school girl’s bathroom repairs. This discussion was tabled until the buildings and grounds portion of the meeting. Mrs. Finch then explained the balance sheet reflects that the cash flow is favorable through June; annual fund collections are ahead of budget at which time she was asked how many of our families contribute. She estimated that 40% of our families contribute and 90% of our staff contribute, at which time Anne Marie White encouraged all board members to follow the example of the large percentage of staff and contribute if they have not already done so. Mrs. Finch concluded by saying that KVA staff and finance committee are preparing the budget for next school year but she is very pleased with the school’s progress financially thus far this fiscal year.


Anne Marie White reported that the development committee would be meeting on Friday to begin plans for the Back To School Bash on August 19th and she announced the date for Casino night in the winter of 2018. Angie Jacobs spoke about the golf tournament in October and encouraged board members to pass along the information to potential golfers. Lastly, Anne Marie said that the Family Fun Night Series would be happening again in 2017-2018 throughout the year.


Jill Allen reported on community events that the Marketing Committee plans to attend in the fall within surrounding areas; she suggested print ads to congratulate the state champion baseball and soccer teams, there was discussion of possibly even inviting them to the July board meeting; she reported the committee is looking into advertising with signs or sponsorship at local community sporting venues; Dr. Taylor gave an update on the option and availability of stationary signs in different areas throughout the school’s target radius. It was decided that he would get a quote for the cost of “draping” those signs with different advertisement of the school.

Buildings and Grounds:

Dale Reese updated those present on the HVAC and roof claims saying he had met on May 10th and 11th with representatives from the insurance company and roof replacement had been approved by the company. After that update the group returned to the need for repair in the girls upper school bathroom; Dr. Taylor made a motion those repairs take place over the summer break and it was seconded by Mr. Foster. Mr. Wiggins then reported the A/C units in the primary center (including the art and music studios) had been repaired/replaced and that a quote has been submitted for replacement of a unit in the upper school and repair of units in the gym. Finally, Mr. Wiggins reported that a list of maintenance jobs for the summer is being compiled and the high schoolers will be entitled to community service hours for helping with these jobs.


Anne Marie White gave an update on contracts and noted that next school year was looking to be right on track with this past school year, that there most likely would not be a large number of growth but the enrollment numbers for both upper and lower school were not decreasing, new students were being added almost weekly and that this committee would be meeting this summer.

Executive Committee:

Amy Williams announced graduation would take place Saturday at 10 AM and the board was expected to be in attendance, meeting in the upper school hallway around 9:45 to process in. She also noted that Mr. Wiggins would like to treat the staff to a luncheon catered by “Moe’s” on campus one day during the teacher workdays at the end of the school year. The board was asked to cover the cost of this catering.

Headmasters Report:

Mr. Wiggins reported that the past week was a big week for Spartan sports; The KVA Varsity Boy’s Baseball team and Varsity Girl’s Soccer teams both earned State Championships over the weekend. These teams will be honored in numerous ways including a ceremony off campus and in the media; he complimented the teams for their tenacity and drive and said he has enjoyed the sports at KVA this past year. He said enrollment was looking good and the school is “back on track” with the efforts to get clearance for exchange students as it relates to our I-20 privilege and that there is already one exchange student interested in enrollment. He reiterated what Mrs. Williams said about graduation and reported all seniors had been accepted to colleges and were honored with numerous scholarships. He announced the retirement of Beth Flye, KVA’s Resource Teacher and said that she will be missed; there is a plan in place to absorb her duties to make sure her students are supported adequately. Finally he announced May 30th and 31st would be teacher workdays.

Amy Williams followed his report by announcing there would be no June meeting in keeping with board policy but the board would meet on July 24th.

Closed Session:

Amy Williams mentioned there was a need for a closed session and a motion was made for the meeting to go into closed session.

Following the closed session a motion was made to come out of closed session, it was & seconded and the closed session concluded.

Other Business:

Anne Marie White made a motion that the Board of Directors accept the termsof a new loan agreement which were outlined in an email to President Amy Williams and Treasurer Curtis Averette as discussed in the closed session and that the board authorize Amy Williams to act on behalf of KVA with regard to this new loan agreement. Dr. Jill Allen seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. Following this motion the meeting was


Respectfully submitted,

Anne Marie White