Sunday 29th October 2017

(Liturgical Colour: Green)


8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

Rev’d Jane Edwards

Readings: Colossians 3:12-17 (p.833); Luke 4:14-22 (p.726)

10.00am Sung Eucharist (CW)

Rev’d Jane Edwards

Readings: Nehemiah 8:1-4a, 5-6, 8-12; Colossians 3:12-17; Luke 4:14-22

3.00pm All Souls’ Memorial Service, followed by tea

Rev’d Jane Edwards

Welcome to our Services. If you are a visitor, we hope you will feel at home and part of our Church Family as we worship God together. Leaflets and our monthly magazine are available at the back of church with information about our activities. Also, please look at our website –

Please join us for refreshments after the 10am Service

The Week Ahead

Mon 30th Jane’s Day Off

Tues 31st7.30pm Jane teaching on LLM Course

Wed 1st Nov 9.15am Morning Prayer in Church

10.00am – 12 noon Art Club in Church Hall

Thurs 2nd 10.00am Holy Communion (BCP) All Souls’ Day

(Readings: Lamentations 3:17-26; 31-33; John 6:37-40)

7.45pm – 9.15pm Table tennis/Pool Club in Church Hall

Fri 3rd 9.30am -11.30am Friday Coffee Morning in Church Hall

7.00pm – 8.30pm Choir Practice in Church

Sat 4th9.00am Prayer Walk

10.30am Rehearsal for Confirmation Service

1.00pm ‘Called Together’ – Diocesan Vision Launch at Cathedral

Sun 5th All Saints’ Sunday

8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)

10.00am Baptism and Confirmation Service

with Holy Communion (CW)


Anglican Communion: Thoothukudi – Nazareth and Tirunelveli (South India), Bishops Samuel Clement and Jayaraj Christdoss

Diocese: Cobham Deanery; Rev Jim Fletcher, Area Dean; Mrs Norma Crowe, Lay Chair; The Diocesan Vision Launch ‘Called Together’

Parish/Deanery: The bereaved, particularly those attending our Memorial Service this afternoon; those preparing for baptism and confirmation; those living in Ruskin Road and Upper Abbey Road

Our Country/The World: For the people of Kenya as they again go through the Elections process, and for a just result. Christians throughout the world facing persecution

For healing and wholeness: Baby Miriam, Timothy Mukibi, Beverley Wilkinson, Andrew Ashby, Thelma Finch.

Those who have died:Peggy Stubberfield. We pray for all who mourn.


All Soul’s Memorial Service TODAY at 3pm:

1. If you would still like to add a name to be read out at this Service, please write clearly on the sheet at the back of church.

2. Help is still needed to set up tables and help prepare the refreshments for after the service. Can you please speak to Santa if you can help.

New Pilgrim Course on the Bible. Session 1 is in Church this morning! Sign up for remaining sessions on Wednesday evenings 7.30pm-9.00pm 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th November and 6th Dec. or Wed afternoon 2.30pm-4.00pm 8th Nov, then Tues afternoons 14th, 21st, 28th Nov, then Wed 6th Dec.

Confirmation Service: Help required to organise, set up and serve light celebratory refreshments in church hall after the service. Nibbles and cakes required.

‘Called Together’: Bishop James invites YOU to the launch of the new vision for our Diocese at Rochester Cathedral on Saturday 4 November from 1pm. Come for all or part of the afternoon. It is for all ages and is free. See notice board in church.

1.00pm: Contemporary Worship & Music

1.45pm: Time to Explore- a market place area

2.30pm: “Called Together” Presentation by Bishop James

3.15pm: Time to Explore – further time in the market place

4.00pm: Traditional Evensong

Sunday Club: We start in the Church hall at 9.45am, then later joining the congregation for worship. New children between the ages 4-11 years are very welcome. Meeting dates: November 19th (we will be in church for the Confirmation service on the 5th Nov); December 3rd & 17th.

XLP Mentoring of Young People: Training Day Sat 11th Nov 9am-5pm at St John’s Church Hall, Danson Lane DA16 2BQ – see November magazine. Register at

Duggie Dug Dug Goes Wild: Saturday 11th November 2.30-4.30pm St. Augustine’s Church, Slade Green. Songs, live animals, puppets, fun and laughter for all the family. Please see leaflets for costs and booking details.

Victorian Christmas Event: Saturday 25th November 11am-3pm Leaflets available at the back of church

Blythswood Appeal: Thank you to all who took part in this year’s appeal. On Monday morning we handed over 92 boxes, several bags and boxes of hand knitted clothing, and £88 in donations. Our boxes will be going to Serbia next month. Ruth.

Dates ahead

Sat 4 Nov 9.00am Prayer Walk

10.30am Rehearsal for Confirmation Service

1.00pm ‘Called Together’ Launch at Rochester Cathedral

Sun 5 NovAll Saints Sunday 10.00am Confirmation Service

Sun 12 NovRemembrance Sunday

Sat 18 NovIt’s Your Calling at St Barnabas, Joydens Wood

Thurs 23 Nov 7.45pm PCC Meeting

Sat 25 Nov 11.00am-3.00pm Victorian Christmas Event

The Charity Bowl - October

The Poverty & Hope Appeal 2017

As you will no doubt recall All Saint’s has supported the above for a number of years and it will again feature in our charity bowl for donations. The Bishop of Rochester launched this Poverty and Hope Appeal in May. This year we are concentrating on supporting, in prayer and financially, projects in the DRC, Burkino Faso, Northern Argentina, Delhi and, as always, Commonwork Trust here in the Diocese. This last offers justice and global citizen education to school children and also helps vulnerable young people fulfil their potential. Once again we give thanks on behalf of the Bishop for your generous donations to this ongoing project. Chris Martin