Kenya AGRIS Pilot Project

Kenya Agricultural Information Network


Phase IVFinal Report - CABI Component

For the Period 8th August– 31st March2009

(Updated –4th May 2009)

Jane Frances Asaba

Information Scientist, CABIAfrica

Table of Contents

List of Acronyms………………………………………………………………….………………………………………. 3

Executive Summary

1. Introduction

2. Implementation of Activities

A. Present draft Institutional ICM strategies and advocate for a national agricultural information policy

B. Contribute to the completion of the KAINet strategy and implementation plan including participation in KAINet Workshop

C. Assist in the implementation of the KAINet framework for knowledge sharing, including the promotion and marketing of KAINet

D. Participate in two seminars on the establishment of the KAINet Information System

E. Prepare project documentation, and write a case study on the development of KAINet

F. Project Management

3. Achievements

4. Conclusion


ANNEX 1: KAINet Marketing Strategy

ANNEX 2: Revised KAINet Logframe (Used for M&E)


List of Acronyms

AGRIS Global International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences and Technology

AIRCAgricultural Information Resource Centre

ASARECA Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa

CABICAB International

DFIDDepartment for International Development (UK)

ECAEastern and Central Africa

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

GFIS Global Forest Information Service

ICM Information and Communication Management

ICTInformation and Communication Technology

IRInstitutional Repository

ITInformation Technology

JKUATJomoKenyattaUniversity of Agriculture and Technology

KAINetKenya Agricultural Information Network

KARDKenya Agricultural Research Database

KARIKenya Agricultural Research Institute

KEFRIKenya Forestry Research Institute

KSFKnowledge Sharing Framework

LANLocal Area Network

MoA/ MOAMinistry of Agriculture

NARLNational Agricultural Research Laboratories

OA Open Access

PMCProject Management Committee

S &TScience and Technology

Executive Summary

The fourth and final phase of the Kenya Kenya AGRIS pilot project was implemented over a period of eight months (August 2008 to - March 2009). Staff commitment, the goodwill of the management of institutions participating in the project, and strong partnerships were vital for the completion of several pending activities and consolidation of the Kenya Agricultural Information network (KAINet). All the objectives set out at the inception of the project were achieved. Key project outputs include the KAINet Strategic Planwhich entrenches KAINet as a national platform that will facilitate collaboration and networking among agricultural-sector stakeholders; ICM Strategies for the four participating institutions, which form the basis of all information and communication management (ICM) activities within the institutions; improved ICM skills among project staff and experiencesin building institutional repositories both of which are vital for collaboration and rolling-out of KAINet; and documentation of the lessons learnt in a case study that will be shared widely. The project hasled to increased awareness of importance of information and knowledge management and the need to share information as a resource for calatalyzing development activities among agricultural-sector stakeholders, starting in the project implementing institutions. Wider awareness of the KAINet initiative and advocacy for a national agricultural information policy have also been initiated.

1. Introduction

The importance of Agriculture in Kenya’s development is underscored in its Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper and in the Strategy for Revitalizing Agriculture (SRA) 2004-2014 which seeks to reduce the proportion of the population below the poverty line from 56% to 28% by 2015, with the proportion of food poor households also halved. The SRA identifies new technologies and information as the basis for a thriving agricultural system. The E-Government Strategy launched in 2004 seeks to enhance communication between the different branches of government, with the aim of providing more efficient service delivery to citizens. The National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy (Jan 2006) provides an enabling environment for collection and preservation of locally-generated information, electronic publishing, and research and development in ICTs.Other agricultural sector strategies such as the Ministry of Agriculture Strategic Plan (2005 – 2009), the Kenya Forestry Research Institute Strategy (2005-10), Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) Strategic Plan (2005-2015) recommend provision of an enabling environment for sharing of information, knowledge and technologies in order to promote agricultural productivity and improved livelihood as well as building capacity of scientists and technical staff to communicate effectively with target groups.

In line with all above policies and strategies, the three year Kenya AGRIS pilot project focused on the establishment of a pilot implementation of an electronic repository as part of the Kenyan national agricultural science and technology information system. The project was based on requests from stakeholders in the agricultural-sector in Kenyafor a platform that would support information management, exchange and impact on food security and development in the sector. Elsewhere at regional and international level there was clear evidence of the need for coherence in the management of agricultural information to enhance information exchange and access. A new approach to ensure the flow of information between policy makers and researchers,among researchers and between researchers and providers of agricultural advisory services wasidentified as priority.

Thus, at its inception in February 2006, the Kenya AGRIS Pilot project set out to establish a coordinated framework that would provide a platform within which the information outputs will be organised and managed to provide a unifying, common resource for all stakeholders within the sector. The project had the following objectives;

  1. To facilitate the development of institutional policies and strategies on information and communication management (ICM) in agricultural sciences and technology in Kenya.
  2. To develop the basis for a national AGRIS network, including selected resource centres and the mechanism for fostering institutional collaboration.
  3. To strengthen human resource capacities in the key centres.
  4. To document the process and develop as a case study for development of a national AGRIS network.

During Phase 4 of the project, CABIin collaboration with FAO, ASARECA and the national project partners led by KARI, supported implementation of the main activities for this phasewhich included: finalisingthe development of institutional information and communication (ICM) strategies and action plans and advocating for a national agricultural Information policy; completing of the KAINet implementation and action plan; building institutional e-repositories at the four pilot institutions; implementing the KAINet framework for knowledge sharing including developing the knowledge-sharing materials; developing and implementing the KAINet marketing strategy;monitoring and evaluating the project activities; and documenting the processes of establishing KAINet for the purpose of learning and sharing experiences.CABI was involved in monitoring project activities and providing feed-back to the project management committee (PMC).This reportfocuses on the activities supported by CABI andcomplements themain report for the same period that will be submitted by KARI, the project coordinating institution.

2. Implementation of Activities

Apart from presenting the draft institutional ICM strategies to institutional stakeholders and advocating for a national ICM policy, all the planned activities have been implemented. The delay in presenting the draft ICM strategies was perpetuated delays in finalising theirdevelopment which was due to lengthy consultations within the institutions. The consultations were necessaryto ensure buy-in by all stakeholders. A one-month extension to the project period provided the time required to finalize pending project activities. The commitment of the project team has been vital to the achievements. Below is a summary of activities supported by CABI.Details of the outcomes of these activities appear in the detailed report submitted by the Project Coordinator.

A. Present draft Institutional ICM strategies and advocate for a national agricultural information policy

A1. Review draft institutional ICM strategies:

CABIprovided inputs into the draft institutional ICM strategieswhich, together with inputs from other partners, enabled the institutions to revise the strategies. CABI also helped to organize and document the KAINET Management and Stakeholders workshop to review activities for phase 4 and plan for future KAINET activities that was held from 16th to 20th March 2009, during which the strategies were reviewedand finalised. The final draftICM strategies for three institutions in the pilot projecthave been shared with theinstitutional stakeholders and their inputs have been secured.The MoA ICM strategy is ready and the strategies for KEFRI, KARI and JKUAT are final drafts awaiting sign-off by the management of the institutions. The strategies will be officially presented to the management of institutions after the launch of KAINet.

A2. Participation on one-day seminars at 5 pilot institutions to highlight achievements and future plans of KAINet, present draft institutional strategies and advocate for a national agricultural policy:

Implementation of this activity was delayed because of delays in completing the strategies. However, thedraft institutional ICM strategies were shared with be KAINet stakeholders during the broader (target) stakeholder workshop held on 14th and 15th April2009 and it is planned that thestrategies will be presented during the launch of KAINet on 14th May 2009 where advocacy for a national agricultural policy will be initiated. Presentation to stakeholders at each institution will come after the official launch of KAINet.

B. Contribute to the completion of the KAINet strategy and implementation plan including participation in KAINet Workshop

B1. Review and finalise implementation of KAINet strategy and implementation plan

The KAINet strategic plan was reviewed during a workshop for the broader stakeholder group held in April 2009. Completion of the same to include stakeholder inputs was done after the workshop. During the same workshop CABI led the development of the KAINet implementation plan which has now been finalised and included in the KAINet Strategy document.

B2. Participate in KAINet stakeholder workshop with participants representing pilot institutions as well as a wider range of KAINet target groups:

This workshop was held from 14thto 15th April 2009.CABIfacilitated the workshop and helped in documenting it. A report of the same is available through the project coordinating office.

C. Assist in the implementation of the KAINet framework for knowledge sharing, including the promotion and marketing of KAINet

C1. Develop Strategy for marketing KAINet

CABIled the process of developing the strategy for marketing KAINet for the period 2009-2013. The draft strategy was presented to the project partners during a KAINET Management and Stakeholders workshop to review activities for phase 4 and plan for future KAINET activities held from 16th to 20th March 2009(see Annex 1). Participants provided their inputs to the strategy and CABIhas finalised the strategy which will be presented to KAINet stakeholders together with KAINet strategy and other key project outputs during the launch of KAINet.

C2. Develop and promote knowledge sharing materials

CABI provided inputs into development of theKAINet knowledge sharing framework. CABI also participated in the workshop where the knowledge sharing materials (both print and electronic) were developed. Some of the materials/resources identified and developed for sharing knowledge and marketing of KAINet have now been finalised and will be unveiled at the launch of KAINet.They include among others, the KAINet website, KAINet Logo, flyers, posters, a policy brief, T-shirts and bags, and a Power Point presentation on KAINet.

D. Participate in two seminars on the establishment of the KAINet Information System

D1. Seminar on Open Access Publishing Model at the KARI Biennial Conference:

CABI facilitated and reported on the Seminar on Opening up Access to Agricultural Science and Technology Information, held during the KARI Biennial Scientific Conference from 10th -14th November 2008. A separate report on the seminar has been submitted with the main report from the Project Coordinator.

D2. Follow-up Seminar on capacities built and sharing of experiences

This activity was held as part of the KAINET Management and Stakeholders workshop to review activities for phase 4 and plan for future KAINET activities held from 16th to 20th March 2009.CABI’s main role was to document the proceedings of this workshop with the view to incorporating the experiences of the participants in the KAINet Case study.

E. Prepare project documentation, and write a case study on the development of KAINet

E1. Case study development and dissemination (Phases 1 -4)

CABIhas updated the case study on KAINet based on information collected during implementation of activities under this phase. The updated draft has been shared with key stakeholders in the pilot project for theirinputs before it is shared with FAO. Dissemination of the study will be done through various channels including IAALD Africa Chapter Conference to be held in Accra, Ghana in July 2009.

E2. Project documentation/reporting (contribution of reports /outputs of activities A, B, C and D)

CABI has led the reporting on all project activities andhas contributed to the project outputs including the KAINet website, KAINet strategic plan, institutional ICM strategies and KAINet marketing strategy and promotional materials. CABIhas collated and submitted all key documentation to the project coordinating office and will continue to support publishing and dissemination of the same.The outputs of project activities such as workshop reports are included in the main report which is submitted by the Project Coordinating Office.

F. Project Management

F1. Implementation of M&E and reporting

CABIcontinued to support the monitoring of project activities based on the revised project log frame. Contacts with project partners were made through phone calls, e-mail and visits to pilot institutions.Advice wasprovided where appropriate. Concerns from institutions were shared with the Project Management Committee (PMC) and corrective action implemented.Annex 2gives details of M&E under the KAINet project.

F2. Financial management and reporting:

The financial report for Phase 4 issubmitted at the same time as this report but under separate cover.

F3. Coordination and Administration: Throughout the project,CABIhas been working closely with the project Coordinating Office and the PMC in coordinating and administering the project. CABIhas also worked closely with the international project partners FAO and ASARECA, in providing coordinated support to the project.

F4. Contributing to and documenting the KAINet Management Committee meetings (quarterly):

CABI has led the reporting on all project management committee meetings. The reports and minutes of meetings are shared with partners and submitted by Project Coordinator based at KARIto FAO.

F5. Final stakeholder meeting to review activities in phase 4 and plan for future KAINet activities: This activity was held back-to-back with the broader stakeholder workshop on 16thApril 2009. The main outputs were the roll-out plan for KAINet which was embodied in the KAINet implementation plan and the programme of activities for the launch of KAINet. A separate report detailing these outputs has been submitted by the Project Coordinator.

3. Achievements

The project hasbeen successful in addressing all its objectives and achieving nearly all its expected outputs. CABI has contributed to the achievements among which are:


  • Twenty senior managers and scientists from KAINet pilot institutions were sensitised on open Access. The outputs from the seminar were 4 action plans for opening up access to Agricultural Science and Technology Information (A S & T I) at theirinstitutions and one national action plan for opening up access AS &T information. The activities identified in the OA plans are being implemented as part of project activities and will continue to be implemented during the roll–out of KAINet.
  • Awareness of KAINet is increasing among stakeholders in KAINet participating institutions where the project teams have been actively promoting KAINet activities. The KARI scientists and partners benefited from the presentation on the KAINet project, the CIARD initiative and Open Access, during the KARI Biennial Conference.

Capacity (ICM skills, equipment and tools)

  • Capacity of staff on the KAINet project was built in ICM as follows: 24 staff in Management of Electronic documents; 10 in Website Development and Management; 11 in Project Monitoring and Evaluation and 10 in Promoting Agricultural Information Services.
  • Basic equipment (e.g. PCs; scanners, UPS and internet connectivity) were provided to institutions participating in the pilot project to facilitate digitization of documents.
  • Common tools (standards, methodologies and approaches) have been applied to support coherence to ensure information exchange and sharing

KAINet Website and Repositories

  • KAINet Website has been development and is now online:
  • Five institutional repositories were established at KARI-HQ; KARI-NARL; KEFRI; MoA including KADOC and JKUAT. Currently, the repository for KARI-HQ is accessible on-line. While the rest are accessible on institutional LANs, and will soon be available on-line.
  • A national repository of Agricultural Science and Technology Information, which will harvest information to the institutional repositories,is now searchable through the KAINet website will be unveiled at the launch of KAINet in May 2009.


The project produced a number of documents, includingreports and minutes of PMC meetings which were for internal project use. The main documents that will be shared more widely include:

  • The KAINet Strategy and Implementation Plan
  • Institutional ICM strategiesand Implementation Plans (MoA; KEFRI, KARI and JKUAT)
  • KAINet Marketing Strategy and Plan, 2009-2013 (Annex 2).The strategy will guide marketing of KAINet which is to officially start in April 2009
  • KAINet Knowledge Sharing Framework
  • Project promotional materials including:KAINET Strategy Leaflet; brochures, posters, e-repository manual, policy brief, KAINet membership leaflet, and KAINet Case study posters
  • KAINet Case Study document due for publishing in June 2009

4. Conclusion

The approach used in implementing the KAINet project has demonstrated the power of partnerships and the importance of piloting and learning. Despite the challenges in implementing project activities, the project staff worked as a team and were able to implement the planned activities and to produce the required outputs. The impressive growth of the institutional repositories shows the interest and commitment of the project staff to achieve the goal of building a KAINet as a platform that will enable sharing of information across the Kenyaagricultural sector. The interest and goodwill of the senior management of the participating institutionshas contributed to these achievements and the same support is expected continue so as to makeKAINet sustainable.The planned official launching of the KAINet and its flagship product, the national repository of agricultural science and technology information, on 14th May 2009 will pave the way for its roll-out. The work to build KAINet and bring more partners on board and to make it a truly national network has just begun. Partners in the pilot project are ready to share their skills and experiences and to support the roll-out of KAINet.CABIhas fulfilled its role in the backstopping the project in several areas right from development of the project concept through implementation, M&E and support to documentationincluding development of the Case Study on KAINet. CABIis ready to support the process of rolling out KAINet and similar initiatives in future.