Otters’ Creek Pre-Primary School

30 Enslin Road Ottery 7780

 021 7039439  021 7039328

© 064 758 0709



  • Child’s unabridged birth certificate or a letter stating that you have applied

  • Child’s clinic card - all pages.

  • If a CEMIS registered learner, then a copy of a transfer is required.

  • Certified copy of both parents’ ID documents

  • If you are not a SA citizen a copy of a work or study permit

  • Proof of income for both parents/guardian not older than one month

  • If self-employed, a 3 month bank statement please.

  • Certified copy of proof of address
Rates & water or bank statement or shop account not older than 3 months


Application for which Grade? ______For which year? ______

Child’s details

Surname: ______

First names: ______(As written on the birth certificate)

Preferred Name: ______

Date of birth: (year/month/day) ______/______/______Age: ______

Gender: (Male/Female): ______Child’s ID No.: ______

Nationality: ______(South African/ Zimbabwean/ Pakistani/etc.)

Home language: ______Religion:______(Christian/Muslim/Hindu/etc.)

Home StreetAddress: ______Postal Code: ______

Has your child attended a pre- or primary school before? If yes, please state the name and provide us with a copy of the last report.______

Has your child had all immunizations? (Yes/No)

Does your child have anyfood or other allergies? (Yes/No). If yes please indicate:


Does your child have any medical condition that we should be aware of? (Yes/No)

If yes. ______

Does your child need anychronic medication? (Yes/No)


Does your child have any emotional, social, speech, psychological or physical or challenges we should be aware of? (Yes/No).

If yes______

Does your child have any learning difficulties that you aware of? (Yes / No)

(If yes)


Does your child have any developmental delays that you are aware of? (Yes/ No)

(If yes)


Has your child been treated by any of the following professionals or therapists in the past 6 months?

Tick () the block to mean yes

 Occupational Therapist  Speech Therapist or Audiologist  Physiotherapist

 Educational Psychologist  Clinical Psychologist (Name of the professional)

Who does the child live with?

 Both parents  Mother  Father  Grandparent  Other


What is the marital status of parents?

Married  Single  Widowed (dad deceased / mom deceased)  Divorced  Living tog.

What are the custody arrangements and agreements if parents are single?


Are there special instructions for the collection of your child?


Who will drop and collect your child every day?


Will your child needbefore school and or after school care? (YES / NO) If Yes until what time? ______

Who will be responsible for the payment of the school fees account?


Will your child require a prepared meal after school? (YES /NO)

Information / PARENT 1 / PARENT 2
Relationship to the child
I.D. Number
Home Address
Postal address
Home Telephone
Employer’s Name
Work Address
Work Telephone
Cell Number
Fax number
Email address
(Print clearly)
Family member in case of emergency


  1. The learner is enrolled for 1 year. This contract is valid for 1 calendar year only and expires on 31st December 2019.
  2. The annual school fees for 2019 are set at different amounts depending on the time your child leaves school every day. See the table below.
  3. Parents who drop their child before 6:45 a.m. are charged an extra fee of R200per month.
  4. The annual school fees are paid over 12 months - January to December 2019.
  5. Parents are required to pay school fees IN ADVANCE by the 3rd day of each month, for the agreed upon period.
  6. Parents who want to settle the annual fees in a lump sum for the year receive an 8% discount on condition it is paid in full by 31stMarch 2019.
  7. If a child has been absent for a month or longer (irrespective of the reason), the school fees are still due.
  8. The school must be informed in writing 1 month in advance if your child is to be withdrawn from the school. One month’s fees are still payable if you neglect to do so.
  9. If a child is withdrawn, no cash refunds of stationery of toiletries will be given for the term in which the child leaves.

When school fees are paid after the 7th of the month, without an apology, then a R100 penalty will be added to the fees without warning or notice.

  1. Parents who fail to pay school fees for a month will be asked to keep their child at home until the fees are paid. Full school fees are still due for the time the child is at home, unless the child is officially withdrawn.
  2. We do not accept any pro rata payments under any circumstances.
  3. Full fees are due every month and it will NOT be accepted in small parts.
  4. The school does not get involved in any domestic matters for payment of school fees. The parent responsible for fees on enrolment will be contacted.
  5. Fees can be paid via ATM deposit, EFT, debit or stop order. Proof of these payments must be faxed or emailed to the above fax number or delivered at school.
  6. NO CHEQUES ARE ACCEPTED. NO CASH DEPOSITS AT A BANK TELLER must be made. Parents who deposit cash, a crossed and even post-dated cheque into our account will be charged the cash / cheque deposit fee (R40/R1000 or the bank fees at that time). _____ (your initial here)
  7. Two siblings receive a discount of R100 per month on the total fees.
  8. Progress reports are only issued (at the end of every term) to parents whose school fees are fully paid.
  9. Teachers will not meet with parents to discuss the child’s progress if the fees are not paidto date.
  10. The principal will not be available to parents to negotiate arrears fees.
  11. A record of all the fees payments and a statement are reflected at the back of your child’s message book. All receipts and proof of payments are also pasted there. Your signature is an acknowledgement it is correct. Disputes must be lodged immediately within the month with the administrator.
  12. Parents who send cash to school in their child’s school bag do so at their own risk. Parents are strongly advised NOT TO send money in their child’s pouch or message book, especially if the child uses a transport service. We are not responsible for money that gets lost in transit.
  13. The school raises funds by means of an annual beach walk.
  1. ALL parents agree to support this fundraiser and a sponsorship card is valued at a minimum of R350 per family.Outstanding money from the sponsorship card will be added to the fees account. _____ (your initial here)
  2. Parents who collect their child after the stipulated time will be billed at an hourly rate of R50 per child. If a child is collected after 5:45 p.m. a fee of R100 per hour is charged. ______(your initial here)
  1. Outings and events are not included in the school fees. This is an extra fee.
  2. Parents must familiarize themselves with the financial planner that is given in advance so that they can budget their expenses accordingly.
  3. Parents who have children with special learning needs may have to pay an additional fee as decided upon mutually, depending on the child’s individual needs. Fees may have to be adjusted after enrolment since the needs may only become evident after enrolment. ______(your initial here)
  4. Under NO circumstances are children allowed to benefit from our services without due payment.
  5. After school care, holiday care and extra murals are excluded in the monthly fees. This is an optional but extra fee.
  6. We reserve the right of admission to our school and premises.


I, ______(parent’s full name responsible for payment of fees)

______(Parent’s ID number) residing at

______(physical street address)

______(child’s full name and surname)

accept the 2019 SCHOOL FEES POLICY and agree to abide by the conditions laid out above.

Parent’s signature: ______Date: ______

Witness: ______(Full name and surname)

Signature: ______

Person responsible for school fees

Name and surname: ______

ID number: ______

What is your relationship to the child?


How will the fees be paid?


What date will the fees be paid?


What is your email address if you are not the parent?


What is your postal address?


Have you read and signed the school fees agreement? YES  NO

Do you agree to the conditions laid out in the agreement?


Full name: ______Signature: ______

Witness Full name: ______Signature: ______

Date: ______

Otters’ Creek Pre-Primary School

30 Enslin Road Ottery 7780

 021 7039439  021 7039328

© 064 758 0709




New learners
Administration fee
(non-refundable & payable on application) / R300
Stationery, art & craft materials and all miscellaneous requirements / R650
Book club and reading books deposit / R200
Toiletries / R450
Building maintenance and repairs fee / R400
TOTAL / R2000


Jan- Dec 2019 / GRADE R
(per child)
Monthly fees: until 1:00 / *R1700
Monthly fees: until 3:30 / **R1950
Monthly fees: until 5:45 / ***R2200

NB!! If you have more than one child at the pre-primary then you receive R100 discount every month on the combined total fees.

*Lunch is excluded

** We provide a cooked lunch and juice at 1:15. Parents provide alternative if needed.

** We provide sandwiches and juice at 3:30 as a late afternoon snack.

All parents are encouraged to pack fruit and vegetables as healthy snacks and minimize the chips, cookies and chocolates.


  • A healthy snack for the 10 a.m. break.
  • No sweets, chocolates, fizzy drinks and chips are allowed please.
  • Extra snacks for late afternoon must be a healthy snack.
  • Breakfast must preferably be served at home. If this is to be eaten at school, then please arrange with the administrator beforehand.


Administration and enrolment fees

  • Printing enrolment forms, uniform order forms and orientation hand books.
  • Time to conduct school tours and interviews
  • Time taken for orientation of new learners

WE SUPPLYTOILETRIES - to save you the hassle

  • Wet wipes, hand wash, waterless sanitizers & disinfectant spray
  • Soap
  • Face cloths & hand towels
  • Tissues / Toilet paper
  • Basic First Aid

BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE – to keep the school in a good repair and an excellent condition

The degree of wear and tear of the school’s building and facilities is very high. We strive to maintain a high standard of safety, cleanliness and aesthetics for our play and learning environment. Instead of raising the monthly fees, we have decided on a once off annual fee.

These are just some of the items that often need maintenance at school.

  • Plumbing: leaking taps, leaking basins, broken toilets, broken gutters, blocked or poor drainage
  • Electrical: faults, shorts, installing, maintaining, replacing or moving plug points
  • Appliances: Washing machine; fridge, freezer, oven and stove repairs and maintenance
  • Gardening: fertilizers, lawn mower services, plants and general maintenance.
  • General repairs: Leaking roofs, broken door handles, faulty locks, jungle gym and trampoline repairs and maintenance, rain, wind and storm damage, painting, etc.


STATIONERY AND ART SUPPLIES – to save you time and money

Please be reminded that we provide all materials required for class activities. However, the Grade R’s will require their own stationery to be used at home for homework activities. This is not included in this fee.

Please keep the following list at home.

A list of requirements for Grade R is listed below:

1 x 12 pack of Wax Roll up crayons OR 12x thick triangular colour pencil crayons

1x large stick of glue

1 x thick triangular beginners pencil

1 x double barrel sharpener


1X eraser

1 x container or bag to store all the above

*Lunch excluded

** We provide sandwiches and juice at 1:30

** We provide sandwiches and juice at 1:30 and a late afternoon snack at 3:30 p.m.

After school care

1:30 - 5:45 Monday to Friday

After school care excludes a homework supervision service. This can be provided depending on the demand.


  • A healthy snack for the 10 a.m. break.
  • No sweets, chocolates, fizzy drinks and chips are allowed please.
  • Extra snacks for late afternoon must be a healthy snack.
  • Breakfast must preferably be served at home. If this is to be consumed at school then please arrange with the staff beforehand.



  • Printing enrolment forms, uniform order forms and orientation hand books.
  • Time to conduct school tours and interviews
  • Time taken for orientation of new learners

WE SUPPLYTOILETRIES - to save you the hassle

  • Wet wipes & disinfectant spray
  • Soap
  • Face clothshand towels
  • Tissues /Toilet paper
  • Basic First Aid


We are arranging transport from Wynberg, Grassy Park, Lotus River, Wetton and Lansdowne. We are still negotiating with service providers. You will be informed.


  • Karate
  • Swimming
  • Computers 4 Kids
  • T Ball
  • Curious Cubs Science Club
  • Catro Bat Kids
  • Soccer

These extra murals have not been confirmed as yet but these are the ones we are considering. We are still negotiating with service providers.

Please note that we will be having an OPEN DAY on Saturday 8 December 2018.

10:00- 12:30.

For which you must reserve a space. You will receive an invitation to the open day after we receive your application forms and all the supporting documents.

We will discuss the details of the 2019 school year and other relevant information.


Otters’ Creek Admin staff