Kentucky Gets All Googley

Donnie Piercey, Google Certified Teacher at Simmons Elementary

KET Multimedia Days, July 9-10, 2013

Lexington, Kentucky

Follow me on Twitter: @MrPiercey

Classroom Blog:

Google+ Profile

Interested in all of your students getting Google accounts?

Sign up for Google Apps for Education by clicking here.

All of these apps are available for free in the Google Chrome Web Store.

Here’s the link to it.

Here are some Google Apps for Education (GAFE) You Might’ve Heard About...

Google Drive

-What is Google Drive? Google’s Cloud service: Create Documents, Spreadsheets, Drawings, Forms (Surveys) and more! Just a Heads Up! If you have Google Apps for Ed, your students will only be able to share within your district unless you have an administrator change the settings.

-Want to turn your Document/Sheet into a webpage? Type it, click FILE --> PUBLISH TO THE WEB --> START PUBLISHING. Now you can either send a link to your document or embed it right to your website.

-Idea: Put Twitter to work for you. Have your students tweet out public Google Docs with questions, have other educators/experts on Twitter add to the Doc with answers. I suggest using the #edchat or #KyEdChat hashtag!

-You can embed student docs, presentations, spreadsheets, very easily with the “embed” code. Here’s a sample project my students and I created using Google Drive and Blogger together.

-Idea: Principals can collaborate with staff. CSIP revision suggestions? Type into drive, share with your staff/lead team, give them “commenting” privileges, give them a chance for feedback.

-Idea: Using Google Drive for Primary Sources via Free Tech for Teachers

- Text of the Declaration of Independence

Google Drive Scripts

-Google Forms (Click to take a sample form) → Now with images and dates. Great for assessing!

-Flubaroo Script(video) → Instantly assess your students’ learning after they fill out a Google Form.

-Doctopus Script (video): Share assignments easily with your students using this script. Works great with the Goobric Chrome Extension! Adds rubrics to the end of student work easily. Props to Jay Atwood for the video

-gClassFolders Script → Create Shared Folders for All Your Students

-FormMule → Students get instant feedback emailed to them after filling out a Google Form. A little bit of setup required, but helpful for giving instant feedback!

-And that’s just scratching the surface! For some more scripting fun, check out Jay Atwood’s Script Central.

Google Newspapers

→ Who needs Microfiche? Historical newspapers going back hundreds of years

→ Can embed historical articles right onto your website.

→ Can Search historical articles, too!

Google News

→ Can customize news for you or your class. Great for current events in Social Studies!

Google Cultural Institute

→ Explore art from the around the world, examine pieces close up, even view it in the galleries (like a “street view”)

Google Hangouts

→ Move over Skype; Hangouts rule. Can have up to 10 people in a Googe Hangout at once. Boom.

Chrome Extensions

→ Download Google Chrome by clicking here

→ What’s a Chrome Extension? Mini-Programs you can add to your Google Chrome browser that make life easier. Here are some of my favorites:

→ Save to Google Drive Extension

→ Send This Link With Gmail

→ Awesome Screenshot (Capture images and annotate them, too!)

→ Google Link Shortener (shrinks really l o n g links!)

→ Announcify (Reads a web page to you)

→ Clearly (Gets rid of everything on a page but the text. Makes for easy reading)

→ ColorPick Eyedropper (tells you color number. Great for web page design. You can design a webpage color scheme around famous works of art like this one). Props to Jim Sill for the idea!

→ One Tab (Puts your Chrome Tabs onto one page)

→ Goobric (allows you to add a rubric onto the end of a Google Doc. Works alongside the Doctopus Script)

→ Wolfram Alpha (Think of it as a STEM Search engine. For example, try searching for “flights overhead”. So. Freaking. Cool.)

→ Citable (Let’s you collect web resources easily onto one spreadsheet. Great for students doing research!)

→ Turn Off the Lights! (Makes everything go dark except for a video you’re playing).

The NEW Google Maps

-Running in Beta right now. Request an Invite here.

-The entire map is now interactive

-Improved Directions (could be really cool for field trips!) including public transportation and flights!

-Now with Google Earth!

Google’s NEW Map Engine

-Make your Own Maps!

-Students can collaborate on one map together

-Add markers to a field trip?

Google Moderator

→ Give your audience/class a chance to ask questions for discussion.

→ Sample Moderator Questions


→ Youtube Video Editor. Free video editor, difficult if Youtube blocked at school, though. Can do slow motion now!

→ Youtube Disco. Not exactly what you think it is...


-Easy Parent Communication. Add the “Follow by Email” Widget to your blog, have parents on the first day of school type in their email address. Every time you make a post, it pops up in their email every day. (Usually sends around 7:00PM unless you change the time using Feedburner app).

-Create a separate blog for your nightly homework (example). Instead of writing your homework on the board each day, post it using blogger. Add the “Follow by email gadget” for parents.

-Add every link/game that you use in your instruction to your blog each day. Make sure you show students where the link is so they can play/see at home.

-Upload a classroom podcast to blogger. I use Audacity to record and to upload/embed my podcasts from. Here’s an example.

-Easy place to share Google Forms with students (especially if they don’t have email addresses). Each form has a direct link which you can link either to its own “page” or somewhere else on your website.

Google Teacher Academy

2 Free Days of the best PD you’ve ever been to!

Put in group with over 800 innovative educators from around the world

Have to make a one minute video

My Application Video


Some other great apps in the Chrome Web Store:

Peanut Gallery3D Solar SystemClass Dojo

Spotify Web AppRemind101PicMonkey


