Kent County Survey of Resources Matrix
Entity / Program Name / Function/ Mission / Target Population / Category of Service and Activity / Funding Source / Funding Amount (FY09) /KCHD KC Behavioral Health / Outpatient Addictions Award # AS 009 0AS / Provide Evaluation Outpatient Treatment and Referrals / Adolescents and Adults with Abuse or Dependency Diagnosis / ASAM Treatment Level I / ADAA/Federal / $569,419
KCHD KC Behavioral Health / A,F. Whitsitt Center Intermediate Care Facility Award # AL 038 ICF / Provide Inpatient Treatment / Adults Meeting ASAM Criteria for Level III.7 / ASAM Treatment Level III.7 / ADAA/Federal / $998,513
KCHD KC Behavioral Health / A,F. Whitsitt Center Intermediate Care Facility Award # AS 090 CRF / Provide Medically Monitored Detoxification / Adults in Need of Detoxification / ASAM Treatment Level III.7d / ADAA / $326,942
KCHD KC Behavioral Health / Outpatient Addictions / Provide Buprenorphine maintenance to opiate addicted individuals / Adults addicted to opiates enrolled in Outpatient Treatment / Buprenorphine Maintenance / ADAA / $3,960
DSS KCHD KC Behavioral Health / Outpatient Addictions / Screen TCA (Temporary Cash Assistance) applicants for substance issues / TCA applicants / Intervention / DHR/ADAA / $62,660
KCHD KC Behavioral Health / Substance Abuse Prevention
Award # MU511ADP / Prevent, reduce and delay onset of use of legal and illicit substances / 2-5 year olds and caregivers / DARE to Be You / ADAA/Federal / $11,000
KCHD KC Behavioral Health / Substance Abuse Prevention
Award # MU511ADP / Prevent, reduce and delay onset of use of legal and illicit substances / Varies / Single Services / ADAA/Federal / $16,216
KCHD KC Behavioral Health / Substance Abuse Prevention
Award # MU511ADP / Prevent, reduce and delay onset of alcohol use / General Population Youth, Business and Adults Who Host / Communities Mobilizing for Change on Alcohol / ADAA/Federal / $72,000
KCHD KC Behavioral Health / Enforcing Underage Drinking Laws
CMCA UAD Campaign / Prevent and reduce underage alcohol use / General Population Youth, Business and Adults Who Host / Media Campaign
Town Hall Meetings / GOCCP / $26,882
LMB / Drug Free Communities Grant / Reduce and delay onset of substance use and related high-risk behaviors / Community wide projects engaging youth and adults / Adolescent Substance Abuse Coalition / Federal OJJDP SAMHSA / $76,270
The Alley / The Alley / Engage youth in pro-social activities to change peer norms related to substance use / Middle & high school aged youth / Youth2Youth / Federal OJJDP SAMHSA / $18,730
KC Parks & Recreation / Post Prom Committee / Provide alternative activity / High School students / Post Prom / Federal OJJDP SAMHSA / $5,000
KCHD / Safe Path / Adolescent Substance Abuse Counselor / Middle & High School students / Prevention
Intervention / GOC / $80,402
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