KentCounty 4-H Leader’s Meetings
January 17, 2017
President Joanne Carter called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. The American pledge was led by Paula Wood and 4-H Pledge by Shannon Dixon.
The Secretary’s minutes were not in the packet. No Report
The Treasurer’s report was available to everyone in their packets. Christine Kanemade a motion to approve the treasurer’s report and Diana O’Haraseconded the motion. Motion approved.
CountyClub Updates:
- Jr. Council Retreat: Feb 10-12 (8:30am and departing on 2/12)
- Looking for one male and one female chaperone volunteer!!!! Contact Jenny if you can help out
Old Business:
- County Trim A Tree Contest– Trees look good.
- Holiday Fun Day–Good Turnout this year. The stockings were a big hit.
- Teddy Bear Drive–We receive a Thank you note
- Holiday Skating Party- Good Turnout. Everyone had a good time.
- Diamond Clover Program Update- They interview 5 4-H members.
- 4-H Conference Selection- 7 Youth had an interview. But will only be sending 4 Youth.
- AgriScience Summit- No one will be attending this year.
- Healthy Living Summit- Sending Kids
- State Camp Scholarship Forums- Forms were due the 4-H Office tonight.
- Day Camp Counselors- Forms were due to the 4-H Office tonight.
New Business:
- Woodworking/Photography Judging Contest- The contest is on Jan. 23rd from 5 to 7pm. Arrive anytime during this time to do the contest.
- State Teen Conference- This conference is on Jan. 28-29th. Deadline to register is Jan. 20th for ages 13 and up.
- 4-H Enrollment Forms-March 1st is the Absolute Deadline.
- Public Speaking Contest - This event is on Jan. 22nd at the Kent County Levy Court
Building starting at 1:00 pm for Junior and Seniors and 2pm for Both Beginner groups
and Cloverbuds. The Committee is to meet at noon to set up. Back up date is Jan. 29th.
- Favorite Foods Contest Training - Training is on Jan. 26that the 4-H office at 6:30 p.m.
- Honeybee Contest Essays are due to the State 4-H Office on Feb. 1st.
- Livestock Overnighter - This event will be on Feb. 18-19th. Registrations are due by Feb. 1st to the 4-H office. This will be at the Delaware State Fairgrounds.
- Favorite Foods Contest Entries forms are due to the 4-H Office by Feb. 17th.
- County Photography Contest - Entries are due on Feb. 17th to the 4-H office.
- State Leader Forum- The forum is on Feb. 4th atPolytech in Woodside. Registration starts at 8:30pm. All leaders are encouraged to attend.
- State 4-H Horse Bowl - This event is on March 11th at Lake Forest North Elementarybeginning at 9:00 a.m.
- Favorite Foods Contest/Foods Judging Contest- This contest will be at the Delaware State Fairgrounds on March 4th. Foods judging contest will be from 11-1:00pm.
- Winter Fun Day - This event is on Mar 4th at the Delaware State Fairgrounds from 11-1pm. This event is sponsored by the Kent County 4-H Links. Please encourage your members to attend. This is conjunction with Favorite Foods Contest.
- Horse Show Ads- Begin selling them on March 1st. Mary Brown made a motion for us to set up a committee to discuss this topic some more it was second by Christine Kane. Motion Carried. The committee will be Heather Crouse, Joanne Carter and Laurie Judd.
- 4-H Exchange Group Quarter Auction- This auction will be March 3rd at 7pm at the Harrington Fire Hall.
- Club Audits due to the Kent County Office by March 1st.
- Younger Member Weekend- Mallard Lodge on March 25-26th
- County Basket Auction- This event is on March 31stat the Felton Fire Hall. Please send
Basket theme to Caroline ASAP.
- Zoom: Meeting room equipment only works intermittently; Kristen will be looking for
Another way to share leader meeting information for those who can’t get to the meetings.
- Social Media Guide- Please share the work you do with 4-H through social media.
- State Record Books- To attend National 4-H Congress are due May 1st.
- Scholarship Awards will be announced late Feb and State Camp Registration starts
March 1st
- Environmental Camp-Need a new location for this camp this year. Seeking Teen Counselors, letters will go out shortly, Mid-AprilCounselor meeting will be scheduled.
- CWF (Citizen Washington Focus)-Inaugural Session Jan.17-21. 15 Youth and 5 adults
Volunteers with be attending. So a total of 20 from Delaware.
- Club By-Laws
- All Clubs are Required to have these
- Copy should be on file with County Office
- Shooting Sports Update
- Dates will be forthcoming for approaching trainings.
A motion was made by Sandy Reynolds and seconded by Joelle Vincentto adjourn the meeting at 8:10pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Heather Crouse
Heather Crouse