Present: Councillor Mr. R. Radford (Chairman)
Councillors: - Mr. G. Blackburn, Mrs. C. Browne, Mrs. P. Litton, Mrs. G. Lyden, Mr. J. Maryan, Mrs. M. Manton and Mr. S. Moreton.
County Councillor Mr. R. Stay
District Councillor Mr. Barry Harris
Sergeant Jim Kinnear
Four residents of Kensworth were present
1.1 Apologies for absence were received from District Cllr. Mrs. Mustoe and WPC Carron Thompson.
1.2 Cllr. Radford welcomed Sgt. Kinnear to his first meeting of Kensworth Parish Council.
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS (Personal and/or Prejudicial) (Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001).
2.1 No members had any declaration of interests, either personal and/or prejudicial in any items under consideration at this meeting of the Parish Council.
3.1 No questions were raised by those residents present.
3.2 It was reported that three residents had shown an interest in becoming members of the Parish Council.
4.1 Cllr. Stay provided an update on the provisional settlement by Central Government (2%) which would help determine the level of council tax to be levied in Bedfordshire. A pretty bleak budget was envisaged and some uncomfortable choices would require to be made when determining priorities. A number of Bedfordshire Highway Schemes, currently in the pipeline, could be under threat. The County had been capped at 5% for council tax.
One member of the public arrived
4.2 It was reported that Graeme Symonds (Amey) had 140 parishes to get round and the impression so far was very favourable.
One member of the public arrived
4.3 Cllr. Stay reported that the considerable problems with the Children’s Services had been turned round and a recent inspection had found that the children were being served well.
4.4 It was reported that the police had recently been successful with the eviction of unlawful residents from the Timberland site.
4.5 County Cllr. Stay was thanked for attending the meeting and the contribution he had made.
County Cllr. Stay left the meeting
5.1 Cllr. Radford reported that he had met with Andy Jones, Landscape Officer, SBDC to discuss a number of matters in Kensworth. At the meeting Mr. Jones had agreed that a contract would be issued for work to be carried out on amenity land. He had also discussed a number of trees in Kensworth some of which were the responsibility of the Parish Council and others the responsibility of the County Council.
5.2 It was reported that officers now considered that the proposed Dunstable Northern Bypass would not reduce the traffic flow through Dunstable.
5.3 Cllr. Harris reported that SBDC were not as upset as the County Council over the provisional settlement of Central Government which was 4%. Being a smaller budget the implications were less although they would need to establish the responsibilities put on by Central Government.
5.4 Cllr. Harris reported that SBDC must make a start on the “Gershin Review” (a survey on ways the council could save money). Part of this could be the frequency for the collection of refuse if that is the decision of the District Council.
5.5 It was reported that, subject to ratification by the Executive Committee, the Rural Management Committee had been removed from the list of committees of the District Council.
5.6 Cllr. Harris gave an update on a number of planning issues together with those currently being considered by SBDC.
5.7 District Cllr. Harris was thanked for attending the meeting and the contribution he had made.
6.1 A copy of the report showing details of recorded crime at location by month within the policing area for the period 1st April 2005 to 30th November 2005 had been received. It was noted that 3.1% of crime for this period occurred in Kensworth.
Cllr. Mrs. Browne arrived
District Cllr. Harris left the meeting
6.2 Sgt. Kinnear reported that on the question of vandalism where things happen so quickly and mostly caused by youths unless they are informed immediately it is difficult to combat. The police authority was currently in the process of employing Police Community Support Officers (PCSO’s) for the six villages in the area. He explained the areas these officers could assist in. Details were given of the times most crimes seemed to take place and these times should be covered as the police provided cover for 24hrs. As a result of this initiative the future looked a little brighter.
6.3 Sgt. Kinnear reported that on looking through the “Parish Link” he noted that the PC were looking into the provision of a youth shelter. He explained that there may be funding available towards these costs and he undertook to look into the matter on behalf of the PC.
County Cllr. Stay left the meeting
6.4 It was reported that if there is a hardcore of youths causing concern these can be targeted by officers and if necessary antisocial behaviour orders can be applied for. It was the intention to have the use of a mobile police station early in the New Year.
Cllr. Moreton arrived
6.5 A discussion took place concerning the provision of information relating to “Signal Crimes” earlier in the year and the progress to date. It was: -
Resolved: - that, Sgt. Kinnear be sent copies of earlier correspondence on this matter.
6.6 A member of the public related an incident which had occurred recently and the police response. Sgt. Kinnear confirmed that this was unacceptable. Under the Local Agreement an allocation of hours would be made for Kensworth and any change to this would be subject to agreement.
6.7 It was reported that the “No Cold Calling” initiative was to be extended to villages and Kensworth was to be included. PC Ian Johnson was to give a presentation on this scheme at the January meeting of the PC.
6.8 Sgt. Kinnear was thanked for attending the meeting and the contribution he had made.
7 PUBLIC QUESTION TIME (for a second time)
7.1 A resident reported that a number of concerns had been raised relating to the parcel of land going down to Merlin Farm where the footpath and trees (Copper Beeches) had become overgrown and required maintaining. . Following a discussion it was: -
Resolved: - i) that, a survey would be required of residents living nearby to establish their wishes on this matter;
ii) that, a request be submitted to the County Council to request
that the crowns be lifted on the Copper Beeches and any pruning to maintain their aesthetic look.
7.2 It was reported that the “Quiet Lanes” initiative in Bedfordshire was again being considered and Dovehouse Lane, Hollicks Lane and Land Park Lane (all of which currently have restricted signs) could be considered.
8.1 It was PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 10th November 2005 were, subject to the addition of “The Parish Council are not in favour of any reduction in the current service.” in item 5.1, a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
A member of the public left the meeting
Matters Arising (For Information Only)
8.2 Item 12.3. – Tree Inspection. It was reported that Mr. Watts had agreed to submit a quotation to carry out the necessary tree maintenance this year.
9.1 Cllr. Radford reported that a request had been sent to David Alderman (BCC) that the crown of the oak tree on the corner of Poplar Road and Common Road be lifted and the lower branches trimmed.
9.2 It was reported that the notice board had been repaired by Mr. Lynn Mathias who had supplied the materials without charge. A letter of thanks had been sent to Mr. Mathias.
9.3 Cllr. Radford reported that the new signs for the play area had been received and that these would be put up shortly, only leaving a small amount of painting still outstanding on the refurbishment of the play area.
Notice of Planning Applications (Town and County Planning Act 1990)
10.1 SB/TP/2005/1068 Erection of rear sun room.
149, Common Road, Kensworth
10.2 SB/TP/2005/1156 Removal of agricultural occupancy condition of planning
permission SB/TP/96/0483.
The Barn, Isle of Wight lane, Kensworth
Plans for the above were made available. The Parish Council had no objection to these applications.
Members took a tea break at 9.15p.m.
The meeting resumed at 9.25p.m.
11. ACCOUNTS (Local Government Act 1972)
11.1 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment: -
November £
Cllr. Mrs. Litton (Quiz night expenses)@ 101.54
Cllr. Radford (Village Hall Bookings)@ 150.00
Mrs. M. Liderth (Quiz night expenses)@ 246.00
F. & R. Cawley (Removal of dry waste) 53.81*
Mr. V. Curzon (Litter collection) 80.10
Beechwood Home Farm (Hedge Trimming) 188.00*
Mr. Farrelly (Clerk’s salary December plus expenses) 472.43
* includes recoverable VAT
@ payments made in November
11.2 The income and expenditure statement for the Parish Council for the period ending November 2005 (period 8) was presented.
11.3 The matter of excluding the VAT from the expenditure on the income and expenditure was discussed. It was: -
Resolved: - that, the clerk check this position with the internal auditor.
12. TO SET THE PRECEPT FOR 2005/2006 (local Government Act 1972)
12.1 Details of balances and expenditure to date were circulated to the Councillors. The proposed budget for 2006/2007 was £18,570 and following a discussion it was: -
Resolved: - that, this item be left until the January 2006 meeting of the Parish Council when further details will be known of the requirements for the year.
To consider requests for donations
12.2 Members agreed that the donation to The Royal British Legion be increased to £50 in 2006/2007 and the request for a donation for maintenance of the village hall be deferred until the meeting in January. Following a discussion it was: -
Resolved: - that, the maximum allowable per elector be included in the budget for 2006/2007.
To consider special projects
12.3 Members considered a number of special projects including replacement trees or youth shelters. It was: -
Resolved: - that, the consideration of special projects for the next financial year be left until the January 2006 meeting of the Parish Council.
To review the Chairman’s Allowance
12.4 Members considered the level of the Chairman’s Allowance which was currently £500. Following a discussion it was: -
Resolved: - that, the Chairman’s Allowance remain at £500 for the municipal year 2006/2007.
To review the Clerk’s Salary and Conditions
12.5 It was reported that The National Association of Local Councils had drawn up new Terms and Conditions for the employment of clerks. A paper on the review of the clerk’s salary for the financial year 2005/2006 had been circulated previously. Following a discussion it was: -
Resolved: - that, a meeting of the full council take place, prior to the January meeting to consider the job profile for the clerk and that the clerk should attend the meeting and withdraw during the deliberation period.
13.1 It was reported that the next meeting of the Carnival 2006 Committee was to take place on Tuesday 31st January 2006 and all were welcome to attend.
14.1 A list of eighteen items outstanding, which had been circulated previously, was discussed.
15.1 It was reported that a meeting was to take place on Tuesday, 13th December at 7.30p.m. in the church hall with those councillors not involved previously and the Parish Plan Committee to consider the draft plan before going to print.
16.1 Cllr. Blackburn reported that with the Chairman he had attended the meeting with the airport authority in Studham when proposals for the future development of the airport were put before local Parish Councillors. Details of the areas covered were discussed including the fact that there was no control over night flights as with BAA controlled airports.
16.2 Cllr. Litton reported that allotment holders were currently in the process of renewing their allotments for a further year. A number of holders no longer cultivated these plots thereby failing to fulfil clause 4(a) of the tenancy agreement. Following a discussion it was: -
Resolved: - that, letters be sent to all tenants reminding them that failure to meet this requirement would lead to termination of the tenancy.
16.3 Cllr. Moreton reported that the lighting survey by the highway authority was still outstanding and required chasing.
16.4 Again the need for a survey to be carried out over the traffic, particularly the heavy traffic, going through Kensworth was discussed.
16.5 Reports were given of two accidents which had occurred on Lynch Hill and the need for adequate gritting. It was: -
Resolved: - that, the clerk obtain details of the salting pattern for Kensworth from the highway authority.
School Governing Body
16.6 Cllr. Litton reported that new windows and doors had been fitted in the school.