Present: Councillor Mr. R. Radford (Chairman)

Councillors: - Mr. G. Blackburn, Mrs. C. Browne, Mrs. P. Litton, Mr. J. Maryan and Mrs. M. Manton.

County Councillor Mr. R. Stay

District Councillor Mr. Barry Harris

Five residents of Kensworth, including three young people,

were present


1.1 Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Moreton, District Cllr. Mrs. Mustoe and WPC Carron Thompson.

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS (Personal and/or Prejudicial) (Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001).

2.1 No members had any declaration of interests, either personal and/or prejudicial in any items under consideration at this meeting of the Parish Council.


3.1 Mrs. Dorothy Blackburn, Chairman of the Parish Plan Committee, reported that the committee were approaching a crunch point in putting the plan together and sought to have a meeting with 2/3 Parish Councillors to establish if the Parish Council were happy with the contents before the plan went to print. Following a discussion it was: -

Resolved: - i) that, a meeting should take place as soon as possible to consider the draft and all councillors not already involved should have an opportunity to be involved in this meeting;

ii) that, the new members involved should be given executive power in this matter.

3.2 It was reported that following this meeting with representatives of the Parish Council a public meeting would be held on Saturday 14th January 2006 at 10.30a.m. to provide an update for residents.

3.3 Cllr. Radford thanked Mrs. Blackburn for this update.


4.1 Cllr. Stay provided an update on the London/Luton airport proposed expansion plans together with details of the preferred option. Two meetings had been arranged by Simon Earles (London/Luton Airport), one with Parish Councillors from this area on 22nd November (Studham VH) and one with members of the public (Kensworth VH) on 19th December 7.30p.m.-10.00p.m.

Three young people left the meeting

4.2 Cllr. Stay gave details of the County Councils commitment to review the three tier school system in Bedfordshire. He stressed that this decision of the County Council was not finance driven but that education standards had not improved sufficiently over the last two years.

4.3 Cllr. Stay reported that the plans for Dunstable Downs had now been passed and progress was being made.

4.4 It was reported that following a number of complaints concerning the bus service a meeting had been held this morning with residents with an officer from county hall in attendance. He had picked up all the points made and would look into these.

4.5 Cllr. Stay reported that following an inspection last week the Social Services were now found to be “above average”.

4.6 It was reported that central government were shifting resources from this area which meant that the council tax would be affected and that there was a likelihood of ‘capping’.

4.7 County Cllr. Stay was thanked for attending the meeting and the contribution he had made.


5.1 Cllr. Harris reported that the tender for the collection of waste in South Bedfordshire was going out shortly. The question of reducing the frequency of collections was being looked at (25% of authorities collect on a fortnightly basis) and quotations were being sought on both basis. The Parish Council are not in favour of any reduction in the current service.

5.2 It was reported that savings by SBDC must be made to keep the council tax increase for 2006/2007 within 5%.

Cllr. Mrs. Browne arrived

5.3 A number of matters previously reported were still outstanding. The question of re-instatement of the barrier between Green Lane and Russell Close was discussed. It was: -

Resolved: - that, Bedfordshire County Council be requested to re-instate the barrier.

County Cllr. Stay left the meeting

5.4 Cllr. Harris reported that the area in The Ridgeway which had previously been the subject of discussion was to be planted with prickly bushes on 6th December.

5.5 It was reported that the alleyway leading to the Maple estate was in need of clearing of rubbish, nettles and trees.

5.6 The question of the ownership of the boundary fence to the agricultural land by the service road for Russell Close was again discussed. It was: -

Resolved: - that, Cllr. Radford would meet with District Cllr. Harris to carry out an inspection.

5.7 District Cllr. Harris was thanked for attending the meeting and the contribution he had made. District Cllr. Harris left the meeting

Two members of the public left the meeting


6.1 A discussion took place concerning the purchase of a new notice board for the one by the village hall which had again been vandalised. It was: -

Resolved: - that, the notice board be repaired using polycarbonate offered by a resident to the Parish Council.

A member of the public arrived


7.1 A discussion took place concerning the control of dogs on the recreation ground. It was: -

Resolved: - that, a letter be sent to SBDC requesting a visit by the Dog Warden if one is employed.


8.1 Members considered the present order of agenda items for council meetings. It was: -

Resolved: - that, agenda items which were for “information only” should be at the lower part of the agenda for future meetings.


9.1 A number of brochures had been obtained following a request by a number of young people for the purchase of a youth shelter at the last meeting of the Parish Council and these had been circulated for the information of members. In addition a number of young people had also seen them and expressed a preference. Following a discussion it was: -

Resolved: - i) that, Steve Evans of REKK be invited to visit the site to discuss the options available;

ii) that, Cllr. Radford would contact Mr. Prime, the Mayor of Royston to discuss the provisions made in that Town.


10.1 It was reported that Cllr. Brian Davis had resigned from Kensworth Parish Council (Cllr. Radford had visited him on a number of occasions and he had confirmed that it was his intention to continue with his work with the Community Scheme, Parish Plan, and P3 Officer). Members understood the reasons behind his decision. Following a discussion it was:

Resolved: - i) that, a letter be sent to him thanking him for his period of service to the parish council and residents of Kensworth and wishing him well for the future.

ii) that, the clerk take the necessary steps to fill this vacancy preferably without the expense of an election. If no election is requested the vacancy will be filled by co-option at a future meeting.


11.1 Details of crime statistics for Beat D454 committed between 1st October 2005 and 31st October 2005 following circulation was received.

11.2 It was reported that a letter and questionnaire on “Force Restructures” had been received from the Bedfordshire Police Authority for return by 19th November 2005. Following a discussion the following responses were: -

Resolved: - Q1) the Parish Council would be interested to know with any proposed change to existing arrangements how this would affect the costs of the service. Would the costs rise or fall and who would set the charge?

Q2) the Parish Council do not see any advantage/disadvantage

and just need an improved service with greater police presence.

Q3) the Parish Council currently feel that if any partnership

exists at present it is not working successfully.

Q4) that, the preferred option in Kensworth would be the

merging of the Bedfordshire and Thames Valley, a neighbouring force, and look for an

Improved service whatever the final decision. It is hoped that this move will create more

active staff as the Parish Council are currently disillusioned with existing arrangements

and staff.


12.1 It was PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 13th October 2005 were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising (For Information Only)

12.2 Item 8.3. – “Alcohol Free” Signs. It was reported that SBDC would be informed that the bolts require shortening to meet the requirements of the ROSPA report.

12.3 Item 10.2 – Tree Inspection. It was reported that requests for three quotes had been sent and replies were awaited.

12.4 Item 15.1 – “Age Limit” Signs. It was reported that details of the cost of purchase for these signs would be circulated to members for a decision.


13.1 Members discussed this matter and decided that the item remain on the agenda but kept fairly low.


14.1 Cllr. Radford gave details of the Remembrance Day service taking place this Sunday.

14.2 It was reported that an article in the Local Review issued by the NALC drew attention of local authorities to register land ownership. It was: -

Resolved: - that, the clerk make enquiries concerning this matter.

14.3 Cllr. Radford reported that yet again problems had arisen over the emptying of the Dry Waste skip. Following a discussion, as this was mainly used following lettings of the village hall, it was: -

Resolved: - that, Cllr. Mrs. Browne take this matter back to the VHMC for consideration.

14.4 Details were given of a number of street lights which were not lit. It was: -

Resolved: - that, the clerk refer this information to the highways help desk.

14.5 Cllr. Radford gave a report on the Bedfordshire Association of Town & Parish Councils AGM which he had attended at Moggerhanger at which 44 parishes were represented.

14.6 It was reported that Buckwood Road leading to Markyate had a tremendous number of potholes. It was: -

Resolved: - that, the clerk advise the highways help desk and also share this information with Hertfordshire County Highways authority.

14.7 It was reported that an invitation had been received for members to attend a meeting of the Rural Management Committee on 7th December when the question parking enforcement was to be discussed. It was: -

Resolved: - that, as there were no double yellow lines in Kensworth the new parking regulations would not apply.

Members took a tea break at 9.06p.m.

The meeting resumed at 9.20p.m.



15.1 Cllr. Litton reported that the lock on the gate was broken again.


15.2 In the absence of Cllr. Moreton no report was made. A list of highway matters, previously reported to the highways help desk, provided by Cllr. Radford was discussed. It was: -

Resolved: - that, the clerk follow up these matters with the highway authority.

School Governing Body

15.3 Cllr. Litton reported that from 2006 the role of Minor Authority Governor would cease and be replaced by a Community Governor to be appointed by the Governing Body.

Village Hall

15.4 Cllr. Mrs. Browne reported that the VHMC were not in a position to set up a working party to discuss the issue of CCTV at the village hall.

15.5 The draft plans for the proposed extension to the village hall were made available for consideration by the Parish Council where a number of observations were made.

15.9 Cllr. Mrs. Browne gave details of forthcoming fund raising events being organised by the VHMC.

16 CORRESPONDENCE (For information only)

16.1 List of correspondence received between 13th October 2005 and 8th November 2005.

·  Andrea Hill – Annual Reception of Town and Parish Councils

Letter advising that the reception has been cancelled.

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – Notice of Planning Appeal

Letter advising of planning application appeal by a resident.

·  South Bedfordshire District Council – Summary of Planning Applications

Summary of planning applications for the period 2nd October 2005 – 8th October 2005. One for Kensworth.

·  Bedfordshire County Council – Bogus? Phone Us

Invitation to clerk to attend the launch of “Bogus? Phone us” campaign launch on 25th October.

·  The Chilterns – Overhead Cables

Confirmation that “Codling Bank” had been added to the list being compiled by the organisation.

·  Beechwood Home Farm Ltd. – Quotation

Quotation for carrying hedge cutting in Kensworth (Rec. ground/Clayhall Road).

·  Bedfordshire Police Authority – Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs)

Letter giving an update on the provision of PCSOs in Bedfordshire and seeking a meeting with members, details available on .

·  Allianz Cornhill – Claim for Vandalism

Letter seeking update on outstanding claim.

·  The Playing Field

Copy of the latest edition of the magazine and other literature issued by the Bedfordshire Playing Fields Association.

·  Bedfordshire County Council – Road Planings

Letter advising that the reminder for road planings for the PC had now been passed to Amey for attention.