Sample Paper

Class- VII

Subject: Social Studies

Time: 2hrs 45minM.M. 80


1)All questions are compulsory.

2)There are 30 questions in all

3)Questions from SI. No. 1 to 10 are 1 marks.

4)Questions from serial number 11 to 22 are of 3 marks.

5)Questions from serial number 23 to 29 are of 4 marks.

6)Question no. 30 is map work of 6 marks. Attach the map inside your answer book.


Q.1. Give two examples of Human Made Environment?1

Q .2. What is the present age to cast vote in India?1

Q3. Who lived in the “Black Township in the Cities such as Madras?1

Q.4.What are Temperate grass land of Australia called?1

Q.5. Who wereBuranjis?1

Q.6. Give two examples of Print Media? 1

Q.7. What are four means of Transport?1

Q.8. Who wereAlvars?1

Q.9. Give full form of TMS?1

Q.10. Name the Continent in which Amazon basin is located?1

Q.11.Fill in the blanks_3

i) The founder of Awadh state was------

ii) Ajmer is associated with the Sufi Saint ------

iii) Ramanujan was influenced by the------.

Q.12. Define the fallowing terms_3

a)Product, b)Profit c)Weekly market.

Q13 In what ways OmprakashValmiki experience similar to that of Ansaris?3

Q14. How plants and animals depend on each other?3

Q.15.In what way Hawker different from shop owner ?3

Q.16. Why do you think towns grew around Temples?3

Q17. Why animals in the polar region have thick fur and thick skin?3

Q.18.How did the Tribal society change after being organized into a State?3

Q19. What were the major ideas expressed by Kabir?3

Q20. Explain two ways in which advertising affect the issue of equality in Democracy?3

Q21. Give reason why rain forests are depleting?3

Q22. How has Tawa Matsya sangh helped the Fisher man?3

Q23.What do you understand by term Brand ? How is it related to Advertisement?4

Q24. Match the following-4


ii)ComposeSouth Africa


iv)DownsNorth America

Q25.Define the term Natural Environment? What are the major Domains of the Environment?4

Q26. What do you mean by midday meal program? Write any three benefits of this program?4

Q27. Define Velds? What are the major occupations of people of South African grassland?4

Q28. Why did the merchant want to expand beyond the Deccan?4

Q29. Why was Sapna forced to sell cotton to Trader instead of Kurnool Market?4

Q30. a) On the political map of India locate3

Awadh,Mysore, Surat.

b) On the World map locate3

Rocky Mountain, CapeTown, Saharadesert.




Total-80 MARKS

1mark x10 = 10 marks .

3 marks x12 = 36marks .History (fill in the blanks) 3 Questions 1 mark

Civics (define words) 3 Questions 1 mark

4marks x7 = 28 marks.Geography (match the column) 4 Questions 1 mark

Map Work History - 3 marks

Geography - 3 marks .

Total- 80 marks